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英汉对照法律资源--中华人民共和国海上交通安全法          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     


(2) if an obstacle or drifting object jeopardizing the safety of navigation is discovered; or


(3) if there are other abnormal situations jeopardizing the safety of navigation.

  第二十五条 航标周围不得建造或设置影响其工作效能的障碍物。航标和航道附近有碍航行安全的灯光,应当妥善遮蔽。

Article 25. No obstacle affecting the efficacy of navigation aids may be erected or installed in areas surrounding the aids. Any lights in the vicinity of the navigation aids or navigational lanes that jeopardize navigation safety shall be properly screened.

  第二十六条 设施的搬迁、拆除,沉船沉物的打捞清除,水下工程的善后处理,都不得遗留有碍航行和作业安全的隐患。在未妥善处理前,其所有人或经营人必须负责设置规定的标志,并将碍航物的名称、形状、尺寸、位置和深度准确地报告主管机关。

Article 26. When removing or dismantling installations, salvaging or removing sunken ships or objects, and handling the finishing operations of underwater projects, no hidden dangers shall be left to menace navigational or operational safety. Before the aforesaid operations have been properly completed, their owners or managers must be responsible for erecting markers as required and making an accurate report to the competent authority on the type, shape, size and location of the obstacle and the depth of water over it.

  第二十七条 港口码头、港外系泊点,装卸站和船闸,应当加强安全管理,保持良好状态。

Article 27. Safety administration must be strengthened with respect to harbour wharves, mooring points and loading spots outside of harbour areas as well as ship locks, so that they are always kept in good condition.

  第二十八条 主管机关根据海上交通安全的需要,确定、调整交通管制区和港口锚地。港外锚地的划定,由主管机关报上级机关批准后公告。

Article 28. To meet the requirements of maritime traffic safety, the competent authority shall fix and adjust traffic control areas and harbour anchorages. The designation of anchorages outside of harbour areas shall be announced by the competent authority after the report relative thereto has been submitted to and approved by the higher authority.

  第二十九条 主管机关按照国家规定,负责统一发布航行警告和航行通告。

Article 29. The competent authority shall, in accordance with relevant provisions of the state, be responsible for issuing navigational warnings and navigational notices.

  第三十条 为保障航行、停泊和作业的安全,有关部门应当保持通信联络畅通,保持助航标志、导航设施明显有效,及时提供海洋气象预报和必要的航海图书资料。

Article 30. In order to ensure the safety of navigation, berthing and operations, the departments concerned shall maintain unimpeded communications facilities, ensure distinct and effective navigation aids and navigational facilities and, in a timely manner, provide offshore meteorological forecasts and necessary books and reference materials concerning maritime navigation.

  第三十一条 船舶、设施发生事故,对交通安全造成或者可能造成危害时,主管机关有权采取必要的强制性处置措施。

Article 31. When vessels and installations are involved in accidents that jeopardize or may jeopardize traffic safety, the competent authority shall have the right to take necessary, compulsory measures to deal with the matter.

第六章 危险货物运输


  第三十二条 船舶、 设施储存、 装卸、运输危险货物,必须具备安全可靠的设备和条件,遵守国家关于危险货物管理和运输的规定。

Article 32. When vessels or installations store, load, unload or transport dangerous goods, they must maintain safe and reliable equipment and conditions and observe the state provisions governing the control and transport of dangerous goods.

  第三十三条 船舶装运危险货物,必须向主管机关办理申报手续,经批准后,方可进出港口或装卸。

Article 33. When vessels load and transport dangerous goods, they must go through the procedures for declaration to the competent authority, and they may not enter or leave the harbour or load or unload until approval has been obtained.

第七章 海难救助


  第三十四条 船舶、设施或飞机遇难时,除发出呼救信号外,还应当以最迅速的方式将出事时间、地点、受损情况、救助要求以及发生事故的原因,向主管机关报告。

Article 34. When vessels, installations or aircraft are in distress, they shall, in addition to issuing distress signals calling for help, use the quickest method possible to report to the competent authority the time and place of the accident, the extent of damage, the assistance required and the cause of the accident.

  第三十五条 遇难船舶、设施或飞机及其所有人、经营人应当采取一切有效措施组织自救。

Article 35. Vessels, installations or aircraft in distress and their owners or managers shall take all effective measures to organize their own rescue efforts.

  第三十六条 事故现场附近的船舶,设施,收到求救信号或发现有人遭遇生命危险时,在不严重危及自身安全的情况下,应当尽力救助遇难人员,并迅速向主管机关报告现场情况和本船舶、设施的名称、呼号和位置。

Article 36. When vessels or installations in the vicinity of the scene of an accident receive a distress signal or discover that people's lives are endangered, they shall do their best to rescue the people in distress insofar as their own safety is not seriously endangered, and promptly report to the competent authority the situation at the scene, their own names, call numbers and positions.

  第三十七条 发生碰撞事故的船舶、设施,应当互通名称、国籍和登记港,并尽一切可能救助遇难人员。在不严重危及自身安全的情况下,当事船舶不得擅自离开事故现场。

Article 37. Vessels or installations involved in a collision shall exchange their names, nationalities and ports of registry and do their best to rescue personnel in distress. The vessels involved may not leave the scene of the accident without authorization, insofar as their own safety is not seriously endangered.

  第三十八条 主管机关接到求救报告后,应当立即组织救助。有关单位和在事故现场附近的船舶、设施,必须听从主管机关的统一指挥。

Article 38. Upon receiving a request for rescue, the competent authority shall immediately organize a rescue operation. All units concerned and vessels or installations in the vicinity of the scene must act under the orders of the competent authority.

  第三十九条 外国派遣船舶或飞机进入中华人民共和国领海或领海上空搜寻救助遇难的船舶或人员,必须经主管机关批准。

Article 39. When a foreign country intends to di

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