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中英对照法律资源--精神药品管理办法          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

and for the supply of psychotropic drugs of category I shall be made  jointly  by  the Ministry of Public Health and the State Administration for Medicine  after balancing the plans made by the administration department for medicine  of each province,  autonomous  region  or  municipality  directly  under  the Central Government and shall be assigned together with the production plan by the  Ministry  of  Public  Health  and  the  State  Administration  for Medicine. <0}

{0>第二类精神药品制剂的供应计划,由省、自治区、直辖市卫生行政部门会同同级医药管理部门联合下达。<}0{>The plan for the supply of psychotropic drugs of category II shall be assigned jointly by the health administrative department of  each province, autonomous region or municipality  directly  under  the  Central Government  and  the  administration  department  for  medicine   at   the corresponding level.<0}

{0>第十条 第一类精神药品只限供应县以上卫生行政部门指定的医疗单位使用,不得在医药门市部零售。<}0{>Article 10 the psychotropic drugs of category I are available only to those medical treatment units appointed by the health administrative department at or above the county level. No retail sale of these drugs shall be allowed at any drug stores.<0}

{0>第二类精神药品可供各医疗单位使用,医药门市部应当凭盖有医疗单位公章的医生处方零售。处方应留存两年备查。<}0{>The psychotropic drugs of category II are available to all medical treatment units. Drug stores may sell such drugs by retail on the strength of a doctor's prescription with an official seal of a medical treatment unit stamped on.  The prescriptions must be kept for two years for reference. <0}

{0>医疗单位购买第一类精神药品,需持县以上卫生行政部门核发的《精神药品购用卡》在指定的经营单位购买。<}0{>Any medical unit in need of psychotropic drugs  of  category  I must purchase them at a designated drugstore with a  Purchasing  Card  for Psychotropic Drugs issued by the health administrative  department  at  or above the county level. <0}

{0>《精神药品购用卡》由卫生部统一制定。<}0{>The Purchasing Card for Psychotropic Drugs shall be made solely by the Ministry of Public Health.<0}

{0>第十一条 科研和教学机构因科研和教学需要的精神药品,需经县以上卫生行政部门批准后,由指定的医药经营单位供应。<}0{>Article 11 the psychotropic drugs needed in scientific research or teaching shall be provided by the appointed drug dealers with an approval by the health administrative department at or above the county level.<0}

{0>第四章 精神药品的运输<}0{>Chapter IV Transportation of Psychotropic Drugs<0}

{0>第十二条 生产单位和供应单位托运精神药品(包括邮寄),应当在货物的运单上,写明该精神药品的具体名称,并在发货人记事栏内加盖精神药品专用章,凭此办理运输手续。<}0{>Article 12 When consigning psycho pharmaceuticals, the production unit or  the  supply unit must fill out the full name of the  drug  on  the  parcel  form,  and stamp, in the space for the consigner, a  special  Seal  for  Psychotropic drugs.<0}

{0>第十三条 运输单位承运精神药品,必须加强管理,及时运输,缩短在车站、码头、机场存放时间。<}0{>Article 13 the transportation units must strengthen administration work to ensure prompt shipment of psychotropic drugs by shortening its storage time at the station, on the dock or at the airport. <0}

{0>铁路运输不得使用敞车,水路运输不得配装仓面,公路运输应当苫盖严密,捆扎牢固。<}0{>They must not be transported in open wagons on railways and, if by ship, no top loading is allowed; if by truck, they must be securely fastened up and safely protected.<0}

{0>第十四条 精神药品在运输途中如有丢失,承运单位必须认真查找,并立即报告当地公安机关和卫生行政部门查处。<}0{>Article 14 In the event that any of the psychotropic drugs is found  missing  in  the course of transportation, the freighter-unit must report the case promptly to  the  local  public  security  organ  and  the  health   administrative department for investigation.<0}

{0>第五章 精神药品的使用<}0{>Chapter V the Use of Psychotropic Drugs<0}

{0>第十五条 医生应当根据医疗需要合理使用精神药品,严禁滥用。<}0{>Article 15 Doctors must prescribe psychotropic drugs on the basis of the actual need in treatment.  Abuse of such drugs is strictly forbidden.  <0}

{0>除特殊需要外,第一类精神药品的处方,每次不超过三日常用量,第二类精神药品的处方,每次不超过七日常用量。处方应当留存两年备查。<}0{>Normally, a prescription for the psychotropic drugs of category I shall not exceed the therapeutically dosage for three days. A prescription for the psychotropic drugs of category II shall not exceed the therapeutically dosage for seven days. The prescriptions must be kept for two years for reference.<0}

{0>第十六条 精神药品的处方必须载明患者的姓名、年龄、性别、药品名称、剂量、用法等。<}0{>Article 16 On a prescription of psychotropic drugs, the name, age, sex of  the  user, the name of the drug, dosage  and  administration  must  be  written  down clearly. <0}

{0>精神药品的经营单位和医疗单位对精神药品的购买证明、处方不得涂改。<}0{>The drug dealer unit and  the  medical  treatment  unit  are  not allowed to alter the purchasing certificates  and  the  prescriptions  for psychotropic drugs.<0}

{0>第十七条 精神药品的经营单位和医疗单位应当建立精神药品收支帐目,按季度盘点,做到帐物相符,发现问题应当立即报告当地卫生行政部门,卫生行政部门应当及时查处。<}0{>Article 17 the drug dealer unit and the medical treatment unit are required to keep a balance account book of psychotropic drugs. An inventory of the drugs must be made every three months to ensure the stock conforms to the account book. Should anything suspicious is found, a report must be made promptly to the local health administrative department and the latter must make immediate investigation in the matter.<0}

{0>医疗单位购买的精神药品只准在本单位使用,不得转售。<}0{>Psychotropic drugs purchased by the medical treatment unit can only be used in their unit. No resale of the drugs shall be allowed.<0}

{0>第六章 精神药品的进出口<}0{>Chapter VI the Import and Export of Psychotropic Drugs<0}

{0>第十八条 精神药品的进出口业务由对外经济贸易部指定的单位按照国家有关对外贸易的规定办理。<}0{>Article 18 the import and export of psychotropic drugs shall be handled by the units appointed by the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade in accordance with the State provisions governing foreign trade.<0}

{0>精神药品进出口的年度计划应当报卫生部审批。<}0{>The annual plan for the import or export of psychotropic drugs must be submitted to the Ministry of Public Health for examination and approval.<0}

{0>第十九条 因医疗、教学和科研工作需要进口精神药品的,应报卫生部审查批准,发给《精神药品进口准许证》后,方可申请办理进口手续。<}0{>Article 19 Medical treatment units, medical  colleges  or&

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