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中英对照法律资源--电力设施保护条例          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

{0>  (一)架空电力线路保护区:导线边线向外侧延伸所形成的两平行线内的区域,在一般地区各级电压导线的边线延伸距离如下:<}0{>1. Overhead power line protection zones: zones within the two plane areas fromed by the horizontal extension line from the outside conductor lines and the line vertical to the ground. In usual circumstances, the outer extension distances for all voltage conducting lines are:<0}

{0>      110千伏 535110千伏  10154330千伏  15500千伏  20<}0{>5 meters for 1 - 10 kv 10 meters for 35 - 110 kv 15 meters for 154 - 330 kv 20 meters for 500 kv<0}

{0>  在厂矿、城镇等人口密集地区,架空电力线路保护区的区域可略小于上述规定,但各级电压导线边线延伸的距离,不应小于导线边线在最大计算弧垂及最大计算风偏后的水平距离和风偏后距建筑物的安全距离之和。<}0{>In densely populated mining and urban areas, the protection zones for overhead power line may be smaller than what is prescribed above. But the outer extension distances for all voltage conducting lines should not be smaller than the total distance between the horizontal distance after the maximum circular sag and maximum windage yaw are computed and the safe distance from buildings, deducting windage yaw.<0}

{0>  (二)电力电缆线路保护区:地下电缆为线路两侧各零点七五米所形成的两平行线内的区域;海底电缆一般为线路两侧各二海里(港内为两侧各一百米),江河电缆一般不小干线路两侧各一百米(中、小河流一般不小于各五十米)所形成的两平行线内的水域。<}0{>2. Power cable route protection zone: the areas between two parallel lines formed by 0.75 meters on both sides of the ground mark of underground cable route; for sea-bottom cables, the zones should be the water surface between the two parallel lines formed by two nautical miles on both sides of the line (100 on both sides of the line in port) and no less than 100 meters on both sides of the line in rivers (not less than 50 meters for mid-sized and small rivers).<0}


{0>第十一条  县以上地方各级电力主管部门应采取以下措施,保护电力设施:<}0{>Article 11 Power administrative departments at and above the county level shall take following measures to protect power facilities:<0}

{0>  (一)在必要的架空电力线路保护区的区界上,应设立标志牌,并标明保护区的宽度和保护规定;<}0{>1. To put up marks on the boundaries of overhead power line protection zones, specifying the width of the protection zone and the rules for protection.<0}

{0>  (二)在架空电力线路导线跨越重要公路和航道的区段,应设立标志牌,并标明导线距穿越物体之间的安全距离;<}0{>2. To put up marks in major roads or navigation sections where power lines cross, specifying the safe distance between the conducting wires and the objects to cross.<0}

{0>  (三)地下电缆铺设后,应设立永久性标志,并将地下电缆所在位置书面通知有关部门;<}0{>3. To put up permanent marks for underground cables after their completion and notify related departments in writing of the position of the underground cables.<0}

{0>  (四)水底电缆敷设后,应设立永久性标志,并将水底电缆所在位置书面通知有关部门。<}0{>4. To put up permanent marks for under-water cables after their completion and notify related departments in writing of the positions of the under-water cables.<0}

{0>第十二条  任何单位或个人在电力设施周围进行爆破作业,必须按照国家有关规定,确保电力设施的安全。<}0{>Article 12 Any unit or individual should ensure the safety of power facilities according to related regulations by the State when conducting explosion operations around power facilities.<0}

{0>第十三条  任何单位或个人不得从事下列危害发电厂、变电所设施的行为:<}0{>Article 13 No unit or individual is allowed to commit the following acts that would endanger power facilities and power transformation facilities:<0}

{0>  (一)闯入厂、所内扰乱生产和工作秩序,移动、损害标志物;<}0{>1. To gate-crash into power plants or power transformation stations to disrupt production and work order, move or damage marks.<0}

{0>  (二)危及输水,排灰管道(沟)的安全运行;<}0{>2. To threaten the safe operation of water, oil and heat supply and ash discharge pipelines (ditches).<0}

{0>  (三)影响专用铁路、公路、桥梁、码头的使用;<}0{>3. To hamper the use of special feeder railways, roads, bridges and docks.<0}

{0>  (四)在用于水力发电的水库内,进入距水工建筑物三百米区域内炸鱼、捕鱼、游泳、划船及其他危及水工建筑物安全的行为;<}0{>4. To enter into areas 300 meters from the hydraulic structures in reservoirs used for power generation to engage in fishing by using explosives, fish nets, swimming, boating or other acts that would threaten the safety of hydraulic structures.<0}

{0>  (五)其他危害发电、变电设施的行为。<}0{>5. Other acts that would endanger power and power transformation facilities.<0}

{0>第十四条  任何单位或个人,不得从事下列危害电力线路设施的行为:<}0{>Article 14 No unit or individual is allowed to engage in the following acts that would endanger power transmission lines and facilities:<0}

{0>  (一)、向电力线路设施射击;<}0{>1. To shoot at power lines and related facilities.<0}

{0>  (二)、向导线抛掷物体;<}0{>2. To throw objects at conducting lines.<0}

{0>  (三)、在架空电力线路导线两侧各三百米的区域内放风筝;<}0{>3. To fly kite(s) in areas 300 meters from power lines on both sides.<0}

{0>  (四)、擅自在导线上接用电器设备;<}0{>4. To connect electric equipment to conducting wires without authorization.<0}

{0>  (五)、擅自攀登杆塔或在杆塔上架设电力线、通信线,广播线,安装广播喇叭;<}0{>5. To climb, without authorization, electric poles or towers to lay wires, communications lines, broadcasting lines or install lo

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