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英汉对照法律资源--中华人民共和国安全生产法          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

administration of production safety of the production and business operation entities shall have the knowledge and management capacity that match the production and business operation activities of the entities concerned.


The persons-in-charge and the personnel for the administration of production safety of the entities that are engaged in the production, selling and storage of hazardous substances and the mines and construction entities shall not take their positions until they have passed the examinations of the administrative departments concerning the knowledge and management capacity of production safety.


No fees may be charged for such examinations.

第二十一条 生产经营单位应当对从业人员进行安全生产教育和培训,保证从业人员具备必要的安全生产知识,熟悉有关的安全生产规章制度和安全操作规程,掌握本岗位的安全操作技能。

Article 21 The production and business operation entities shall offer education and training programs to the employees thereof regarding production safety so as to ensure that the employees have the necessary knowledge of production safety, know the relevant regulations and rules for safe production and the rules for safe operation, and master the skills for safe operation for their own positions.


No employee who has not passed the education and training programs regarding production safety may start to work at his position.

第二十二条 生产经营单位采用新工艺、新技术、新材料或者使用新设备,必须了解、掌握其安全技术特性,采取有效的安全防护措施,并对从业人员进行专门的安全生产教育和培训。

Article 22 Where any production and business operation entities employs any new technique, new technology, new material or new equipment, it must know and have good understanding of the safety and technical feature thereof, take effective measures for safety production and give special education and training programs to the employees concerned about production safety.

第二十三条 生产经营单位的特种作业人员必须按照国家有关规定经专门的安全作业培训,取得特种作业操作资格证书,方可上岗作业。

Article 23 The special operation staff members of the production and business operation entities may not start to work at their positions until they have passed the special training regarding safe operations and obtained qualification certificates for special operations according to the relevant provisions of the state.


The scope of special operation staff shall be determined by the department State Council in charge of the supervision and administration of production safety in collaboration with the other relevant departments of the State Council.

第二十四条 生产经营单位新建、改建、扩建工程项目(以下统称建设项目)的安全设施,必须与主体工程同时设计、同时施工、同时投入生产和使用。

Article 24 The safety facilities of the newly built or rebuilt or expanded engineering projects of the production and business operation entities (hereinafter referred to as construction projects as a general term) shall be designed, built and put into production and use at the same time of the principal part of the projects.


The investment in safety facilities shall be incorporated in the budgetary estimates of the construction projects concerned.

第二十五条 矿山建设项目和用于生产、储存危险物品的建设项目,应当分别按照国家有关规定进行安全条件论证和安全评价。

Article 25 Safety conditions argumentations and safety appraisals shall be made according to the relevant provisions of the state to the mining construction projects and the construction projects for the production and storage of hazardous substances respectively.

第二十六条 建设项目安全设施的设计人、设计单位应当对安全设施设计负责。

Article 26 The designers or designing entities for the safety facilities of construction projects shall take responsibility for their designs of safety facilities.


The safety facility designs of the mining construction projects and the construction projects for the production and storage of hazardous substances shall be subject to the examination and approval of relevant departments according to the relevant provisions of the state, and the examination and approval departments and the persons thereof in charge of examinations and approval shall be responsible for the result of examination and approval.

第二十七条 矿山建设项目和用于生产、储存危险物品的建设项目的施工单位必须按照批准的安全设施设计施工,并对安全设施的工程质量负责。

Article 27 The mining construction projects and the construction entities of the construction projects for the production and storage of hazardous substances shall execute the constructions according to the approved designs of safety facilities, and shall be responsible for the quality of the construction of safety facilities.


After a mining construction project or a construction project for the production and storage of hazardous substances is completed and before it is put into production or put into use, the safety facilities thereof shall be subject to check and approval according to the relevant provisions of laws and administrative regulations.


They may be put into production or use only after they have passed the check and approval.


The department in charge of the check and approval shall be responsible for the results of check and approval.

第二十八条 生产经营单位应当在有较大危险因素的生产经营场所和有关设施、设备上,设置明显的安全警示标志。

Article 28 The production and business operation entities shall set up eye-catching safety warning marks at the production or business operation sites that have substantial dangerous elements or on the relevant facilities or equipments.

第二十九条 安全设备的设计、制造、安装、使用、检测、维修、改造和报废,应当符合国家标准或者行业标准。

Article 29 The designing, manufacturing, installation, using, checking, maintenance, reforming and claiming as useless of safety equipments shall be in conformity with the national standards or industrial standards.


The production and business operation entities shall service, maintain the safety facilities often and check them regularly so as to ensure the normal operation thereof.


Records shall be made for the services, to which the signature of relevant persons shall be affixed.

第三十条 生产经营单位使用的涉及生命安全、危险性较大的特种设备,以及危

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