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中英对照法律资源--工业产品质量责任条例          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

interest and rights being damaged. <0}

{0>产品质量责任方愿意承担责任时,不受时效限制。<}0{>Where the party bearing the quality responsibility for the product is willing to bear the responsibility, it is not limited by the term of validity.<0}

{0> 第七章    <}0{> Chapter VII Penalties<0}

{0>第二十三条  企业产品质量达不到国家规定的标准,企业主管机关应令其限期整顿。<}0{>Article 23 Where the product of an enterprise fails to reach the state-stipulated standards, the competent authoritative department of the said enterprise shall order the enterprise to rectify production within a fixed period. <0}

{0>经整顿仍无效者,企业主管机关应令其停产或转产,直至建议有关主管机关撤销生产许可证,吊销营业执照。<}0{>Where the said rectification within the fixed period turns out to be of no effect, the competent authoritative department of the said enterprise shall order it to stop production or switch over to a new line of products, or even suggest that the relevant authorities revoke the production licence and the business licence. <0}

{0>在整顿期间,企业主管机关视不同情况,可扣发企业负责人和职工的奖金、工资。<}0{>In the period of rectification, the competent authoritative department responsible for the said enterprise may, according to different circumstances, deduct the bonus and wages of the executive members of the enterprise and of the staff and workers.<0}

{0>第二十四条  生产、经销企业违反本条例规定,有下列行为之一者,由企业主管机关对企业负责人和直接责任者给以行政处分,由工商行政管理机关没收其全部非法收入,并视其情节轻重,处以相当于非法收入的15%至20%的罚款,直至由司法机关追究法律责任。<}0{>Article 24 Where the manufacturer or marketing firm has committed one of the following acts in violation of the stipulations of the present Regulations, the authoritative department responsible for the enterprise or firm shall mete out disciplinary punishment to the responsible persons of the enterprise and to the persons bearing direct responsibility; and the industry and commerce administrative organ shall confiscate all the illegal income, and impose on it a fine equivalent to 15% to 20% of the illegal income according to the degree of seriousness of the case; or even the legal liabilities shall be fixed by the judicial organs through due investigation.<0}

{0>(一)生产、经销掺假产品、冒牌产品,以处理品冒充合格品;<}0{>1. manufacture or market adulterated product or imitated product, or pass off "substandard" product as qualified;<0}

{0>(二)生产、经销隐匿厂名、厂址的产品;<}0{>2. manufacture or market products without indicating the name and address of the manufacturer;<0}

{0>(三)生产、经销没有产品检验合格证的产品;<}0{>3. manufacture or market products without quality certificate;<0}

{0>(四)生产、经销国家已明令淘汰的产品;<}0{>4. manufacture or market products of which the State has issued explicit order for their elimination;<0}

{0>(五)生产、经销国家实行生产许可证制度而到期未取得生产许可证的产品;<}0{>5. manufacture or market the products on which the State adopts the system of production licence, but fails to renew the said production licence after its expiry;<0}

{0>(六)生产、经销用不合格原材料、零部件生产或组装的产品;<}0{>6. manufacture or market products manufactured or assembled with unqualified raw materials, parts or components;<0}

{0>(七)生产、经销违反国家安全、卫生、环境保护和计量等法规要求的产品;<}0{>7. manufacture or market products in violation of the requirements stipulated by state laws and regulations concerning safety, hygiene, environmental protection and measuring;<0}

{0>(八)经销过期失效产品。<}0{>8. market products which have passed the expiry date. <0}

{0>罚没收入全部上交国家财政。<}0{>The incomes collected from fines shall be handed to the state treasury. <0}

{0>第二十五条  有质量监督抽查中发现生产和经销企业有第二十四条中列举的行为时,由质量监督机构按第二十四条规定处理。<}0{>Article 25 In the course of sample-check on quality supervision, in case it is found that the manufacturer or marketing firm has committed the act(s) listed in Article 24, the quality-supervising agency shall treat the case according to the stipulation in Article 24. <0}

{0>对于不符合本条例第九条第七项规定的,由质量监督机构监督就地销毁或作必要的技术处理,并令生产、经销企业在限期内追回已售出的不合格产品。<}0{>As regards the product not in conformity to the provision of Item (7) of Article 9 of the present Regulations, the product shall be destroyed on the spot by the quality-supervising agency or be given the necessary technical treatment; and the manufacturer and the marketing firm shall be ordered to recover within the given time all the substandard products that have already been sold.<0}

{0>违反本条例第八条的规定,对质量检验人员进行打击报复的,或质量监督、检验机构工作人员徇私舞弊的,由有关主管机关给予行政处分;情节特别严重的,依法追究刑事责任。<}0{>In case of violation of the stipulations in Article 8 of the present Regulations, or retaliation against quality-testing personnel, or the working personnel in quality-supervising and quality-testing agencies act wrongly out of personal consideration, the responsible authoritative department shall mete out disciplinary punishment. As regards those of extraordinary seriousness, criminal liabilities shall be investigated and fixed according to law.<0}

{0>第二十六条  由于产品的质量责任,造成用户人身伤亡,财产损失,触犯刑律的,由司法机关依法追究当事人的刑事责任。<}0{>Article 26 Where the poor quality of the product has resulted in the injury or death of the customer, and in his loss of property, hence violating the criminal code, the judicial organs shall investigate and fix the legal liability of the party concerned.<0}

{0>第二十七条  上述处罚,不免除产品质量责任方对用户承担的产品包修、包换、包退、赔偿实际经济损失的责任。<}0{>Article 27 The above-mentioned penalty does not acquit the party bearing the quality responsibility of its responsibility for the guaranteed repair, replacement, recovering the product with the money already paid, and the compensation for the actual economic loss to the customer(s).<0}

{0> 第八章    <}0{> Chapter VIII Supplementary Provisions <0}

{0>第二十八条  有关主管部门可根据本条例的规定,制定实施细则;进出口商品、军用产品及有特殊要求的产品的质量责任可由有关主管部门参照本条例的原则,另行规定。<}0{>Article 28 The relevant responsible authorities may, in line with the provisions of the present Regulations, work out the implementing details. The quality responsibility regulations for import & export products, for goods with military application as well as goods for special requirements, the relevant authorities may, with reference to the principles of the present Regulations, enact separate specific regulations.<0}


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