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英汉对照法律资源--中华人民共和国经济合同法          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

a mandatory plan to enterprises according to needs, relevant enterprises shall conclude contracts between them in accordance with their rights and duties as stipulated by laws and administrative rules and regulations.

  第十二条 经济合同应具备以下主要条款:

Article 12 An economic contract shall contain the following principal clauses:


(1) the object ( referring to goods, labour services, construction projects, ect. ) ;


(2) the quantity and quality;


(3) the price or remuneration;


(4) the time limit, place and method of performance; and


(5) the liability for breach of contract.


An economic contract shall also include as its principal clauses those whose inclusion is stipulated by law or by virtue of the nature of the economic contract, or whose inclusion is considered as indispensable by either party to the contract.

  第十三条 经济合同用货币履行义务时,除法律或者行政法规另有规定的以外,必须用人民币计算和支付。

Article 13 Where the obligations under an economic contract are to be fulfilled in monetary terms, except as otherwise provided by laws or administrative rules and regulations, Renminbi must be used for computation and payment.


Except for cases in which the State permits the use of cash to fulfil obligations, settlements must be made by means of transfer of bank accounts or bills.

  第十四条 当事人一方可向对方给付定金。经济合同履行后,定金应当收回,或者抵作价款。

Article 14 One party may pay a deposit to the other party. After the economic contract is performed, the deposit shall be returned or set off against the price.


If the party that pays the deposit fails to perform the contract, it shall have no right to reclaim the deposit. If the party that receives the deposit fails to perform the contract, it shall return twice the amount of the deposit.

  第十五条 经济合同当事人一方要求保证的,可由保证人担保。被保证的当事人不履行合同的,按照担保约定由保证人履行或者承担连带责任.

Article 15 If one party to an economic contract requests a guaranty, such guaranty may be provided by a guarantor. Where the guaranteed party fails to perform the contract, the guarantor shall perform or be held with joint obligation in accordance with the agreement on the guaranty.

  第十六条 经济合同被确认无效后。当事人依据该所取得的财产,应返还给对方。有过错的一方应赔偿对方因此所受的损失;如果双方都有过错。各自承担相应的责任。

Article 16 After an economic contract has been confirmed to be void, the parties shall return to each other any property that they have acquired pursuant to the contract. If one party is at fault, it shall compensate the other party for losses incurred as a result thereof. If both parties are at fault, each party shall be commensurately liable.


In the case of an economic contract which violates the interest of the State and the public interest, if both parties have acted wilfully, the property that they have acquired or are due to acquire by mutual agreement shall be recovered and turned over to the State Treasury.


If only one party has acted wilfully, the wilful party shall restore to the other party the property it has acquired from the latter; the party that has not acted wilfully shall turn over to the State Treasury and property it has acquired from the other party or is due to acquire by mutual agreement.

第十七条 购销合同(包括供应、采购、预购、购销结合及协作、调剂等合同)中产品数量、产品质量和包装质量、产品价格和交贷期限按以下规定执行:

Article 17 The terms reguarding the quantity, quality, packaging quality and prices of products and the time limit for their delivery in purchase and sale contracts ( including contracts for supply, procurement, forward purchase, combination and coordination in purchases and sales, and adjustment ) shall be implemented in accordance with the following provisions:


(1) The product quantity term shall be concluded between the supplying and purchasing parties through consultation. The method of measuring product quantity shall be governed by the provisions of the State; in the absence of such provisions, a method agreed upon by the supplying and purchasing parties shall be applied.


(2) The product quality and packaging quality requirements terms shall be concluded in accordance with the standard which may not be lower than the State mandatory standards or the trade mandatory standards if such standards exist; in the absence of such standards, the terms shall be concluded between the parties through consultation.


The supplying party must be responsible for the product quality and packaging quality and provide the technical data or samples necessary for inspection.


The methods of ascertaining product quality through inspection and quarantine shall be carried out in accordance with the relevant provisions approved by the State Council; in the absence of such provisions, the parties shall determine the methods through consultation.


(3) The product price term shall, except where the State provides that the Stat

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