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中英对照法律资源--电力设施保护条例          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     


{0>  (六)、利用杆塔、拉线作起重牵引地锚;<}0{>6. To use electric poles or towers as anchoring point for lifting or tracting objects.<0}

{0>  (七)、在杆塔、拉线上拴牲畜、悬挂物体、攀附农作物;<}0{>7. To tie animals, hang up objects or wind crops to electric poles, towers and bracing wires.<0}

{0>  (八)、在杆塔、拉线基础的规定范围内取土、打桩、钻探、开挖或倾倒酸、碱、盐及其它有害化学物品。<}0{>8. To fetch soil and do pole stamping, drilling or digging or dump acids, alkaline, salt and other harmful chemicals within the prescribed scope covered by the base of electric poles or towers and bracing wires.<0}

{0>  (九)、在杆塔内(不含杆塔与杆塔之间)或杆塔与拉线之间修筑道路;<}0{>9. To build roads within the electric line towers (not including areas between poles or towers) or in between electric poles or towers and bracing wires.<0}

{0>  (十)、拆卸杆塔或拉线上的器材,移动、损坏永久性标志或标志牌;<}0{>10. To remove devices or supplies from electric poles or towers or bracing wires, remove or damage permanent marks or marking plates.<0}

{0>  (十一)其他危害电力线路设施的行为。<}0{>11. Other acts that would endanger electric line facilities.<0}

{0>第十五条  任何单位或个人在架空电力线路保护区内,必须遵守下列规定:<}0{>Article 15 Any unit or individual should observe the following rules in the overhead power line protection zones:<0}

{0>  (一)不得堆放谷物,、草料、垃圾、矿渣、易燃物、易爆物及其它影响安全供电的物品;<}0{>1. It is not allowed to pile up crops, grass, garbage, slags, inflammables, explosion-prone objects and other objects that would affect safe power supply.<0}

{0>  (二)不得烧窑、烧荒;<}0{>2. It is not allowed to operate kilns or slash and burn for growing crops.<0}

{0>  (三)不得兴建建筑物、构筑物;<}0{>3. It is not allowed to put up buildings or structures.<0}

{0>  (四)不得种植可能危及电力设施安全的植物。<}0{>4. It is not allowed to grow plants that would endanger the safety of power facilities.<0}

{0>第十六条  任何单位或个人在电力电缆线路保护区内,必须遵守下列规定:<}0{>Article 16 Any unit or individual should observe the following rules within the power cable line protection zones:<0}

{0>  (一)不得在地下电缆保护区内堆放垃圾、矿渣、易燃物、易爆物,倾倒酸、碱、盐及其它有害化学物品,兴建建筑物或种植树木、竹子;<}0{>1. It is not allowed to pile up garbage, slages, inflammables, explosion-prone objects, dump acids, soda, salt or other harmful chemicals, or put up buildings or structures or plant trees or bamboo.<0}

{0>  (二)不得在海底电缆保护区内抛锚、拖锚。<}0{>2. It is not allowed to lay in anchor or drag anchor within the sea- bottom cable protection zones.<0}

{0>  (三)不得在江河电缆保护区内抛锚、拖锚、炸鱼、挖沙。<}0{>3. It is not allowed to lay in anchor or drag anchor, catch fish by using explosives or dig sand in river cable protection zones.<0}

{0>第十七条  任何单位或个人必须经县级以上地方电力主管部门批准,并采取安全措施后,方可进行下列作业或活动:<}0{>Article 17 Any unit or individual should get the approval of power administrative departments at and above the county level and take safety measures before carrying out the following operations or activities:<0}

{0>  (一)在架空电力线路保护区内进行农田水利基本建设工程及打桩、钻探、开挖等作业;<}0{>1. To engage in farmland water conservancy capital construction projects or such operations as stamping, drilling and digging.<0}

{0>  (二)起重机械的任何部位进入架空电力线路保护区进行施工。<}0{>2. To conduct engineering by putting any part of lifting machinery into the overhead power line protection zones.<0}

{0>  (三)小于导线距穿越物体之间的安全距离,通过架空电力线路保护区;<}0{>3. To go through the power line protection zone at a distance smaller than the safety distance between conducting wires and the objects to run through.<0}

{0>  (四)在电力电缆线路保护区内进行作业。<}0{>4. To operate within the power cable line protection zones.<0}

{0>第十八条  任何单位或个人不得从事下列危害电力设施建设的行为:<}0{>Article 18 No unit or individual is allowed to conduct the following acts that would endanger the construction of power facilities:<0}

{0>  (一)非法侵占电力设施建设项目依法征用的土地;<}0{>1. To occupy illegally the land requisitioned for the building of power facilities.<0}

{0>  (二)涂改、移动、损害、拔除电力设施建设的测量标桩和标记;<}0{>2. To alter, remove, damage or pull out measuring poles or marks used by power facility projects.<0}

{0>  (三)破坏、封堵施工道路,截断施工水源或电源。<}0{>3. To sabotage or block roads for construction, cut off water sources or power sources used by power facility projects.<0}

{0>第十九条  未经有关部门依照国家有关规定批准,任何单位和个人不得收购电力设施器材。<}0{>Article 19 No unit or individual is allowed to purchase power facilities and supplies without approval according to the relevant regulations of the State.<0}


{0>第二十条  电力设施的建设和保护应尽量避免或减少给国家、集体和个人造成的损失。<}0{>Article 20 In construction and protection of power facilities, considerations should be made to avoid or reduce as far as possible losses that would be brought up to the State, collectives and individuals.<0}

{0>第二十一条  新建架空电力线路不得跨越储存易燃、易爆物品仓库的区域;一般不得跨越房屋,特殊情况需要跨越房屋时,电力建设企业应采取安全措施,并与有关单位达成协议。<}0{>Article 21 New overhead power line should not be put acrossing areas where there are warehouses holding inflammables or explosion-prone objects. In usual circumstances, they should not be put across houses and, whereas the houses have to be crossed in special circumstances, power construction enterprises should adopt safety measures and reach agreement with related units beforehand.<0}

{0>第二十二条  公用工程、城市绿化和其他工程在新建、改建或扩建中妨碍电力设施时,或电

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