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英汉对照法律资源--中华人民共和国体育法          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     


Law of the PRC on Physical Culture and Sports

第一条 为了发展体育事业,增强人民体质,提高体育运动水平,促进社会主义物质文明和精神文明建设,根据宪法,制定本法。

Article 1 This Law is formulated in accordance with the Constitution for the purpose of developing undertakings of physical culture and sports, building up the people's physique, raising sports performance level and promoting the socialist material, ideological and cultural development.

第二条 国家发展体育事业,开展群众性的体育活动,提高全民族身体素质。

Article 2 The State promotes development of undertakings of physical culture and sports and carries out mass sports activities to improve physical fitness of the whole nation.


The work of physical culture and sports shall adhere to the principle of combining popularization with the raising of standards based on the unfolding of the national fitness campaign so as to promote coordinated development of various sports.

第三条 国家坚持体育为经济建设、国防建设和社会发展服务。体育事业应当纳入国民经济和社会发展计划。

Article 3 The State adheres to the principle that physical culture and sports should serve economic construction, national defense and social development. Undertakings of physical culture and sports shall be incorporated into the plan for national economy and social development.


The State promotes reform in the sports administration system. The State encourages enterprises, institutions, public organizations and citizens to run and support undertakings of physical culture and sports.

第四条 国务院体育行政部门主管全国体育工作。国务院其他有关部门在各自的职权范围内管理体育工作。

Article 4 The administrative department for physical culture and sports under the State Council shall be in charge of the work of physical culture and sports throughout the country. Other relevant departments under the State Council shall administer the work of physical culture and sports within their respective functions and powers.

县级以上地方各级人民政府体育行政部门或者本级人民政府D 授权的机构主管本行政区域内的体育工作。

The administrative departments for physical culture and sports of the local people's governments at or above the county level or the organs authorized by the people's governments at the corresponding levels shall be in charge of the work of physical culture and sports within their administrative areas.

第五条 国家对青年、少年、儿童的体育活动给予特别保障,增进青年、少年、儿童的身心健康。

Article 5 The State provides special guarantee to physical activities of children, juveniles and young people to improve their physical and mental health.

第六条 国家扶持少数民族地区发展体育事业,培养少数民族体育人才。

Article 6 The State helps ethnic minority areas develop undertakings of physical culture and sports and cultivates sport talents of ethnic minorities.

第七条 国家发展体育教育和体育科学研究,推广先进、实用的体育科学技术成果,依靠科学技术发展体育事业。

Article 7 The State promotes education and scientific research in physical culture and sports, popularizes advanced and practical achievements in sports science and technology, and develops undertakings of physical culture and sports by relying on science and technology.

第八条 国家对在体育事业中做出贡献的组织和个人,给予奖励。

Article 8 The State awards the organizations and individuals that have made contributions to the cause of physical culture and sports.

第九条 国家鼓励开展对外体育交往。

Article 9 The State encourages international exchanges in sports.


In conducting international exchanges in sports, the principles of independence, equality, mutual benefit and mutual respect shall be adhered to, the State sovereignty and dignity defended and the international treaties the People's Republic of China has concluded or acceded to shall be observed.

第十条 国家提倡公民参加社会体育活动,增进身心健康。

Article 10 The State advocates citizens' participation in social sports activities so as to improve their physical and mental health.


Social sports activities shall be carried out in sparetime and on a voluntary, small-scale and diversified basis, following the principle of suiting such activities to the local conditions and conducting them in a scientific and civilized way.

第十一条 国家推行全民健身计划,实施体育锻炼标准,进l行体质监测。

Article 11 The State implements the National Fitness Program, carries out the Physical Training Qualification Standards and conducts monitoring of the people's physique.


The State practices a skill-grading system for social sports instructors, who shall guide social sports activities.

第十二条 地方各级人民政府应当为公民参加社会体育活动创造必要的条件,支持、扶助群众性体育活动的开展。

Article 12 The local people's governments at various levels shall create necessary conditions for citizens' participation in social sports activities, support and help the development of mass sports activities.


In urban areas the role of the residents' committees and other community organizations at the grass-roots level shall be brought into play in organizing residents to carry out sports activities.


In rural areas the role of the villagers' committees and cultural and sports organizations at the grass-roots level shall be brought into play in carrying out sports activities suitable to rural conditions.


Article 13 State organs, enterprises and institutions shall carry out various kinds of sports activities and organize athletic competitions of mass character.

第十四条 工会等社会团体应当根据各自特点,组织体育活动。

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