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英汉对照法律资源--中华人民共和国行政许可法          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

not hinder the individuals or enterprises of other regions from dealing in production and business and providing services in one region, shall not restrict the commodities of other regions from entering into the market of the local region

第十六条 行政法规可以在法律设定的行政许可事项范围内,对实施该行政许可作出具体规定。

Article 16 An administrative regulation may have specific requirements for the implementation of an administrative license within the scope of the matters prescribed by a statutory administrative license


A local regulation may, within the scope of the matters of administrative license established by the laws and administrative regulations, make specific requirements for the implementation of the administrative license


The regulation may make specific requirements for the implementation of the administrative license within the scope of the matters established by the upper law


The regulations and rules shall not make specific requirements for the implementation of the administrative license set down by the upper law, shall not increase administrative license; for the specific conditions of administrative license, they shall not establish any other condition in violation of the upper law

第十七条 除本法第十四条、第十五条规定的外,其他规范性文件一律不得设定行政许可。

Article 17 Except for Articles 14 and 15 of the Law, no administrative license shall be set in any other regulatory document

第十八条 设定行政许可,应当规定行政许可的实施机关、条件、程序、期限。

Article 18 In the establishment of an administrative license, the implementing organ, conditions, procedures and time limit shall be specified


Article 19 Where an administrative license is to be established by means of drafting a law, a regulation or a regulation of the people's government of a province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government, the drafting entity shall consult the opinions through hearing and argumentation, etc., and shall give explanations to the law (regulation) making organ about the necessity to establish the administrative license, the potential effects on the economy and society and the opinions heard and adopted


Article 20 The establishment organ of the administrative license shall periodically evaluate the administrative license it set. If it considers that an already established administrative license can be solved through any of the methods listed in Article 13 of the Law, it shall modify the requirements for the establishment of the administrative license or abolish it in time


The executive organ of an administrative license shall evaluate the information of the implementation of the administrative license and necessity of its existence, and shall report the relevant opinions to the establishing organ of the administrative license


The citizens, legal person or other institutions may put forward opinions and suggestions to the establishment organ and executive organ about the establishment and implementation of the administrative license


Article 21 Where any of the people's governments of the people's governments of the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government considers an administrative license on economic affairs, which is established by means of administrative regulation, can be solved through any of the methods listed in Article 13 of the Law according to the economic and social development of this administrative area, it may stop implementing the administrative license within the administrative area upon reporting to and obtaining the approval of the State Council

第三章 行政许可的实施机关

Chapter III Executive Organ for Administrative License

第二十二条 行政许可由具有行政许可权的行政机关在其法定职权范围内实施。

 Article 22 An administrative license shall be implemented by the empowered administrative organ within its statutory functions


Article 23 The organization with a function of managing public affairs under the authorization of a law or regulation shall, within the authorized scope, implement the administrative license in its own name. The provisions concerning the administrative organ in the Law shall be applicable to the empowered organizations


Article 24 An administrative organ may, within its statutory functions, authorize other administrative organs to implement the administrative license in light of the laws, regulations and rules. The authorizing organ shall announce to the public the authorized administrative organs and the authorized particulars of the administrative license


The authorizing administrative organ shall be responsible for supervising the implementation of the administrative license by the authorized administrative organs, and shall bear the legal liabilities for the consequences of implementation


An authorized administrative organ shall, within the authorized scope, implement the administrative license in the name of the authorizing administrative organ; it shall not authorize any other organization or individual to implement the administrative license


Article 25 Upon approval of the State Council, the people's governments of the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities may decide one administrative organ to exercise the power of administrative license of the

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