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中英对照法律资源--反分裂国家法          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

中新社北京三月十四日 二零零五年三月十四日第十届全国人民代表大会第三次会议通过《反分裂国家法》。全文如下:

BEIJING, March 14 (Xinhuanet) -- The following is the full text of the Anti-Secession Law adopted at the Third Session of the Tenth National People's Congress here Monday:

  第一条 为了反对和遏制台独分裂势力分裂国家,促进祖国和平统一,维护台湾海峡地区和平稳定,维护国家主权和领土完整,维护中华民族的根本利益,根据宪法,制定本法。

    Article 1 This Law is formulated, in accordance with the Constitution, for the purpose of opposing and checking Taiwan's secession from China by secessionists in the name of "Taiwan independence", promoting peaceful national reunification, maintaining peace and stability in the Taiwan Straits, preserving China's sovereignty and territorial integrity, and safeguarding the fundamental interests of the Chinese nation.

第二条 世界上只有一个中国,大陆和台湾同属一个中国,中国的主权和领土完整不容分割。

    Article 2 There is only one China in the world. Both the mainland and Taiwan belong to one China. China's sovereignty and territorial integrity brook no division.


Safeguarding China's sovereignty and territorial integrity is the common obligation of all Chinese people, the Taiwan compatriots included.


    Taiwan is part of China. The state shall never allow the "Taiwan independence" secessionist forces to make Taiwan secede from China under any name or by any means.

  第三条 台湾问题是中国内战的遗留问题。

    Article 3 The Taiwan question is one that is left over from China's civil war of the late 1940s.


    Solving the Taiwan question and achieving national reunification is China's internal affair, which subjects to no interference by any outside forces.

  第四条 完成统一祖国的大业是包括台湾同胞在内的全中国人民的神圣职责。

    Article 4 Accomplishing the great task of reunifying the motherland is the sacred duty of all Chinese people, the Taiwan compatriots included.

  第五条 坚持一个中国原则,是实现祖国和平统一的基础。

    Article 5 Upholding the principle of one China is the basis of peaceful reunification of the country.


    To reunify the country through peaceful means best serves the fundamental interests of the compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Straits.


The state shall do its utmost with maximum sincerity to achieve a peaceful reunification.


    After the country is reunified peacefully, Taiwan may practice systems different from those on the mainland and enjoy a high degree of autonomy.

  第六条 国家采取下列措施,维护台湾海峡地区和平稳定,发展两岸关系:

    Article 6 The state shall take the following measures to maintain peace and stability in the Taiwan Straits and promote cross-Straits relations:


    (1) to encourage and facilitate personnel exchanges across the Straits for greater mutual understanding and mutual trust;


    (2) to encourage and facilitate economic exchanges and cooperation, realize direct links of trade, mail and air and shipping services, and bring about closer economic ties between the two sides of the Straits to their mutual benefit;


    (3) to encourage and facilitate cross-Straits exchanges in education, science, technology, culture, health and sports, and work together to carry forward the proud Chinese cultural traditions;


    (4) to encourage and facilitate cross-Straits cooperation in combating crimes; and


    (5) to encourage and facilitate other activities that are conducive to peace and stability in the Taiwan Straits and stronger cross-Straits relations.


    The state protects the rights and interests of the Taiwan compatriots in accordance with law.

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