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中英对照法律资源--关于外商参与打捞中国沿海水域沉船沉物管理办法          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

{0>关于外商参与打捞中国沿海水域沉船沉物管理办法<}0{>Procedures for Control of Participation by Foreign Businesses in the Salvaging of Sunken Ships and Sunken Articles in China's Coastal Waters<0}

{0>第一条为加强对外商参与打捞中国沿海水域沉船沉物活动的管理,保障有关各方的合法权益,制定本办法。<}0{>Article 1. These procedures are formulated to strengthen control over foreign businesses in participating in the salvaging of sunken ships and sunken articles in China's coastal waters to safeguard the lawful rights and interests of the various parties concerned.<0}

{0>第二条本办法适用于外商参与打捞中国沿海水域具有商业价值的沉船沉物活动。<}0{>Article 2. These procedures apply to activities involving salvaging of sunken ships and sunken articles of commercial value in China's coastal waters with the participation of foreign businesses.<0}

{0>沉船沉物的所有人自行打捞或者聘请打捞机构打捞其在中国沿海水域的沉船沉物,不适用本办法。<}0{>These procedures are not applicable in cases that the sunken ships and sunken articles in China's coastal waters are salvaged by the owners themselves or agencies entrusted by the owners.<0}

{0>第三条本办法下列用语的定义:<}0{>Article 3. Definitions of terms used in these procedures:<0}

{0>()外商,是指外国的企业或者其他经济组织或者个人。<}0{>(1) Foreign businesses refer to foreign enterprises, other economic organizations or individuals.<0}

{0>()沿海水域,是指中华人民共和国内海、领海和属于中华人民共和国管辖的其他海域。<}0{>(2) Coastal waters refer to inland sea and territorial sea of the People's Republic of China (PRC) and sea areas under the jurisdiction of PRC.<0}

{0>()沉船沉物,是指沉没于中国沿海水域水面以下或者淤埋海底泥面以下的各类船舶和器物,包括沉船沉物的主体及其设备、所载的全部货物或者其他物品。<}0{>(3) Sunken ships and sunken articles refer to all kinds of ships and articles, including their main bodies and equipment, all goods and other articles on board, that have sunken under surface of China's coastal waters or buried under mud on the seabed.<0}

{0>具有重要军事价值的沉没舰船和武器装备及被确认为文物的沉船沉物不在外商参与打捞的对象之列。<}0{>Sunken naval ships and weaponry of important military value and sunken ship and sunken articles specified as cultural relics are not included in the category of objects to be salvaged with the participation of foreign businesses.<0}

{0>()打捞作业,是指根据共同打捞合同或者中外合作打捞企业合同,对沉船沉物进行的各种施工活动,包括扫测探摸、实施打捞及相关的活动。<}0{>(4) Salvage operations refer to the engineering operations on the sunken ships and sunken articles, including scanning, measuring, surveying and probing as well as actual lifting and related activities, carried out in accordance with the joint salvage contract or the contract for the Chinese-foreign cooperative salvage enterprise.<0}

{0>()打捞作业者,是指具体实施打捞作业的单位或者个人。<}0{>(5) Salvage operators refer to the agencies or individuals actually engaged in salvage operations.<0}

{0>第四条中国政府依法保护参与打捞中国沿海水域沉船沉物的中外双方(以下简称参与打捞的中外双方)的应得收益和其他合法权益。<}0{>Article 4. The Chinese government protects by law the legitimate income and other lawful rights and interests of the Chinese and foreign parties to the undertaking of salvaging sunken ships and sunken articles in China's coastal waters (hereinafter referred to as Sino-foreign salvage parties).<0}

{0>参与打捞的中外双方的一切活动必须遵守中华人民共和国的有关法律、法规和规章,接受中国政府有关主管部门的管理与监督。<}0{>Sino-foreign salvage parties in all their activities must abide by PRC's relevant laws, regulations and rules and accept control and supervision of Chinese government departments in charge.<0}

{0>第五条中华人民共和国交通部主管有关外商参与打捞中国沿海水域沉船沉物的事宜。<}0{>Article 5. The Ministry of Communications of PRC is in charge of matters related to the participation of foreign businesses in the salvaging of sunken ships and sunken articles in China's coastal waters.<0}

{0>第六条外商参与打捞中国沿海水域沉船沉物,可以采取下列方式:<}0{>Article 6. Participation of foreign businesses in the salvaging of sunken ships and sunken articles in China's coastal waters can take the following forms:<0}

{0>()与中方打捞人签订共同打捞合同,依照合同规定的双方权利和义务,实施打捞活动;<}0{>(1) Foreign businesses can conclude with the Chinese party a joint salvage contract which stipulates their mutual rights and obligations in their salvage operations;<0}

{0>()与中方打捞人成立中外合作打捞企业,实施打捞活动。<}0{>(2) Foreign businesses can set up with the Chinese party a Chinese-foreign cooperative salvage enterprise.<0}

{0>第七条中方打捞人为具有实施打捞作业资格的专业打捞机构,其资格由中华人民共和国交通部按照国家规定的专业打捞机构的条件予以审定。<}0{>Article 7. The Chinese salvage operator must be a professional salvage outfit with qualifications for carrying out salvage operations. The qualifications are to be ascertained by the Ministry of Communications in accordance with State-stipulated rules concerning professional salvage agencies.<0}

{0>第八条共同打捞合同和中外合作打捞企业合同必须有明确的打捞标的。参与打捞的中外双方在打捞过程中发现的不属于合同标的的其他沉船沉物,不得擅自实施打捞。<}0{>Article 8. The objects for salvage must be clearly stated in the joint salvage contract and the contract for the cooperative salvage enterprise. Chinese and foreign salvage parties shall not decide on their own to salvage sunken ships and sunken articles that are found in their operations but are not included in the contracted objects for salvage.<0}

{0>第九条中华人民共和国交通部负责统一组织与外商洽谈打捞中国沿海水域沉船沉物的事宜,确立打捞项目,并组织中方打捞人与外商依法签订共同打捞合同或者中外合作打捞企业合同。<}0{>Article 9. The Ministry of Communications is solely responsible for organizing negotiations with foreign businesses on salvaging sunken ships and sunken articles in China's coastal waters, deciding salvaging projects and organizing the signing by Chinese salvage operators and foreign businesses of joint salvage contracts or contracts for cooperative salvage enterprises in accordance with law.<0}

{0>第十条外商与中方打捞人签订的共同打捞合同,应当符合《中华人民共和国涉外经济合同法》的有关规定,并报经中华人民共和国交通部批准。<}0{>Article 10. Joint salvage contracts signed by foreign businesses and Chinese salvage operators should be compatible with relevant stipulations of the Law of PRC on Foreign-Related Economic Contracts and submitted to the Ministry of Communications for approval.<0}

{0>外商与中方打捞人组成中外合作打捞企业的,应当按照《中华人民共和国中外合作经营企业法》的规定履行有关审批、登记手续。<}0{>Foreign businesses and Chinese salvage operators in forming cooperative salvage enterprises should perform the procedures for approval and registration in accordance with stipulations of the Law of PRC on Chinese-Foreign Contractual Joint Ventures.<0}


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