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中英对照法律资源--企业名称登记管理规定          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

{0>企业名称登记管理规定<}0{>Provisions on Administration of Enterprise Name Registration<0}

{0> 第一条 为了加强企业名称管理,保护企业的合法权益,维护社会经济秩序,制定本规定。<}0{>Article 1 These Provisions are formulated in order to strengthen the administration of enterprise name, protect lawful rights and interests of enterprises, and maintain social and economic order. <0}

{0> 第二条 本规定适用于中国境内具备法人条件的企业及其他依法需要办理登记注册的企业。<}0{>Article 2 These Provisions are applicable to enterprises qualified as legal persons or required to be registered according to law within China's territory. <0}

{0> 第三条 企业名称在企业申请登记时,由企业名称的登记主管机关核定。<}0{>Article 3 An enterprise name, when being applied for registration by an enterprise, shall be examined and approved by the competent registration authorities. <0}

{0>企业名称经核准登记注册后方可使用,在规定的范围内享有专用权。<}0{>An enterprise name can be used only after it has been approved and registered, and an exclusive right to its use shall be enjoyed within a prescribed scope. <0}

{0> 第四条 企业名称的登记主管机关(以下简称登记主管机关)是国家工商行政管理局和地方各级工商行政管理局。<}0{>Article 4 The competent registration authorities of enterprise names (hereinafter referred to as "the competent registration authorities") are the State Administration for Industry and Commerce and its local administrations at various levels. <0}

{0>登记主管机关核准或者驳回企业名称登记申请,监督管理企业名称的使用,保护企业名称专用权。<}0{>The competent registration authorities may approve or reject an enterprise name registration application, supervise and administer the utilization of the enterprise name, and protect the exclusive right to the use of enterprise name. <0}

{0> 登记主管机关依照《中华人民共和国企业法人登记管理条例》,对企业名称实行分级登记管理。<}0{>In accordance with the Regulations of the People's Republic of China for Controlling the Registration of Enterprises as Legal Persons, the competent registration authorities shall carry out gradation administration of registration of enterprise names. <0}

{0>外商投资企业名称由国家工商行政管理局核定。<}0{>Names of enterprises with foreign investment shall be approved by the State Administration for Industry and Commerce. <0}

{0> 第五条 登记主管机关有权纠正已登记注册的不适宜的企业名称,上级登记主管机关有权纠正下级登记主管机关已登记注册的不适宜的企业名称。<}0{>Article 5 The competent registration authorities are entitled to rectify the inappropriate enterprise names already registered. The competent registration authorities at higher level are entitled to rectify the inappropriate enterprise names registered by the competent registration authorities at lower level. <0}

{0> 对已登记注册的不适宜的企业名称,任何单位和个人可以要求登记主管机关予以纠正。<}0{>Any unit or individual may require to the competent registration authorities to rectify an inappropriate enterprise name registered. <0}

{0> 第六条 企业只准使用一个名称,在登记主管机关辖区内不得与已登记注册的同行业企业名称相同或者近似。<}0{>Article 6 An enterprise is permitted to use one name only which shall not be the same as or similar to the name of an enterprise already registered in the same trade within the jurisdiction of the competent registration authority. <0}

{0> 确有特殊需要的,经省级以上登记主管机关核准,企业可以在规定的范围内使用一个从属名称。<}0{>For special requirements, an enterprise may use a subordinate name within a prescribed scope after obtaining an approval from the competent registration authorities at or above the provincial level. <0}

{0> 第七条 企业名称应当由以下部分依次组成:字号(或者商号,下同)、行业或者经营特点、组织形式。<}0{>Article 7 An enterprise name shall consists of the components in the following order: the shop name (or trade name, similarly hereinafter), trade or business operation characteristics and organizational form. <0}

{0> 企业名称应当冠以企业所在地省(包括自治区、直辖市,下同)或者市(包括州,下同)或者县(包括市辖区,下同)行政区划名称。<}0{>An enterprise name shall be preceded by the name of the administrative area such as the province (including autonomous region and municipality directly under the Central Government, similarly hereinafter) or the city (including prefecture, similarly hereinafter) or the county (including district under a city, similarly hereinafter) where the enterprise is located. <0}

{0> 经国家工商行政管理局核准,下列企业的企业名称可以不冠以企业所在地行政区划名称:<}0{>Any of the following enterprises may use an enterprise name not preceded by the name of the administrative area where it is located after obtaining approval from the State Administration for Industry and Commerce: <0}

{0> (一)本规定第十三条所列企业;<}0{>(1) enterprises listed in Article 13 of these Provisions; <0}

{0> (二)历史悠久、字号驰名的企业;<}0{>(2) enterprises with long history and famous shop names; or <0}

{0> (三)外商投资企业。<}0{>(3) enterprises with foreign investment. <0}

{0> 第八条 企业名称应当使用汉字,民族自治地方的企业名称可以同时使用本民族自治地方通用的民族文字。<}0{>Article 8 Enterprise names shall be in Chinese characters; besides, enterprise names in national autonomous areas may be simultaneously in the language commonly used in the locality. <0}

{0> 企业使用外文名称的,其外文名称应当与中文名称相一致,并报登记主管机关登记注册。<}0{>Where an enterprise also uses a name in foreign language, the name in foreign language shall conform to its Chinese name and also shall be registered with the competent registration authority. <0}

{0> 第九条 企业名称不得含有下列内容和文字:<}0{>Article 9 Enterprise names may not contain any of the following contents or words: <0}

{0> (一)有损于国家、社会公共利益的;<}0{>(1) those being detrimental to the State and social public interests; <0}

{0> (二)可能对公众造成欺骗或者误解的;<}0{>(2) those causing fraudulence or misunderstanding to the public; <0}

{0> (三)外国国家(地区)名称、国际组织名称;<}0{>(3) names of foreign countries (regions) and names of international organizations; <0}

{0> (四)政党名称、党政军机关名称、群众组织名称、社会团体名称及部队番号;<}0{>(4) names of political parties, of party, government or army departments, of people's organizations, of social organizations or military designations of military units; <0}


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