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英汉对照法律资源--中华人民共和国体育法          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

Measures for the administration of local comprehensive sports games and local individual sport competitions shall be formulated by the local people's governments.

第三十二条 国家实行体育竞赛全国纪录审批制度。全国纪录由国务院体育行政部门确认。

Article 32 The State practices an examination and approval system for national sports records. National sports records shall be confirmed by the administrative department for physical culture and sports under the State Council.

第三十三条 在竞技体育活动中发生纠纷,由体育仲裁机构负责调解、仲裁。

Article 33 Disputes arising in competitive sports activities shall be mediated and arbitrated by sports arbitration institutions.


Measures for the establishment of sports arbitration institutions and the scope of arbitration shall be prescribed separately by the State Council.

第三十四条 体育竞赛实行公平竞争的原则。体育竞赛的组织者和运动员、教练员、裁判员应当遵守体育道德,不得弄虚作假、营私舞弊。

Article 34 The principle of fair competition shall be followed in sports competitions. Organizers of competitions, athletes, coaches and referees shall abide by sportsmanship, and may not practice fraud or engage in malpractice for selfish ends.


Use of banned drugs and methods is strictly prohibited in sports activities. Institutions in charge of testing banned drugs shall conduct strict examination of the banned drugs and methods.


It is strictly forbidden for any organization or individual to engage in gambling activities through sports competitions.

第三十五条 在中国境内举办的重大体育竞赛,其名称、徽记、旗帜及吉祥物等标志按照国家有关规定予以保护。

Article 35 Symbols such as titles, emblems, flags and mascots of major sports competitions to be held within the territory of the People's Republic of China shall be protected in accordance with the relevant regulations of the State.

第五章 体育社会团体


 第三十六条 国家鼓励、支持体育社会团体按照其章程,组织和开展体育活动,推动体育事业的发展。

Article 36 The State encourages and supports public sports organizations to organize and conduct sports activities in accordance with their articles of association to promote the development of undertakings of physical culture.

 第三十七条 各级体育总会是联系、团结运动员和体育工作者的群众性体育组织,应当在发展体育事业中发挥作用。

Article 37 Sports federations at various levels are mass sports organizations that link and rally athletes and sports personnel and shall fully play their roles in the development of undertakings of physical culture and sports.

第三十八条 中国奥林匹克委员会是以发展和推动奥林匹克运动为主要任务的体育组织,代表中国参与国际奥林匹克事务。

Article 38 The Chinese Olympic Committee, as a sports organization whose chief task is to develop and promote the Olympic movement, shall represent China to participate in international Olympic affairs.

第三十九条 体育科学社会团体是体育科学技术工作者的学术性群众组织,应当在发展体育科技事业中发挥作用。

Article 39 Public organizations of sports science are academic mass organizations of personnel engaged in sports science and technology, which shall fully play their roles in promoting the development of sports science and technology.

第四十条 全国性的单项体育协会管理该项运动的普及与提高工作,代表中国参加相应的国际单项体育组织。

Article 40 The national sports association of an individual sport shall be in charge of the popularization and enhancement of such sport, and shall represent China in the corresponding international sports organization.



第四十一条 县级以上各级人民政府应当将体育事业经费体育基本建设资金列入本级财政预算和基本建设投资计划,并随着国民经济的发展逐步增加对体育事业的投入。

Article 41 The people's governments at or above the county level shall include sports expenditure and funds for sports capital construction in financial budgets and plans for capital construction investment at the corresponding levels and along with the development of national economy gradually increase their input to undertakings of physical culture and sports.

第四十二条 国家鼓励企业事业组织和社会团体自筹资金发展体育事业,鼓励组织和个人对体育事业的捐赠和赞助。

Article 42 The State encourages enterprises, institutions and public organizations to raise funds on their own for the development of undertakings of physical culture and sports and encourages organizations and individuals to donate to and sponsor undertakings of physical culture and sports.

第四十三条 国家有关部门应当加强对体育资金的管理,任何组织和个人不得挪用、克扣体育资金。

Article 43 Relevant departments of the State shall strengthen the management of sports funds. No organization or individual may misappropriate or intercept sports funds.

第四十四条 县级以上各级人民政府体育行政部门对以健身、竞技等体育活动为内容的经营活动,应当按照国家有关规定加强管理和监督。

Article 44 The administrative departments for physical culture and sports of the local people's governments at or above the county level shall, in accordance with the relevant regulations of the State, strengthen the management of and supervision over business operations in sports activities such as body-building and competitive sports.

第四十五条 县级以上地方各级人民政府应当按照国家对城市公共体育设施用地定额指标的规定,将城市公共体育设施建设纳入城市建设规划和土地利用总体规划,合理布局,统一安排。

Article 45 The local people's governments at or above the county level shall, in accordance with the regulations of the State governing land allotment for public sports installations and facilities in urban areas, incorporate the construction of public sports installations and facilities into urban construction plans and general plans for land utilization so as to achieve rational distribution and overall arrangement.


In planning the layout of enterprises, schools, streets and residential quarters, sports installations and facilities shall be incorporated into the construction plan.


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