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中英对照法律资源--工业产品质量责任条例          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     


{0> 第一章    <}0{> Chapter I General Provisions <0}

{0>第一条  为了明确工业产品(以下简称产品)质量责任,维护用户和消费者(以下简称用户)的合法权益,保证有计划的商品经济健康发展,促进社会主义现代化建设,特制定本条例。<}0{>Article 1 The present Regulations are enacted in order to define the quality responsibility for industrial products ("products" for short hereinafter), safeguard the legitimate rights of the customer and consumer ("customer" for short hereinafter), ensure the healthy development of commodity economy in a planned way, and promote socialist modernization.<0}

{0>第二条  产品质量是指国家的有关法规、质量标准以及合同规定的对产品适用、安全和其它特性的要求。<}0{>Article 2 "Quality of product" refers to the requirement for the applications, safety and other properties of the products stipulated in related laws and regulations, quality standards and contracts.<0}

{0>产品质量责任是指因产品质量不符合上述要求,给用户造成损失后应承担的责任。<}0{>"Quality responsibility for products" refers to the responsibility that shall be born due to the product's failure to satisfy the above-mentioned requirements, which leads to loss on the part of the customer.<0}

{0>第三条  国家标准化部门负责制定全国统一的国家标准。国家标准应不低于国际标准水平。<}0{>Article 3 The national standardization department is responsible for drawing up the unified national standards. The national standards shall not be lower than the international standards. <0}

{0>国家标准可以分级分等。企业主管部门要规定生产企业达到国家标准最高等级的期限。<}0{>National standards may be classified and graded. The competent authorities responsible for the enterprise shall fix a time limit for achieving the highest grade of the national standards.<0}

{0>国家物价部门按标准等级,实行按质论价。<}0{>The price department of the Central Government shall fix the prices according to the grades of standards and implement the principle of "price according to quality".<0}

{0>第四条  产品的生产、储运、经销企业必须按照本条例的规定,承担产品质量责任。<}0{>Article 4 Those enterprises engaging in the production, storing, transporting and marketing of the product must, in accordance with the stipulations of the present Regulations, undertake the quality responsibility for the products.<0}

{0>各部门、各地区,特别是企业主管机关必须对产品质量进行管理,监督有关企业坚持质量第一的方针,保证产品质量,承担质量责任;<}0{>The various departments, various localities, especially the competent authorities for the manufacturer must exercise strict control over the quality of the products, supervise and see that the manufacturer concerned abides by the principle of "quality first", with a view to guaranteeing the quality of product and undertaking quality responsibility. <0}

{0>管理和监督不力的也应承坦连带责任。<}0{>Those failing to exercise effective control and supervision shall also undertake liability arising therefrom.<0}

{0>第五条  质量监督机构、工商行政管理机关必须对产品质量进行监督,维护用户的利益。<}0{>Article 5 Quality-supervision agencies and the industry and commerce administration departments must keep supervision over the quality of product and protect the interest of the customer.<0}

{0>第六条  产品的合格证、说明书、优质标志、认证标志等都必须与产品的实际质量水平相一致。<}0{>Article 6 The quality certificate, manuals, "high-quality" sign and identity sign of a product must all be in conformity with the actual quality level of the product.  <0}

{0>产品广告中关于产品质量的说明,必须符合产品的实际质量。<}0{>The explanation in the advertisement of the product must conform to the actual quality of the product.<0}

{0>第七条  所有生产、经销企业必须严格执行下列规定:<}0{>Article 7 All the manufacturers and the marketing firms must observe strictly the following rules:<0}

{0>(1)不合格的产品不准出厂和销售;<}0{>(1) unqualified product is forbidden from being dispatched from the factory or marketed;<0}

{0>(2)不合格的原材料、零部件不准投料、组装;<}0{>(2) unqualified raw materials and parts and components are not allowed to be put into production or be used for assembly;<0}

{0>(3)国家已明令淘汰的产品不准生产和销售;<}0{>(3) it is forbidden to manufacture the products whose elimination the State has explicitly ordered;<0}

{0>(4)没有产品质量标准、未经质量检验机构检验的产品不准生产和销售;<}0{>(4) product without the product-quality standard or without being tested by the state quality-testing organ is not allowed to be manufactured and marketed;<0}

{0>(5)不准弄虚作假、以次充好、伪造商标、假冒名牌。<}0{>(5) it is forbidden to plot frauds, to pass of unqualified product as qualified, to forge trademarks, or to imitate the famous brand products.<0}

{0>所有生产、经销企业都不得用搭配手段推销产品。<}0{>All the manufacturers and marketing firms are not allowed to sell their products by way of coupling-sale.<0}

{0> 第二章  产品生产企业的质量责任<}0{> Chapter II Quality Responsibility of the Product Manufacturer<0}

{0>第八条  产品的生产企业必须保证产品质量符合国家的有关法规、质量标准以及合同规定的要求。<}0{>Article 8 The manufacturer of the product must make sure that the quality of the product conforms to the requirements laid down by relevant laws and regulations, quality standards and stipulations of the contract.<0}

{0>产品的生产企业必须建立严密、协调、有效的质量保证体系,要明确规定产品的质量责任。<}0{>The manufacturer of the product must set up a strict, well-coordinated and effective quality-guarantee system, with a view to fixing the quality responsibility for the product in an explicit manner. <0}

{0>企业必须保证质量检验机构能独立行使监督、检验的职权;<}0{>The manufacturer must see to it that the quality-inspecting organ can independently perform its functions of supervision and testing. <0}

{0>严禁对质量检验人员进行打击报复。<}0{>It is strictly forbidden to retaliate against the quality inspectors.<0}

{0>第九条  产品出厂,必须符合下列要求:<}0{>Article 9 The product shall not leave the factory unless it satisfies

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