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中英对照法律资源--国有企业职工待业保险规定          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

e 9. No taxes or expenses shall be levied on unemployment insurance funds or their management fees. <0}

{0>第三章 待业保险基金的使用 <}0{>Chapter III Use of the Unemployment Insurance Fund <0}

{0>第十条 待业保险基金的开支项目:<}0{>Article 10. The expenditure items of the unemployment insurance fund are as follows: <0}

{0>(一)待业职工的待业救济金;<}0{>(1) Unemployment relief funds for staff and workers waiting for employment; <0}

{0>(二)待业职工在领取待业救济金期间的医疗费、丧葬补助费,其供养的直系亲属的抚恤费、救济费;<}0{>(2) Medical care expenses, allowances for funeral expenses, pensions and relief funds for the immediate relatives of the staff and workers waiting for employment in period during which they receive unemployment relief funds; <0}

{0>(三)待业职工的转业训练费;<}0{>(3) Vocational training expenses necessary to job changes; <0}

{0>(四)扶持待业职工的生产自救费;<}0{>(4) The expenses provided for the self-help through production of the workers waiting for employment; <0}

{0>(五)待业保险管理费;<}0{>(5) Unemployment management fees; and <0}

{0>(六)经省、自治区、直辖市人民政府批准,为解决待业职工生活困难和帮助其就业确需支付的其他费用。<}0{>(6) Other expenses necessarily paid for the purpose of maintaining a minimum standard of living for the staff and workers waiting for employment and of helping them to be re-employed upon the approval of the people's governments of the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government. <0}

{0>第十一条 符合本规定第二条规定的待业职工,向企业所在地的待业保险机构办理待业登记后,方可领取待业救济金。<}0{>Article 11. The staff and workers waiting for employment who meet the stipulation of Article 2 of these Regulations shall receive unemployment relief fund, but only after they handle the unemployment registration at their local unemployment insurance institution. <0}

{0>第十二条 待业职工领取待业救济金的期限,根据待业职工待业前在企业连续工作时间确定:<}0{>Article 12. The term during which staff and workers waiting for employment may receive unemployment relief funds shall be determined in accordance with the duration of their consecutive work in the Enterprises before their unemployment. <0}

{0>(一)待业职工待业前在企业连续工作一年以上不足五年的,领取待业救济金的期限最长为十二个月;<}0{>(1) For staff and workers waiting for employment who had consecutively worked in an Enterprise for more than one (1) year but less than five (5) years before their unemployment, the maximum term during which they may receive unemployment relief funds shall be twelve (12) months. <0}

{0>(二)待业职工待业前在企业连续工作五年以上的,领取待业救济金的期限最长为二十四个月。<}0{>(2) For staff and workers waiting for employment who had consecutively worked in the Enterprises for more than five (5) years before their unemployment, the maximum term during which they may receive unemployment relief funds shall be twenty-four (24) months. <0}

{0>第十三条 待业救济金由待业保险机构按月发给待业职工。<}0{>Article 13. Unemployment relief funds shall be paid to the staff and workers waiting for employment each month by the unemployment insurance institutions. <0}

{0>待业救济金的发放标准为相当于当地民政部门规定的社会救济金额的百分之一百二十至百分之一百五十。具体金额由省、自治区、直辖市人民政府规定。<}0{>The distribution standard of unemployment relief funds shall be equal to 120% to 150% of the amount of social relief funds stipulated by the local institutions of civil affairs. The people's government of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government shall determine the specific amount. <0}

{0>第十四条 待业职工医疗费的发放标准,由省、自治区、直辖市人民政府规定。<}0{>Article 14. The distribution standards of medical care expenses for the staff and workers waiting for employment shall be determined by the people's government of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government. <0}

{0>待业职工丧葬补助费和其供养的直系亲属的抚恤费、救济费的发放标准,参照当地职工社会保险有关规定办理。<}0{>Allowances for the funeral expenses for the staff and workers waiting for employment and the pensions and relief fund for their immediate relatives shall be paid in light of relevant regulations regarding the local social insurance for the staff and workers. <0}

{0>第十五条 待业职工转业训练费和生产自救费,按照上年度筹集待业保险基金的一定比例提取。<}0{>Article 15. Vocational training expenses for job change and the expenses for self-help through production of the staff and workers waiting for employment shall be drawn at a due proportion with respect to the raising of the unemployment insurance fund of the last fiscal year. <0}

{0>具体提取比例和使用办法,由省、自治区、直辖市人民政府规定。<}0{>The people's government of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government shall determine the specific proportion drawn and the method of use. <0}

{0>第十六条 待业职工有下列情况之一的,待业保险机构停止发给待业救济金及其他费用:<}0{>Article 16. The unemployment insurance institutions shall cease payment of unemployment relief funds and other expenses for staff and workers waiting for employment in any of the following circumstances: <0}

{0>(一)领取待业救济金期限届满的;<}0{>(1) The end of the term for them to receive unemployment relief funds has been reached; <0}

{0>(二)参军或者出国定居的;<}0{>(2) They join the Army or go abroad for settlement; <0}

{0>(三)重新就业的;<}0{>(3) They are re-employed; <0}

{0>(四)无正当理由,两次不接受劳动就业服务机构介绍就业的;<}0{>(4) They refuse employment introduced by the labor employment service agencies twice without viable reason; or <0}

{0>(五)在领取待业救济金期限内被劳动教养或者被判刑的。 <}0{>(5) They are sentenced to reform through labor or to imprisonment during the term of receiving unemployment relief funds. <0}

{0>第四章 组织管理机构的职责 <}0{>Chapter IV Functions and Duties of the Organizational Management Institutions <0}

{0>第十七条 国务院劳动行政主管部门负责全国企业职工待业保险的管理工作。<}0{>Article 17. The competent labor administrative institutions under the State Council shall be responsible for the management of unemployment insurance for the staff and workers waiting for employment from Enterprises throughout the entire nation. <0}

{0>县级以上地方各级人民政府过去行政主管部门负责本行政区域内企业职工待业保险的管理工作,<}0{>The competent labor administrative institutions of the people's governments above the county level shall

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