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中英对照法律资源--国务院关于进一步加强麻黄素管理的通知          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

rug Leading Group for the record.<0}

{0>未经指定的任何单位和个人,不得经营麻黄素业务。<}0{> No unit or individual without appointment shall operate ephedrine business.<0}

{0>使用麻黄素的制药、医疗和科研单位只能按规定到指定的麻黄素定点经营企业购买 <}0{> Pharmaceutical, medical and scientific research units that use ephedrine can only make the purchase at the designated management enterprises of ephedrine appointed in accordance with provisions.<0}

{0>建立麻黄素购销核查制度。<}0{>Establishing ephedrine purchase and marketing verification rules.<0}

{0>购买麻黄素应先向省、自治区、直辖市药品管理部门提出书面申请,经审查同意后办理购用证明,并到指定的麻黄素定点经营企业购买。<}0{> An application in writing shall be filed at the department of pharmaceutical administration of a province, an autonomous region or a municipality directly under the Central Government for the purchase of ephedrine, a certificate for purchase and use obtained upon examination and approval and the purchase made at the designated management enterprise of ephedrine appointed.<0}

{0>麻黄素购用证明由国家药品管理部门统一印制,一证一次使用有效。<}0{> Certificates for ephedrine purchase and use shall be uniformly printed by the state department of pharmaceutical administration and one certificate shall be valid for a single use.<0}

{0>禁止倒卖和转让麻黄素购用证明。<}0{> Speculation and transfer of certificates for ephedrine purchase and use shall be prohibited.<0}

{0>麻黄素经营企业严禁向无购用证明的企业或个人销售麻黄素。<}0{>Management enterprises of ephedrine are strictly prohibited to sell ephedrine to any enterprise or individual without a certificate of purchase and use.<0}

{0>在麻黄素购销活动中禁止使用现金。<}0{> Use of cash shall be prohibited in the purchase and marketing activities of ephedrine.<0}

{0>()加强麻黄素的仓储和运输管理。<}0{>(3) Strengthening ephedrine warehouse and transport control.<0}

{0>麻黄素生产、经营企业必须建立严格的仓储制度,要设专用库房并指派专人管理。<}0{>Production and management enterprises of ephedrine must establish strict warehouse rules and should set aside special-purpose stock rooms and appoint special persons for the control thereof.<0}

{0>麻黄素的运输必须到省级公安机关办理运输许可证,由专人押运。<}0{> A transport permit must be obtained from the provincial public security organ for the transportation of ephedrine under escort by designated persons.<0}

{0>麻黄素运输许可证由公安部统一印制,一证一次使用有效。<}0{> Ephedrine transport permits shall be uniformly printed by the Ministry of Public Security and one certificate shall be valid for a single use.<0}

{0>()规范麻黄素的使用管理。<}0{>(4) Standardizing control over ephedrine use.<0}

{0>卫生部门要加强对麻黄素单方制剂的管理。<}0{>Departments of public health must enhance control over prescribed ephedrine preparations.<0}

{0>麻黄素单方制剂只能卖给医疗单位,医疗单位凭医生处方销售。<}0{> Prescribed ephedrine preparations can only be sold to medical units which shall sell on the strength of doctors’ prescriptions.<0}

{0>严禁社会各类医药商店及私人诊所经销麻黄素单方制剂。<}0{> All categories of pharmacies of society and private clinics are strictly prohibited to sell prescribed ephedrine preparations.<0}

{0>使用麻黄素及其单方制剂的单位要建立购买、使用、销毁的登记制度,严防麻黄素及其单方制剂流入非法渠道。<}0{>Units that use ephedrine and its prescribed preparations must establish registration rules for the purchase, use and destruction thereof to strictly prevent ephedrine and its prescribed preparations from getting into illegal channels.<0}

{0>()加强麻黄素的进出口管理。<}0{>(5) Stepping up ephedrine import-export control.<0}

{0>国家对麻黄素的出口实行许可证管理制度。<}0{>The State practices license control system for the export of ephedrine.<0}

{0>由外经贸部商国家药品管理部门确定麻黄素出口企业及出口计划;<}0{> Ephedrine export enterprises and export plan shall be determined by the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Co-operation in consultation with the state department of pharmaceutical administration.<0}

{0>其他单位和个人一律不得从事麻黄素出口业务。<}0{> No other units or individuals shall engage in ephedrine export business.<0}

{0>麻黄素出口企业在申请办理出口手续时,须向外经贸部提交境外进口商所在国家、地区政府或政府委托机构出具的进口许可证及合同原件,经外经贸部审查同意,送全国禁毒工作领导小组办公室进行国际核查,确认合法后,由外经贸部签发麻黄素出口许可证。<}0{>An ephedrine export enterprise must, in applying for export formalities, present the import license issued by the government of the country, region or the agency entrusted by the government of the country, region in which the foreign import firm is located and the original of the contract to the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Co-operation, upon examination and approval of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Co-operation, submit it to the Office of the National Anti-drug Leading Group for international verification, and upon confirmation as legal, be issued an ephedrine export license by the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Co-operation.<0}

{0>麻黄素出口企业持外经贸部签发的麻黄素出口许可证及上述有关材料,到国家药品管理部门办理麻黄素出口购用证明,到指定的麻黄素定点经营企业购买。<}0{>An ephedrine export enterprise shall go through the formalities for the obtainment of the certificate of purchase and use for ephedrine export at the state department of pharmaceutical administration along with the ephedrine export license issued by the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Co-operation and the afore-said materials and make the purchase at the designated ephedrine management enterprise appointed.<0}

{0>麻黄素出口购用证明由 国家药品管理部门统一印制,一证一次使用有效。<}0{> Certificates for purchase and use for ephedrine export shall be uniformly printed by the state department of pharmaceutical administration and one certificate shall be valid for a single use.<0}

{0>麻黄素出口企业须在麻黄素报关出运后30日内向外经贸部提交海关签注的出口许可证和出口货物报关单的复印件。<}0{>An ephedrine export enterprise must, within 30 days after the customs declaration and shipment of ephedrine, present to the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Co-operation photocopies of the export license and export goods declaration form signed and annotated by customs.<0}

{0>因故未能在许可证有效期内出运的,须在出口许可证、出口购用证明有效期满后15日内将上述证明及时退回原发证单位。<}0{> An enterprise that has failed

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