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英汉对照法律资源--中华人民共和国外资保险公司管理条例实施细则          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     


The materials concerning other facilities related to the business mentioned in Item 9 of Article 11 of the Regulations shall include at least information about configuration of computer facilities, network construction and information management system.

    第二十六条  《条例》和本细则要求申请设立外资保险公司的外国保险公司提供的下列文件或者资料,应当经所在国家或者地区依法设立的公证机构公证,或者经中国驻该国使、领馆认证:

Article 26 The following documents or materials to be provided by a foreign insurance company for an application for the establishment of a foreign-funded insurance company according to the requirements specified in the Regulations and these Rules, shall be notarized by a public notary legally established in the local country or region, or verified by the embassy or consulate of China in that country:

    (一) 营业执照(副本)或者营业执照的有效复印件;

(1) The business license (duplicate) or valid copy of the business license;

    (二) 对拟任外国保险公司分公司主要负责人的授权书;

(2) A letter of attorney issued to the proposed person-in-charge of the branch of a foreign insurance company;

    (三) 外国保险公司对其中国境内分公司承担税务、债务的责任担保书。

(3) A letter of guarantee of a foreign insurance company to undertake the obligations of tax and duties payment and debts repayment on behalf of its branch in China.

    第二十七条  外资保险公司可以根据业务发展需要申请设立分支机构。

Article 27 A foreign-funded insurance company may apply for establishing branches as needed according to business development.


The branch of a foreign insurance company can only conduct business within the territory of the province, autonomous region or municipality where the branch is located. Where the joint-equity insurance company or wholly-owned insurance company is prepared to conduct business in any other province, autonomous region or municipality outside its locality, it shall establish a branch in the place concerned.


A foreign insurance company may, according to actual circumstances, apply for establishing a central sub-branch or sub-branch, operating office or marketing service office. The establishment and management of marketing service offices shall be subject to other applicable regulations of CIRC, if any.

    第二十八条  合资保险公司、独资保险公司以最低注册资本人民币2亿元设立的,在其住所地以外的每一省、自治区、直辖市首次申请设立分公司,应当增加不少于人民币2千万元的注册资本。

Article 28 Where a joint-equity or wholly-owned insurance company which has been established with a minimum registered capital of RMB200 million, applies for the first time for the establishment of a branch in every other province, autonomous region, or municipality outside its locality, it shall increase the registered capital by no less than RMB20 million.


By the time of applying for the establishment of a branch, if the registered capital of a joint-equity or wholly-owned insurance company has reached the amount as stipulated in the preceding paragraph, the company will no longer be required to increase its registered capital.


Where the registered capital of a joint-equity or wholly-owned insurance company has reached RMB500 million and where the solvency of the company is adequate, no increase of registered capital is required when the company applies for the establishment of a branch.

    第二十九条  外资保险公司申请设立分支机构,应当具备下列条件:

Article 29 A foreign-funded insurance company that applies for the establishment of a branch shall satisfy the following requirements:


(1) Its solvency margin shall comply with relevant regulations specified by CIRC.


(2) Its internal control system is sound and there is no record of punishment; where the operating period exceeds 2 years, there is no record of punishment in the most recent 2 years;


(3) It has senior managerial personnel of the branch with the relevant qualifications specified by CIRC.

     第三十条  设立分支机构,应当由外资保险公司向中国保监会提出申请,并提交下列材料一式三份:

Article 30 A foreign-funded insurance company that applies for the establishment of a branch shall submit an application to CIRC and provide the following documents in triplicate:


(1) A letter of application for establishment;

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