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英汉对照法律资源--中华人民共和国城市规划法          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     


The comprehensive plan for a city which is the seat of the people's government of a province or of an autonomous region, or for a city which has a population of 1,000,000 or more, or for a city otherwise designated by the State Council shall first be examined and approved by the people's government of the province or the autonomous region and then submitted to the State Council for examination and approval.


The comprehensive plan for a city with a municipal government or for a town serving as the seat of a county government other than those defined in Paragraphs 2 and 3 of this Article shall be submitted to the people's government of the province, the autonomous region or the municipality directly under the Central Government for examination and approval. The comprehensive plan for a town which is the seat of the people's government of a county administered by a municipality shall be submitted to the relevant municipal people's government for examination and approval.


The comprehensive plan for a town with an administrative status other than that defined in the preceding paragraph shall be submitted to the people's government of the relevant county for examination and approval.


The people's government of a city or of a county must submit the comprehensive plan for a city to the people's congress at the corresponding level or its standing committee for examination and approval before submitting it to the people's government at a higher level for examination and approval.


The plan for a district of a city shall be examined and approved by the people's government of the city.


The detailed plan for a city shall be examined and approved by the people 's government of the city. The detailed plan for a city which has a district plan shall be submitted to the competent department of city planning administration of the people's government of the city for examination and approval, with the exception of important detailed plans which shall be submitted to the people's government of the city for examination and approval.

第二十二条 城市人民政府可以根据城市经济和社会发展需要,对城市总体规划进行局部调整,报同级人民代表大会常务委员会和原批准机关备案:但涉及城市性质、规模、发展方向和总体布局重大变更的,须经同级人民代表大会或者其常务委员会审查同意后报原批准机关审批。

Article 22. The people's government of a city may make partial readjustments in the comprehensive plan for the city according to needs arising from the city's economic and social development, and the comprehensive plan thus readjusted shall be submitted to the standing committee of the people's congress at the corresponding level and to the authority which originally approved the plan for the record. Major readjustments which involve the designated function of the city, its size, the orientation of its development or its overall layout shall be examined and approved by the people's congress at the corresponding level or its standing committee before they are submitted to the authority which originally approved the plan for examination and approval.

第三章 城市新区开发和旧区改建


第二十三条 城市新区开发和旧区改建必须坚持统一规划、合理布局、因地制宜、综合开发、配套建设的原则。各项建设工程的选址、定点,不得妨碍城市的发展,危害城市的安全,污染和破坏城市环境,影响城市各项功能的协调。

Article 23. In the development of new urban areas and the redevelopment of existing urban areas, the principles of unified planning, a rational layout, consideration of local conditions, comprehensive development and the coordinated construction of support facilities must be adhered to. The selection and determination of sites for construction projects may not hinder the development of a city, endanger its safety, cause pollution or a deterioration of its environment or affect the coordination of its various functions.

第二十四条 新建铁路编组站、铁路货运干线、过境公路、机场和重要军事设施等应当避开市区。

Article 24. The marshalling yards for newly built railways, trunk lines for freight trains, transit highways, airports and important military establishments shall be built away from the urban districts.


In the construction of harbours, consideration shall be given to the rational allocation and utilization of a city's water front, and the availability of a section of the water front for activities other than production shall be guaranteed.

第二十五条 城市新区开发应当具备水资源、能源、交通、防灾等建设条件,并应当避开地下矿藏、地下文物古迹。

Article 25. The development of new urban areas shall be carried out in localities where there are conditions for construction like ample water and energy resources, transportation facilities and means of preventing disasters. Mineral reserves and underground cultural relics and historical sites shall be avoided.

第二十六条 城市新区开发应当合理利用城市现有设施。

Article 26. In the development of new urban areas, rational use shall be made of the existing facilities of a city.

第二十七条 城市旧区改建应当遵循加强维护、合理利用、调整布局、逐步改善的原则,统一规划,分期实施,并逐步改善居住和交通运输条件,加强基础设施和公共设施建设,提高城市的综合功能。

Article 27. In the redevelopment of existing urban areas, the principles of good maintenance, rational utilization, readjustment of the layout and gradual improvement shall be adhered to. Redevelopment shall be carried out by stages on a unified plan. The residential and transportation conditions in the existing urban areas shall be improved step by step, and special attention shall be given to the construction of the infrastructure and public facilities so as to enhance the multiple functions of the city.

第四章 城市规划的实施


第二十八条 城市规划经批难后,城市人民政府应当公布。

Article 28. The plan for a city shall be announced by the people's government of the city after it is approved.

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