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中英对照法律资源--中外合资企业章程          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

e of annual circulating capital and issues on purchasing, leasing and mortgage of assets in the joint venture company;<0}

{0>2.合营公司的劳动合同和重要的规章制度;<}0{>2)approving. the labor contracts and other important regulations of the joint venture company;<0}

{0>3.审查并批准总经理提出的年度经营报告;<}0{>3)examining and approving the annual business report submitted by the general manager;<0}

{0>4.任免由总经理提名报董事会聘任的高级管理人员、决定上述人员的工资和生活福利待遇;<}0{>4)inviting and dismissing the senior administrative personnel who shall be recommended by general manager and deciding their salary and welfare;<0}

{0>5.按照中国政府的有关规定,制定合营公司职工的福利和工资制度;<}0{>5)deciding the system of salary and welfare for staff and workers in joint venture company in accordance with the relevant regulations of China;<0}

{0>6.确定调整合营公司的组织机构;<}0{>6)defining and adjusting the structure of the joint venture company  <0}

{0>7.决定合营公司从税后利润中提取储备基金、企业发展基金和职工奖励及福利基金的比例;<}0{>7)deciding the proportion of allocation for reserve funds pension funds and bonuses from the taxed profits of joint venture company;<0}

{0>8.决定合营公司的保险种类和投保范围;<}0{>8)deciding the types and scope of insurances for joint venture company  <0}

{0>9.关于董事会对总经理经营权限的授予;<}0{> 9)deciding the scope of authorized power for the general manager;  <0}

{0>10.决定合营公司职工的住房及各项福利事宜;<}0{> 10)deciding the plan on living houses and other welfare for staff and workers of joint venture company;   <0}

{0>11.其它应由董事会决定的事宜。<}0{>11)deciding other matters which shall made decision by the board of directors.<0}

{0>第十八条 董事会由×名董事组成,其中甲方委派×名,乙方委派×名。董事任期×年,可以连任。<}0{>Article 18  The board of directors shall consist of directors. of which directors shall be appointed by Party A by Party B. The term of office for the directors is four years and may be renewed.<0}

{0>甲、乙方在更换董事人选时,应事先书面通各董事会和另一方。<}0{>When appointing and replacing directors a written notice shall be submitted to the board and the other party.<0}

{0>第十九条 董事会会议每年至少召开一次。经×名以上(含×名)董事提议,董事长可以召开董事会临时会议。董事会会议原则上在_____举行。<}0{>Article 19  The board of directors shall convene at least one meeting every year. The chairman may convene an interim meeting based on a proposal made by more than _______ (including) directors. The board meeting will be held in principle in ________.<0}

{0>第二十条 董事长应在董事会开会前三十天书面通知各董事,写明会议、时间和地点。<}0{>Article 20  The chairman shall give each director a written notice thirty (30) days before the date of the board meeting. The notice shall cover the agenda time and place of the. <0}

{0>董事因故不能出席董事会会议,可出具委托书委托他人代表其出席和表决。如届时未出席祟不委托他人出席,则作为弃权。<}0{>Should the directors be unable to attend the board meeting he may present a proxy in written  form to the board.In case the director neither attends nor entrusts others to attend the meeting he will be regarded as abstention.<0}

{0>第二十一条 出席董事会会议的法定人数为全体董事的四分之三。不够四分之三人数时,其通过的决议无效。会议决录应归档保存,会议记录用中、英文文字书写,并且每个出席会议的董事均应在会议记录上签字。<}0{>Article 22  The board meeting requires a quorum of over three quarter of the total number of directors. When the quorum is less than three quarter the decisions adopted by the board meeting are invalid. Detailed written records shall be made for each board meeting and signed by all the attended directors or by the attended proxy. The record shall be made in Chinese and in English and shall be filed with the company.  <0}

{0>第五章 经营管理机构<}0{>Chapter 5 Business Management Office <0}

{0>第二十二条 合营公司设经营管理机构,负责合营公司的日常管理工作。<}0{>Article 22  The joint venture company shall establish a management office which shall be responsible for its daily management. <0}

{0>合营公司设总经理一名,副总经理×名总经理、副总理由董事任命,任期×年,经董事会决定可以连任。<}0{>The management office shall have one general manager deputy general managers. They shall be invited by the board of directors whose term of office is four years and may be renewed by the board of directors.<0}

{0>第二十三条 合营公司实行董事会领导下的总经理负责制。<}0{>Article 23  The system of job responsibility of the general manager under the board of directors is adopted by the joint venture company. <0}

{0>总经理直接对董事会,执行董事会会议的各项决定。组织领导合营公司的日常生产、技术和经营管理工作。<}0{>The general manager shall be responsible to the board of directors directly carry out the decisions of the board of directors and organize the daily  works on production technology and management of joint venture company.<0}

{0>第二十四条 副董事长、董事经董事会委派可兼任总经理、副总经理或经理助理。<}0{>Article 24  At the invitation of the board of directors the chairman vice chairman of directors of the board may concurrently be the general manager deputy general manager and general manager assistant of the joint venture company.<0}

{0>第二十五条 总经理、副总经理除非得到董事会的批准不得参与和本合营公司有商业竟争的其他经济组织。<}0{>Article 25  The general manager or deputy general managers shall not hold positions concurrently as general manager or deputy general manager of other economic organizations on commercial competition with their own joint venture company without the approval of the board of directors. <0}

{0>第二十六条 总经理、副总经理及其他商级管理人员请求辞职时,应提前向董事会提出书面报告。<}0{>Article 26  The general manager deputy

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