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英汉对照法律资源--中华人民共和国大气污染防治法实施细则          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     


Environmental protection authorities should made inspections on the progress made by units being ordered to handle their pollution problems within a definite time, and conduct acceptance checks on items completed with the harnessing by the prescribed time, the results of which should be reported to people's Governments at the corresponding levels.

第十一条 造成大气污染事故的单位,必须在事故发生的四十八小时内向当地环境保护部门作出事故发生的时间、地点、类型和排放污染物的数量、经济损失和人员受害等情况的初步报告。

Article 11. It is mandatory for units responsible for air pollution accidents to submit initial reports containing such information as the time, place, and type of the accidents, the quantity of the discharged pollutants, as well as the economic losses and victims involved, to local environmental protection authorities within forty-eight hours from when the accidents occurred.


 Detailed written reports with relevant certifications attached should follow up once thorough investigations of the accidents are completed, providing such information as how the accidents were started, their entire process and damages involved, steps taken to tackle with the situation and their results, as well as problems that remain yet to be resolved, and measures for preventing the reoccurrence of such accidents.

第十二条 环境保护部门和其他监督管理部门的监督管理人员,对管辖范围内的排污单位进行现场检查时,应当出示检查证件或者佩戴标志。

Article 12. When conducting on-site inspections of pollutant-discharge units that fall within their jurisdiction, the supervisory and administrative personnel of environmental protection authorities, or of other supervisory and administrative authorities should produce their inspection credentials, or wear specified symbols.


The inspection credentials as hold by supervisory and administrating personnel of environmental protection authorities must be signed and issued by environmental protection authorities of cities under the jurisdiction of provincial People's Governments, or above that level,

第十三条 环境保护部门和其他监督管理部门进行现场检查时,可以要求被检查单位提供下列情况和资料:

Article 13. When conducting field inspections, environmental protection authorities, or other supervisory and administrative authorities may request units under inspection to provide the following information and data:


(1) Information on the discharge of pollutants;


(2)  Information on the handling, operation, and management of pollutant treatment installations;


(3)  The model and specifications of monitoring instruments and equipment, and information on their checkouts performances;


(4)  Monitoring and analyzing methods adopted, and monitoring records;


(5)  Information on observance of dictated handling of air pollution by a fixed time;


(6)  Information on accidents, and relevant records;


(7)  Data production technology, and  raw material utilization relevant to pollution; and


(8)  Other information and data with respect to the prevention of air pollution.

第三章 防治烟尘污染

Chapter III   Prevention of Smoke pollution

第十四条 国务院有关主管部门应当根据国家规定的锅炉烟尘排放标准,在锅炉产品质量标准中规定锅炉初始排放的烟尘浓度和烟气黑度标准。

Article 14. Relevant competent departments under the State Council should set the standards for smoke concentration and blackness for boiler initial discharge in accordance with boiler smoke discharge standards as dictated by the State, and have them included as part of the product and quality standards for the manufacture of boilers.


Prior to the establishment of a new boiler product, The standards of smoke concentration and blackness for its initial discharge, and data on their testing should be filed with environmental protection authorities of cities under the jurisdiction of provincial People's Governments.


It is mandatory for boiler manufacturers to state the standards of smoke concentration and blackness affected during initial discharge of their boilers on the latter's data plates, or in the latter's product manuals.


It is not permissible to manufacture, market, or import boilers that fail to conform with the smoke concentration and blackness standards as referred to under paragraph one of this Article.

第十五条 新建造的工业窑炉、新安装的锅炉在正式投入生产或者使用前,必须按规定程序报环境保护部门验收;

Article 15. Prior to their formal commissioning or usage, newly-built industrial kilns and newly-installed boilers must go through acceptance checks by environmental protection authorities after prescribed application procedures are being completed;


For those which fail to meet State- or locally-prescribed standards governing the discharge of air pollutants shall not be allowed to go into production, or enter into usage.

第十六条 城市新建工业区、新建住宅区以及老城区成片改造,应当实行热电联供;

Article 16. Heating and power supply should be made to combine their operations in newly-constructed urban industrial or residential areas are being constructed, or where large sections of the old city are bei

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