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中英对照法律资源--国务院关于加强和完善文物工作的通知          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

{0>国务院关于加强和完善文物工作的通知(1997330<}0{>Circular of the State Council Concerning the Strengthening and Improvement of the Work Related to Cultural Relics(March 30, 1997)<0}

{0>我国是有着悠久历史和灿烂文化的文明古国,拥有极为丰厚的历史文化遗产。<}0{>Ours is a country with a long history, splendid culture and ancient civilization and has an extremely rich historical and cultural heritage.<0}

{0>保护和利用好祖国珍贵文物,是我们义不容辞的责任和义务。<}0{>It is our unshakable responsibility and obligation to protect and make good use of the rare and precious cultural relics of the motherland.<0}

{0>当前,在发展社会主义市场经济条件下,文物工作面临许多新情况和新问题,较为突出的是:<}0{>At present, under the conditions of developing the socialist market economy, the work related to cultural relics faces many new situations and new problems, among them the more outstanding ones are as follows: <0}

{0>造成文物损失的法人违法案件有所增加.<}0{>there has been an increase in law-breaking cases by legal entities causing losses of cultural relics; <0}

{0>盗掘古墓葬、盗窃馆藏文物、走私文物等犯罪活动和文物非法交易活动屡禁不止;<}0{>repeated occurrences of such criminal activities as pirate excavations of ancient burial sites, robbery and pilferage from collections of cultural relics in museums and art galleries and smuggling of cultural relics and illegal transactions of cultural relics despite prohibitions; <0}

{0>一些地方文物保护工作得不到应有的重视和支持,影响了文物事业的正常发展。<}0{>no due importance and support have been given to the work of protection of cultural relics in a number of localities which has adversely affected the normal development of the undertakings of cultural relics.<0}

{0>因此,必须以党的十四届六中全会精神为指导,继续坚持保护为主,抢救第一的方针,贯彻有效保护,合理利用,加强管理的原则;<}0{>Therefore, the spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the Fourteenth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China must be taken as the guidance, the policy of "putting protection and rescue first” must continue to be adhered to, the principle of "effective protection, rational utilization and enhanced control" shall be implemented. <0}

{0>正确处理好文物保护与经济建设的关系、文物事业发展中社会效益和经济效益的关系,建立与社会主义市场经济体制相适应的文物保护体制。<}0{>the relations between the protection of cultural relics and economic construction and the relations between social benefits and economic benefits in the development of the undertakings of cultural relics should be handled correctly, and the structure for the protection of cultural relics commensurate with the socialist market economic system should be built.<0}

{0>现就有关问题通知如下;<}0{>The related questions are hereby notified as follows:<0}

{0>一、建立与社会主义市场经济体制相适应的文物保护体制<}0{>I.Building the Structure for the Protection of Cultural Relics Commensurate with the Socialist Market Economic System<0}

{0>努力建立适应社会主义市场经济体制要求、遵循文物工作自身规律、国家保护为主并动员全社会参与的文物保护体制。<}0{>Efforts should be made to the building of the structure for the protection of cultural relics commensurate with the requirements of the socialist market economic system, observing the inherent laws of the work related to cultural relics, and putting state protection first and mobilizing the whole society to participate.<0}

{0>各地方、各有关部门应把文物保护纳入当地经济和社会发展计划,纳入城乡建设规划,纳入财政预算、纳入体制改革,纳入各级领导责任制。<}0{>All localities and departments concerned should integrate the protection of cultural relics into local socio-economic development plans, urban and rural construction plans, financial budgets, structural reform and the leadership responsibility system at all levels.<0}

{0>财政预算中安排的文物保护经费应逐年有所增加,同时要制定相应的政策鼓励、引导并广泛吸收有关部门和企事业单位及个人参与文物保护事业。<}0{>There should be an increase year by year in expenditures for the protection of cultural relics in the financial budgets and in the meantime corresponding policy incentives should be worked out to guide and extensively draw the departments concerned, enterprises and institutions as well as individuals into undertakings for the protection of cultural relics.<0}

{0>国家文物行政管理部门要加强对全国文物工作的宏观管理,搞好全国文物事业发展的总体规划,根据工作需要对现行的法律法规加以补充完善,逐步健全我国文物保护的法律体系。<}0{>The department of administration of cultural relics of the State should step up the macro control over the work related to cultural relics throughout the country, work out a sound overall plan for the development of the undertakings of cultural relics nationwide, supplement and perfect the existing laws and regulations in the light of the work requirements and build step by step a sound legal system for the protection of cultural relics in China.<0}

{0>地方各级人民政府要健全、完善所辖地区的文物保护管理制度,加强文物行政管理部门的力量。<}0{>People’s Governments at all levels must perfect the rules for the administration of the protection of cultural relics in areas under their respective jurisdiction and build up the strength of the departments of administration of cultural relics.<0}

{0>有关职能部门要进一步明确职责,在政府统一领导下互相配合、共同搞好文物保护工作。<}0{>The functional departments concerned should further clearly define their respective responsibilities, coordinate with one another and jointly do a good job of the protection of cultural relics under the unified leadership of the government.<0}

{0>要发动、组织人民群众参与文物保护工作,根据实际需要建立群众性的文物保护组织,明确责任和权利;尽快改变许多文物实际处于无人保护的状况。<}0{>The masses should be motivated and organized to participate in the work of the protection of cultural relics and mass organizations for the protection of cultural relics set up in accordance with actual requirements and responsibilities and rights should be clearly defined so as to effect a change in the situation under which many cultural relics have been in an actual state of no protection.<0}

{0>二、正确处理文物保护与经济建设以及人民群众切身利益的关系,切实做好文物的抢救与保护工作。<}0{>II.Correct Handling of Relations between the Protection of Cultural Relics and Economic Construction as well as the Practical Interests of the Masses and Earnestly Doing a Good Job in the Rescue and Protection of Cultural Relics<0}

{0>地方各级人民政府和有关部门要本着既有利于文物保护,又有利于经济建设和提高人民群众生活水平的原则,妥善处理文物保护与经济建设以及人民群众切身利益的一些局部性矛盾,把古文化遗址特别是大型遗址的保护纳入当地城乡建设和土地利用规划;<}0{>Local People’s Governments at all levels and the departments concerned should, in accordance with the principle of being conducive to both the protection of cultural relics, economic construction and the improvement in the living standards of the people, satisfactorily handle a number of local contradictions between the protection of cultural relics and economic construction as well as the practical interests of the masses and integrate the protection of ancient cultural sites especially the large sites into local urban and rural construction plans and land utilization plans; <0}

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