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中英对照法律资源--中华人民共和国执业医师法          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

above the county level should adopt effective measures to train medical workers who are engaged in services of medical treatment, prevention or health care in rural areas and minority nationality regions.<0}

{0>第三十五条医疗、预防、保健机构应当按照规定和计划保证本机构医师的培训和继续医学教育。<}0{>Article 35 Institutions of medical treatment, prevention or health care should guarantee training and continued medical education of their own doctors according to provisions and planning.<0}

{0>县级以上人民政府卫生行政部门委托的承担医师考核任务的医疗卫生机构,应当为医师的培训和接受继续医学教育提供和创造条件。<}0{>Medical and health institutions entrusted by the administrative department of health under the people’s government at or above the county level to undertake the evaluation of doctors should provide and create conditions for training and continued medical education of doctors.<0}

{0>第五章法律责任<}0{>Chapter V Legal Liability<0}

{0>第三十六条以不正当手段取得医师执业证书的,由发给证书的卫生行政部门予以吊销;对负有直接责任的主管人员和其他直接责任人员,依法给予行政处分。<}0{>Article 36 If anyone obtains the practicing certificate for doctors by unjustified means, the administrative department of health issuing the practicing certificate shall revoke the practicing certificate. The person in charge directly responsible and other persons directly responsible shall be imposed disciplinary sanctions according to law.<0}

{0>第三十七条医师在执业活动中,违反本法规定,有下列行为之一的,由县级以上人民政府卫生行政部门给予警告或者责令暂停六个月以上一年以下执业活动;<}0{>Article 37 If any doctor commits any of the following acts in practice of medicine in violation of the provisions of this Law, the administrative department of health under the people’s government at or above the county level shall give him a warning or order him to suspend his practice of medicine for not less than six months and not more than one year. <0}

{0>情节严重的,吊销其执业证书;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任:<}0{>If the circumstances are serious, the practicing certificate shall be revoked. If a crime has been constituted, criminal liability shall be investigated according to law.<0}

{0>(一)违反卫生行政规章制度或者技术操作规范,造成严重后果的;<}0{>(1) violating administrative regulations and rules of health or technical and operating rules and thereby causing severe consequences;<0}

{0>(二)由于不负责任延误急危患者的抢救和诊治,造成严重后果的;<}0{>(2) due to negligence of duty, delaying diagnosis and emergency treatment of a patient who is suffering from an acute disease or dangerously ill and thereby causing severe consequences;<0}

{0>(三)造成医疗责任事故的;<}0{>(3) causing an accident in medical treatment;<0}

{0>(四)未经亲自诊查、调查,签署诊断、治疗、流行病学等证明文件或者有关出生、死亡等证明文件的;<}0{>(4) without diagnosis and examination personally, signing certifications of diagnosis, medical treatment and epidemiology or certifications regarding birth or death;<0}

{0>(五)隐匿、伪造或者擅自销毁医学文书及有关资料的;<}0{>(5) concealing, forging or destroying without authorization medical documents and other relevant materials;<0}

{0>(六)使用未经批准使用的药品、消毒药剂和医疗器械的;<}0{>(6) using medicines, disinfectants and medical instruments the use of which has not been approved;<0}

{0>(七)不按照规定使用麻醉药品、医疗用毒性药品、精神药品和放射性药品的;<}0{>(7) in violation of provisions, using narcotics, toxic drugs for medical use, psychotropic substances and radioactive drugs;<0}

{0>(八)未经患者或者其家属同意,对患者进行实验性临床医疗的;<}0{>(8) without the consent of a patient or his family members, giving experimental clinic treatment to the patient;<0}

{0>(九)泄露患者隐私,造成严重后果的;<}0{>(9) divulging the privacy of a patient and thereby causing severe consequences;<0}

{0>(十)利用职务之便,索取、非法收受患者财物或者牟取其他不正当利益的;<}0{>(10) taking advantage of the position to illegally accept patients’ property or seek other illegitimate gains;<0}

{0>(十一)发生自然灾害、传染病流行、突发重大伤亡事故以及其他严重威胁人民生命健康的紧急情况时,不服从卫生行政部门调遣的;<}0{>(11) refusing to accept assignments by the administrative department of health at the time of the occurrence of a natural disaster, the spreading of an infectious disease, the occurrence of an unexpected heavy casualty or other emergencies seriously threatening the people’s lives and health; or<0}

{0>(十二)发生医疗事故或者发现传染病疫情,患者涉嫌伤害事件或者非正常死亡,不按照规定报告的。<}0{>(12) failing to report to the competent authorities according to provisions when causing an accident in medical treatment or discovering the epidemic situation of infectious diseases, suspected involvement of a patient in a case of injury or an unnatural death of a patient.<0}

{0>第三十八条医师在医疗、预防、保健工作中造成事故的,依照法律或者国家有关规定处理。<}0{>Article 38 Doctors causing accidents in medical treatment, prevention or health care shall be handled according to law or relevant state provisions.<0}

{0>第三十九条未经批准擅自开办医疗机构行医或者非医师行医的,由县级以上人民政府卫生行政部门予以取缔,没收其违法所得及其药品、器械,并处十万元以下的罚款;对医师吊销其执业证书;<}0{>Article 39 Establishing a medical institution for practice of medicine without approval or opening practice of medicine by an unqualified doctor shall be banned by the administrative department of health under the people’s government at or above the county level; the illegal gains and medicines and instruments involved in the case shall be confiscated, a fine of not more than RMB 100,000 yuan imposed and, if there is any doctor involved, the practicing certificate of doctors revoked; <0}

{0>给患者造成损害的,依法承担赔偿责任;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。<}0{>if harm occurs to the patient, the person who causes the harm shall bear the responsibility of compensation according to law; if a crime has been constituted, criminal liability shall be investigated according to law.<0}

{0>第四十条阻碍医师依法执业,侮辱、诽谤、威胁、殴打医师或者侵犯医师人身自由、干扰医师正常工作、生活的,依照治安管理处罚条例的规定处罚;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。<}0{>Article 40 Anyone who obstructs a doctor from his legal practice of medicine, insults, slanders, threats or strikes a doctor, or encroaches on the personal freedom of a doctor, or interferes in normal work and life of a doctor shall be penalized according to the provisions of the Regulations on Administrative Penalties for Public Security; if a crime has been constituted, criminal liability shall be investigated according to law.<0}

{0>第四十一条医疗、预防、保健机构未依照本法第十六条的规定履行报告职责,导致严重后果的,由县级以上人民政府卫生行政部门给予警告;并对该机构的行政负责人依法给予行政处分。<}0{>Article 41 If any institution of medical treatment, prevention or health care fails to perform its duty of reporting according to the provisions of Article 16 of this Law and thereby causes severe consequences, the administrative department of health under the people’s government at or above the county level shall give it a warning and impose disc

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