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英汉对照法律资源--中华人民共和国海上交通安全法          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

  第十四条 船舶进出港口或者通过交通管制区、通航密集区和航行条件受到限制的区域时,必须遵守中华人民共和国政府或主管机关公布的特别规定。

Article 14. When entering or leaving harbours or passing through controlled traffic areas, crowded navigable areas or areas where navigational conditions are restricted, vessels must observe the special regulations promulgated by the Government of the People's Republic of China or by the competent authority.

  第十五条 除经主管机关特别许可外,禁止船舶进入或穿越禁航区。

Article 15. Vessels shall be prohibited from entering or passing through restricted navigation zones unless specially permitted by the competent authority.

  第十六条 大型设施和移动式平台的海上拖带,必须经船舶检验部门进行拖航检验,并报主管机关核准。

Article 16. Towing operations on the open sea involving large-sized installations and mobile platforms must undergo towing inspection conducted by vessel inspection departments and be reported to the competent authority for examination and approval.

  第十七条 主管机关发现船舶的实际状况同证书所载不相符合时,有权责成其申请重新检验或者通知其所有人、经营人采取有效的安全措施。

Article 17. If the competent authority finds the actual condition of a vessel to be not in conformity with what is stated in the vessel's certificates, it shall have the right to require the vessel to apply for a new inspection or notify its owner or manager to adopt effective safety measures.

  第十八条 主管机关认为船舶对港口安全具有威胁时,有权禁止其进港或令其离港。

Article 18. If the competent authority believes that a vessel presents a menace to the safety of a harbour, it shall have the right to forbid the vessel from entering the harbour or to order it to leave the harbour.

  第十九条 船舶、设施有下列情况之一的,主管机关有权禁止其离港,或令其停航、改航、停止作业:

Article 19. The competent authority shall have the right to forbid a vessel or an installation from leaving the harbour or order it to suspend its voyage, change its route or cease its operations under any one of the following circumstances:


(1) if it violates any law, administrative statute or other rule or regulation of the People's Republic of China;


(2) if it is in a condition unsuitable for navigation or towing;


(3) if it is involved in a traffic accident and has not completed the necessary formalities;


(4) if it has not paid the fees that are due or furnished appropriate security to the competent authority or the department concerned; or


(5) if the competent authority considers that there are other circumstances that will jeopardize or might jeopardize maritime traffic safety.

第五章 安全保障


  第二十条 在沿海水域进行水上水下施工以及划定相应的安全作业区,必须报经主管机关核准公告。无关的船舶不得进入安全作业区。 施工单位不得擅自扩大安全作业区的范围。

Article 20. Construction operations to be carried out on the surface or underwater in coastal waters and the demarcation of corresponding safe operation zones must be reported to the competent authority for examination and approval and must be publicly announced. Vessels not involved in the construction project may not enter the safe operation zones. The construction unit may not enlarge such zones without authorization.


When shore lines are to be used in harbour areas or when construction work, including overhead operations, is to be carried out on the sea surface or underwater in such areas, the plan and a drawing thereof must be submitted to the competent authority for examination and approval.

  第二十一条 在沿海水域划定禁航区,必须经国务院或主管机关批准。但是,为军事需要划定禁航区,可以由国家军事主管部门批准。

Article 21. The designation of restricted navigation zones in coastal waters must be approved by the State Council or the competent authority. However, the designation of restricted navigation zones for military purposes shall be approved by the competent department of the state in charge of military affairs.


The restricted navigation zones shall be announced by the competent authority.

  第二十二条 未经主管机关批准,不得在港区、锚地、航道、通航密集区以及主管机关公布的航路内设置、构筑设施或者进行其他有碍航行安全的活动。

Article 22. Without the approval of the competent authority, no installations may be established or constructed, nor may any activities that hinder navigational safety be carried out in harbour areas, anchorages, navigation lanes, or crowded navigable areas, as well as in navigation routes announced by the competent authority.

  对在上述区域内擅自设置, 构筑的设施, 主管机关有权责令其所有人限期搬迁或拆除。

With respect to any installations which have been established or constructed in the above-mentioned areas without authorization, the competent authority shall have the right to order their owners to remove or dismantle the installations within a given period.

  第二十三条 禁止损坏助航标志和导航设施。损坏助航标志或导航设施的,应当立即向主管机关报告,并承担赔偿责任。

Article 23. It shall be forbidden to damage navigation aids or navigational facilities. Whoever has damaged navigation aids or navigational facilities shall immediately report the damage to the competent authority and be liable for compensation.

  第二十四条 船舶、设施发现下列情况,应当迅速报告主管机关:

Article 24. Vessels and installations shall promptly make a report to the competent authority if they discover any of the following situations:


(1) if navigation aids or navigational facilities malfunction or become abnormal;

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