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英汉对照法律资源--中华人民共和国香港特别行政区驻军法          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

(4) to cherish the public property of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and the private property of Hong Kong residents and other persons; and


(5) to observe public ethics and cultivate civility and courtesy.

第十七条 香港驻军人员不得参加香港的政治组织、宗教组织和社会团体。

Article 17 Members of the Hong Kong Garrison shall not join any political, religious or social organization in Hong Kong.

第十八条 香港驻军和香港驻军人员不得以任何形式从事营利性经营活动。

Article 18 The Hong Kong Garrison or its members shall not engage in any form of profit-making business activities.


Members of the Hong Kong Garrison shall not engage in any other activity incompatible with their functions and responsibilities as servicemen.

第十九条 香港驻军人员违反全国性的法律和香港特别行政区的法律的,依法追究法律责任。

Article 19 Any member of the Hong Kong Garrison who contravenes any national law or law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall be investigated for legal responsibility according to law.


Any member of the Hong Kong Garrison who breaches military discipline shall be subject to disciplinary sanction.

第五章 香港驻军人员的司法管辖


第二十条 香港驻军人员犯罪的案件由军事司法机关管辖;

Article 20 Criminal offences committed by members of the Hong Kong Garrison shall be under the jurisdiction of the military judicial organs;


but offences which are committed by members of the Hong Kong Garrison when not performing their official duties and in such violation of the personal right or property right of Hong Kong residents or other persons who are not of the Hong Kong Garrison or otherwise in such contravention of the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region as to constitute crimes, shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the courts and the relevant law-enforcing organs of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.


The military judicial organ and the court or the relevant law-enforcing organ of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region may transfer to the other party the criminal cases of members of the Hong Kong Garrison under their respective jurisdiction if they consider it to be more appropriate for the other party to exercise jurisdiction, provided that consensus is reached through consultation.


Hong Kong residents or other persons not of the Hong Kong Garrison involved as defendants in the criminal cases of members of the Hong Kong Garrison under the jurisdiction of the military judicial organs shall be tried by the courts of the Hong Kong Special Administrtive Region.

第二十一条 香港特别行政区执法人员依法拘捕的涉嫌犯罪的人员,查明是香港驻军人员的,应当移交香港驻军羁押。

Article 21 Any person who is lawfully arrested as a suspected offender by law-enforcing officers of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, once confirmed upon investigation to be a member of the Hong Kong Garrison, shall be handed over to the Hong Kong Garrison for custody.


Jurisdiction over the case involving the person in custody shall be determined in accordance with the provisions in Article 20 of this Law.

第二十二条 香港驻军人员被香港特别行政区法院判处剥夺或者限制人身自由的刑罚的,依照香港特别行政区的法律规定送交执行;但是,香港特别行政区有关执法机关与军事司法机关对执行的地点另行协商确定的除外。

Article 22 Any member of the Hong Kong Garrison sentenced by a court of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region to criminal punishment which deprives him of or restricts his personal freedom shall be delivered for sentence enforcement according to the provisions of the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, except for the case in which the place of sentence enforcement is otherwise determined by a relevant law- enforcing organ of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and the military judicial organ through consultation.

第二十三条 香港驻军人员违反香港特别行政区的法律,侵害香港居民、香港驻军以外的其他人的民事权利的,当事人可以通过协商、调解解决;

Article 23 Where any member of the Hong Kong Garrison, in contravention of the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, infringes the civil rights of any Hong Kong resident or other person not of the Hong Kong Garrison, the parties concerned may seek settlement through consultation or mediation;


if they are unwilling or fail to reach settlement through consultation or mediation, the infringed party may bring an action in the court.

第二十四条 香港驻军的机关或者单位在香港特别行政区与香港居民、香港驻军以外的其他人发生合同纠纷时,当事人可以通过协商、调解解决。

Article 24 Where any contractual dispute arises within the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region between any organ or unit of the Hong Kong Garrison and any Hong Kong resident or other person not of the Hong Kong Garrison, the parties concerned may settle their dispute through consultation or mediation;


if the parties are unwilling or fail to reach settlement through consultation or mediation, they may submit the dispute to the arbitration agency for arbitration in accordance with the arbitration clause contained in the contract or with a written arbitration agreement reached by the parties afterwards.


If no arbitration clause is contained in the contract and no written arbitration agreement is reached afterwards, the parties may institute proceedings in a court of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, except that the parties agree otherwise as to the court for instituting proceedings.


Cases of tort arising from acts committed by members of the Hong Kong Garrison when not performing their official duties shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the courts of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region;


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