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英汉对照法律资源--中华人民共和国安全生产法          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

The supervision and inspection may not affect the normal production and business operation activities of the examinee entities.

第五十七条 生产经营单位对负有安全生产监督管理职责的部门的监督检查人员(以下统称安全生产监督检查人员)依法履行监督检查职责,应当予以配合,不得拒绝、阻挠。

Article 57 The production and business operation entities shall cooperate with and may not reject or obstruct the supervision and inspection personnel of the departments responsible for the supervision and administration of production safety (hereafter "the supervision and inspection personnel of production safety") in their lawful supervision and inspection.

第五十八条 安全生产监督检查人员应当忠于职守,坚持原则,秉公执法。

Article 58 The supervision and inspection personnel of production safety shall be devoted to their duties, adhere to the principles, and be impartial in their enforcement activities.


The supervision and inspection personnel of production safety shall, when discharging their duties, show valid certificates of supervision enforcement, and shall keep secret if any of the technological secret or business secret of the entity subject to inspection is involved.

第五十九条 安全生产监督检查人员应当将检查的时间、地点、内容、发现的问题及其处理情况,作出书面记录,并由检查人员和被检查单位的负责人签字;

Article 59 The supervision and inspection personnel of production safety shall make written records of the time and place of the inspection, what is the inspection about, the problems discovered and how they are dealt with, and affix their signatures of the inspectors and person-in-charge of the inspected entity.


If the person-in-charge of the inspected entity refuses to affix his signature, the inspectors may write the situation down in the records and report to the departments responsible for the supervision and administration of production safety.

第六十条 负有安全生产监督管理职责的部门在监督检查中,应当互相配合,实行联合检查;

Article 60 The departments responsible for the supervision and administration of production safety shall, in their supervision and administration activities, cooperate with each other by way of joint inspections.


If it necessary to make inspections separately, they shall inform each other.


If any safety problems found have to be handled by other relevant departments, they shall be transferred to the other departments concerned and keep records for further reference. The departments that accept the transferred cases shall handle them without delay.

第六十一条 监察机关依照行政监察法的规定,对负有安全生产监督管理职责的部门及其工作人员履行安全生产监督管理职责实施监察。

Article 61 The government supervision authorities shall, according to the provisions concerning administrative government supervision, be responsible for supervising the execution of duties of production safety supervision and administration by the departments responsible for the supervision and administration of production safety and the personnel thereof.

第六十二条 承担安全评价、认证、检测、检验的机构应当具备国家规定的资质条件,并对其作出的安全评价、认证、检测、检验的结果负责。

Article 62 The institutions undertaking the work of safety appraisal, certification, detection, and test shall be equipped with the qualifications as required by the state, and shall be responsible for the results of safety appraisal, certification, detection and test.

第六十三条 负有安全生产监督管理职责的部门应当建立举报制度,公开举报电话、信箱或者电子邮件地址,受理有关安全生产的举报;

Article 63 The departments responsible for the supervision and administration of production safety shall establish a system of reporting violations, making public the telephone numbers, mail boxes or email addresses for reporting violations, and accept the reports for violations relating to production safety.


Any reported violation that has been accepted shall be put down in writing after it has been verified through investigations.


If any measure of rectification or improvement have to be taken, it shall be reported to the relevant person-in-charge for execution after the person-in-charge has affixed his signature.

第六十四条 任何单位或者个人对事故隐患或者安全生产违法行为,均有权向负有安全生产监督管理职责的部门报告或者举报。

Article 64 Any entity or individual shall be entitled to report to the department responsible for the supervision and administration of production safety about any potential accident or any violation of statutory provisions concerning production safety.

第六十五条 居民委员会、村民委员会发现其所在区域内的生产经营单位存在事故隐患或者安全生产违法行为时,应当向当地人民政府或者有关部门报告。

Article 65 Any urban residents' committee or villagers committee finds potential accident or violation of statutory provisions concerning production safety exists in the production and business operation entity within its jurisdiction shall report to the people's government or other relevant department of the local place.

第六十六条 县级以上各级人民政府及其有关部门对报告重大事故隐患或者举报安全生产违法行为的有功人员,给予奖励。

Article 66 The people's governments on the county level and above as well as the relevant departments thereof shall reward those that have meritorious acts in reporting important potential accidents or violations of statutory provisions concerning production safety.


The detailed measures for rewards shall be formulated by the department of the State Council responsible for the supervision and administration of production safety in collaboration with the public fiscal department of the State Council.

该贴于2005-08-17 21:56:06被老 西编辑过

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