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英汉对照法律资源--中华人民共和国行政许可法          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

relevant administrative organs according to the principle of simplification, unification and efficiency


Article 26 Where it is necessary to handle the administrative license through several interior institutions of the administrative organ, this administrative organ shall determine one institution to accept all the applications for the administrative license and serve all the decisions about the administrative license


Where the administrative license is implemented separately by at least two departments of the local people's government in accordance with the law, the people's government of the same level shall determine one department to accept the applications for administrative license and inform the relevant departments of them, and handle these applications after the relevant departments have put forward their own opinions, organize the relevant departments to handle the applications jointly and intensively

第二十七条 行政机关实施行政许可,不得向申请人提出购买指定商品、接受有偿服务等不正当要求。

Article 27 When implementing the administrative license, the administrative organ may not require any applicant to buy the designated commodities and to accept paid services or have other unreasonable requests


In handling an administrative license, the functionaries of the administrative organ may not exert any property from or accept any property of the applicants, neither may they seek for any other interests


Article 28 The inspection, testing, and quarantine of the important equipment, facilities, products, articles that directly concern public security, human health, the safety of life and property shall be gradually organized and implemented by the professional technical organizations that meet the statutory requirements. The professional technical organizations and the functionaries shall bear the legal liabilities for the conclusions they reach

第四章 行政许可的实施程序

Chapter IV Procedures for the Administrative License

第一节 申请与受理

Section 1 Application and Acceptance


  Article 29 Where a citizen, legal person or any of other institutions has to obtain an administrative license prior to dealing in a special activity, it shall file an application with the administrative organ


Where a standard application is required, the administrative organ shall provide the applicants with standard administrative license application. The application shall not contain any content that has no direct relationship with the licensing matters applied for


An applicant may entrust an agent to file the application for administrative license, however, with the exception that the applicant shall file the application for administrative license in the office of the administrative organ


An application for administrative license may be filed by means of letter, telegraph, telex, fax, electronic data interchange and email


Article 30 An administrative organ shall display the licensing matters, basis, conditions, quantity, procedures and time limit as provided for in the laws, regulations and rules, the catalogue of the complete set of materials that shall be submitted and the exemplary application in its office place


Where an applicant asks the administrative organ to account for or to give explanations about the displayed contents, the administrative organ shall do so to provide exact and liable information for it


Article 31 When applying for administrative license, an applicant shall faithfully submit relevant materials to the administrative organ, report the actual information, and shall be liable for the authenticity of the substantial contents of the application materials. The administrative organ may not ask the applicant to submit technical materials and other materials that have nothing to do with the matters under the administrative license

第三十二条 行政机关对申请人提出的行政许可申请,应当根据下列情况分别作出处理:

Article 32 The administrative organ shall handle the applications for administrative license differently according to the following circumstances:


 (1) For the matter applied for that are not subject to administrative license in accordance with the law, it shall inform the applicant of the rejection immediately;


 (2) If the matter applied for isn't within the functions of the administrative organ, it shall make a decision of rejection immediately and shall inform the applicant to file an application for it with the relevant administrative organ;


 (3) Where the errors in the application materials can be corrected on the spot, the applicant shall be permitted to correct them on the spot;


 (4) Where the application materials are incomplete or inconsistent with the statutory form, it shall inform the applicant on the spot or inform it of all the items that need to be supplemented or corrected within 5 days; if it fails to do so within the time limit, the day when the application materials are accepted shall be considered as the acceptance day;


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