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英汉对照法律资源--中华人民共和国企业破产法(试行)          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

e bankruptcy proceedings. The settlement agreement shall have legal effect from the date of the public announcement.

  第二十条 企业的整顿由其上级主管部门负责主持。

Article 20. The reorganization of the enterprise shall be supervised by its superior departments in charge.


The reorganization plan of the enterprise shall be discussed by the congress of the staff and workers of the enterprise. The circumstances of the reorganization of the enterprise shall be reported to the congress of the staff and workers of the enterprise and its opinion shall be heeded.


The circumstances of the reorganization of the enterprise shall be periodically reported to the creditors' meeting.

  第二十一条 整顿期间,企业有下列情形之一的,经人民法院裁定,终结该企业的整顿,宣告其破产:

Article 21. During the period of reorganization, an enterprise in any of the following circumstances shall, upon judgment of the people's court, terminate reorganization and declare its bankruptcy:


(1) not implementing the settlement agreement;


(2) continued worsening in its financial condition, for which reason the creditors' meeting has applied for the termination of reorganization; and


(3) committing any of the acts listed in Article 35 of this Law and seriously harming the interests of creditors.

  第二十二条 经过整顿,企业能够按照和解协议清偿债务的,人民法院应当终结对该企业的破产程序并且予以公告。

Article 22. With respect to an enterprise that has undergone reorganization and is able to repay debts in accordance with the settlement agreement, the people's court shall terminate the bankruptcy proceedings for such enterprise, and also make a public announcement thereof.


With respect to an enterprise that, on the expiration of the period of reorganization, is unable to repay debts in accordance with the settlement agreement, the people's court shall declare such enterprise bankrupt, and shall re-register the claims in accordance with the provisions of Article 9 of this Law.

  第五章 破产宣告和破产清算


  第二十三条 有下列情形之一的,由人民法院裁定,宣告企业破产:

Article 23. In any of the following circumstances, after the judgment of the people's court, an enterprise shall be declared bankrupt:


(1) if, in accordance with the provisions of Article 3 of this Law should be declared bankrupt;


(2) if, reorganization has been terminated in accordance with the provisions of Article 21 of this Law; and


(3) if, upon the expiration of the period of reorganization, is unable to repay debts in accordance with the settlement agreement.

  第二十四条 人民法院应当自宣告企业破产之日起十五日内成立清算组,接管破产企业。清算组负责破产财产的保管、清理、估价、处理和分配。清算组可以依法进行必要的民事活动。

Article 24. The people's court shall, within 15 days after the date the enterprise is declared bankrupt, establish a liquidation team to take over the bankrupt enterprise. The liquidation team shall be responsible for the keeping, putting into order, appraisal, disposition and distribution of the bankruptcy property. The liquidation team may carry out necessary civil actions in accordance with law.


The members of the liquidation team shall be designated by the people's court from among the superior departments in charge, government finance departments, and other relevant departments and professional personnel. The liquidation team may hire necessary work personnel.


The liquidation team is responsible to, and shall make report on its work to, the people's court.

  第二十五条 任何单位和个人不得非法处理破产企业的财产、帐册、文书、资料和印章等。

Article 25. No unit or individual may illegally dispose of the property, account books, documents, materials, seals, etc. of a bankrupt enterprise.


The debtors of a bankrupt enterprise and persons holding the property of a bankrupt enterprise can repay debts or deliver property only to the liquidation team.

  第二十六条 对破产企业未履行的合同,清算组可以决定解除或者继续履行。

Article 26. The liquidation team may decide to terminate or to continue to perform the contracts that have not yet been performed by the bankrupt enterprise.


If the liquidation team decides to terminate a contract, and the other party to the contract suffers harm as the result of the termination of the contract, the amount of compensation for the harm constitutes a bankruptcy claim.

  第二十七条 破产企业的法定代表人在向清算组办理移交手续前,负责保管本企业的财产、帐册、文书、资料和印章等。

Article 27. Before the legal representative of the bankrupt enterprise has handled the procedures for transfer to the liquidation team, he shall be responsible for the keeping of the property, account books, documents, materi

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