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中英对照法律资源--国务院关于加强和完善文物工作的通知          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

>{0>充分考虑遗址所在地群众的切身利益,采取调整产业结构、改变土地民途等措施,努力扶持既有利于遗址保护又能提高当地群众生活水平的产业,从根本上改变古文化遗址保护的被动局面;<}0{>full account should be taken of the practical interests of the masses of the localities wherein the sites are located, measures are taken to adjust the industrial structures and change the uses of the land and efforts are exerted to support the industries which are both instrumental to the protection of the sites and to the improvement in the living standards of the local masses so as to fundamentally change the passive situation in the protection of ancient cultural sites; <0}

{0>尽量减轻由于保护遗址给当地群众生产、生活造成的负担,必要时采取适当方式给予补偿。<}0{>burden caused by the protection of ancient sites to the production and life of the local masses should be reduced to the extent possible and compensation should be made in suitable ways when necessary.<0}

{0>考古发掘坚持以配合基本建设为主,特别要配合做好大型基本建设项目的考古勘探、调查、发掘工作。<}0{>Archaeological excavations should adhere to the principle of putting coordination with capital construction first and in particular coordinate with large-size capital construction projects in doing a good job in archaeological explorations, investigations and excavations.<0}

{0>为科学研究而进行的考古发掘,要充分考虑保护工作的需要,加强统一管理,严格审批制度。<}0{>Full consideration has to be given to the requirements for protection in archaeological excavations for purposes of scientific research, unified control should be stepped up with strict rules for examination and approval.<0}

{0>目前,由于文物保护方面的科学技术、手段等条件尚不具备,对大型帝王陵寝暂不进行主动发掘。<}0{>At present, no active excavations of large-size emperors’ tombs shall be carried out as there are lack of the required conditions for the protection of cultural relics in science, technology and other means.<0}

{0>今后,凡在文物保护单位和已普查登记的文物古迹点保护范围及建设控制地带内,基本建设项目的立项要事前征求文物行政管理部门的意见,由文物行政管理部门参与建设项目选址等有关文物保护设计方案的审批;<}0{>In the future, record filing of capital construction projects within the areas of protection units of cultural relics and ancient sites of cultural relics already registered after general survey for protection and in controlled construction belts has to seek the views of the departments of administration of cultural relics which shall take part in the examination and approval of the proposals of design for the protection of cultural relics such as site selection of the construction projects; <0}

{0>文物保护和考古调查、勘探、发掘经费,要列入建设工程投资预算。<}0{>expenditures for the protection of cultural relics, archaeological investigations, explorations and excavations should be included in the investment budget of construction projects.<0}

{0>因土地使用权出让和开发进行的地下文物的勘探发掘,所需经费由投资者承担,其区域内遗存的文物归国家所有。<}0{>The required expenses for the explorations and excavations of underground cultural relics due to transfer of land use rights and land development shall be borne by the investors, and the cultural relics remaining in the areas shall be owned by the State.<0}

{0>对已公布为全国重点文物保护单位和省级文物保护单位的大型古文化遗址、古墓葬群、古石窟寺、古建筑群、近现代纪念建筑等,可根据需要分别制定保护管理的专项法规或规章。<}0{>Special-purpose rules and regulations for protection and control can be formulated separately in the light of requirements with respect to such gazetted major national protected units of cultural relics and provincial-level protected units of cultural relics as large-size ancient cultural sites, clusters of ancient tombs and burial places, ancient grottoes and monasteries, clusters of ancient architecture and contemporary and modern memorial structures.<0}

{0>必须加强对濒临毁灭的重要文物古迹和馆藏珍贵文物的抢救维修与保护。<}0{>Measures must be taken to step up rescue, maintenance and protection of important ancient sites of cultural relics and rare and precious collections of cultural relics in museums and art galleries on the verge of destruction.<0}

{0>要统筹规划、集中资金、保证重点、讲究效益,切实抓好九五计划期间的文物维修工作。<}0{>The maintenance and repair work of cultural relics must be done well in real earnest during the "Ninth Five-year Plan” period with overall planning, concentration of funds, guarantee for major sites and efficiency.<0}

{0>应把控制和减轻自然力对文物的损害作为重要课题,确定一批重点项目,组织联合攻关,充分运用现代科学技术和挖掘传统技术保护文物。<}0{>The control and lessening of damage to cultural relics by natural forces should be taken up as an important subject, a number of key projects should be chosen for joint tackling, and modern science and technology shall be fully utilized and traditional techniques tapped into for the protection of cultural relics.<0}

{0>保护好历史文化名城是所在地人民政府及文物、城建规划等有关部门的共同责任。<}0{>Good protection of noted historical and cultural cities are the joint responsibilities of local People’s Governments and the departments of cultural relics and urban construction planning.<0}

{0>在历史文化名城城市建设中,特别是在城市的更新改造和房地产开发中,城建规划部门要充分发挥作用,加强城市规划管理,抢救和保护一批具有传统风貌的历史街区,同时加强对文物古迹特别是名城标志性建筑及周围环境的保护。<}0{>The departments of urban construction planning should fully play their part, strengthen urban planning management, rescue and protect a number of historical neighborhoods with traditional styles and step up the protection of ancient sites of cultural relics especially the landmark constructions and their surrounding areas in well-known cities in the urban construction of noted historical and cultural cities especially in the renewal and transformation and real estate development of the cities.<0}

{0>关于历史上曾经是宗教活动场所的古建筑重新恢复宗教活动问题,必须按党中央、国务院的有关文件规定执行。<}0{>With respect to the question of resumption of religious activities in ancient architectures which were once sites of religious activities in history, provisions laid down in the relevant documents of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council must be observed.<0}

{0>现由文化、文物及其他非宗教部门管理的寺观教堂等古建筑,不得设置功德箱、收取布施及从事宗教活动,更不得从事迷信活动。<}0{>Such ancient architectures as temples, monasteries and churches presently managed by the departments of culture and cultural relics and other non-religious departments must not install boxes for charitable and pious deeds, collect alms and engage in religious activities, let alone superstitious activities.<0}

{0>三、充分发挥文物作用,为社会主义精神文明建设服务<}0{>III.Bringing into Full Play the Role of Cultural Relics in the Service of Building of Socialist Spiritual Civilization<0}

{0>要在有效保护、加强管理的前提下,充分发挥文物的社会教育作用、历史借鉴作用和科学研究作用。<}0{>The role of cultural relics in social education, historical reference and scientific research must be brought into full play under the prerequisite of effective protection and stepped-up management.<0}

{0>文物的利用必须服从和服务于社会主义精神文明建设的需要,坚持把社会效益放在首位,努力实现社会效益和经济效益的统一。<}0{>Exploitation of cultural relics must be subordinated to and serve the requirements of the building of socialist spiritual civilization, persist in putting social benefits first and strive for the realization of unification of social benefits and economic benefits.<0}

{0>要为公益性文物、博物馆事业单位创造有利于把社会效益放在首位的环境和条件,在资金上给予必要保证,在文化经济政策上给予支持。<}0{>Environment and conditions instrumental to putting social benefits first should be created for non-profit institutions and units of cultural relics

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