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英汉对照法律资源--中华人民共和国体育法          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

Article 14 Trade unions and other public organizations shall organize sports activities in light of their own characteristics.


Article 15 The State encourages and supports the exploration, consolidation and improvement of national and folk traditional sports.


Article 16 The whole society should be concerned about and support the aged and disabled people to participate in physical activities.


People's governments at various levels shall take measures to provide conditions for the aged and disabled people to participate in physical activities.


Article 17 Departments of education administration and schools shall take physical culture and sports as a component part of school education and cultivate talents with all-round development in moral, intellectual and physical qualities.

第十八条 学校必须开设体育课,并将体育课列为考核学生。学业成绩的科目。

Article 18 Schools must offer Physical Education and make it a subject for assessing students' academic performance.


Schools shall create conditions for organizing sports activities suitable to the special features of students who are in poor health or disabled.


Article 19 Schools must implement the National Physical Training Qualification Standards and ensure that the students have time for sports activities every day at school.

第二十条 学校应当组织多种形式的课外体育活动,开展课外训练和体育竞赛,并根据条件每学年举行一次全校性的体育运动会。

Article 20 Schools shall organize various kinds of after-class sports activities, carry out after-class athletic training and competitions, and in light of specific conditions hold a school-wide sports meet every school year.

第二十一条 学校应当按照国家有关规定,配备合格的体育教师,保障体育教师享受与其工作特点有关的待遇。

Article 21 Schools shall, according to relevant regulations of the State, have qualified physical education teachers and ensure that they enjoy the privileges commensurate with the nature of their work.

第二十二条 学校应当按照国务院教育行政部门规定的标准配置体育场地、设施和器材。

Article 22 Schools shall, according to the criteria set by the department of education administration under the State Council, have sports fields, sports installations and facilities and sports apparatus.


Sports fields in schools must be used for sports activities and may not be used for any other purposes.

第二十三条 学校应当建立学生体格健康检查制度。教育。体育和卫生行政部门应当加强对学生体质的监测。

Article 23 Schools shall institute a system of medical examination for students. The administrative departments for education, physical culture and sports and public health shall strengthen the monitoring of students' physique.

第二十四条 国家促进竞技体育发展,鼓励运动员提高体育运动技术水平,在体育竞赛中创造优异成绩,为国家争取荣誉。

Article 24 The State promotes the development of competitive sports, encourages athletes to raise their athletic performance level and achieve excellent results in sports competitions so as to win honors for the country.

第二十五条 国家鼓励、支持开展业余体育训练,培养优秀的体育后备人才。

Article 25 The State encourages and supports sparetime athletic training to foster reserve sports talents.

第二十六条 参加国内、国际重大体育竞赛的运动员和运动队,应当按照公平、择优的原则选拔和组建。具体办法由国务院体育行政部门规定。

Article 26 Athletes and teams that participate in major national and international sports competitions shall be selected and formed on the principle of fairness and according to qualifications. Specific measures shall be formulated by the administrative department for physical culture and sports under the State Council.

第二十七条 培养运动员必须实行严格、科学、文明的训练和管理;对运动员进行爱国主义、集体主义和社会主义教育,以及道德和纪律教育。

Article 27 In nurturing athletes, training and management must be carried out in a strict, scientific and civilized way. Athletes shall be educated in patriotism, collectivism and socialism as well as in morality and discipline.

第二十八条 国家对优秀运动员在就业或者升学方面给予优待。

Article 28 The State grants preferential treatment to outstanding athletes in their employment and enrollment for schools.

第二十九条 全国性的单项体育协会对本项目的运动员实行注册管理。

Article 29 The national sports association of an individual sport shall manage the registration of athletes of such sport.


A registered athlete may, in accordance with the regulations of the administrative department for physical culture and sports under the State Council, participate in relevant sports competitions and flow from one team to another.

第三十条 国家实行运动员技术等级、裁判员技术等级和教练员专业技术职务等级制度。

Article 30 The State practices a skill-grading system for athletes and referees, and a grading system of professional and technical titles for coaches.

第三十一条 国家对体育竞赛实行分级分类管理。

Article 31 The State practices classified administration of sports competitions at different levels.


Comprehensive national games shall be administered by the administrative department for physical culture and sports under the State Council or by the administrative department for physical culture and sports under the State Council in conjunction with other relevant organizations.


National competition of an individual sport shall be administered by the national association of the said sport.


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