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中英对照法律资源--汽车金融公司管理办法          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

其他信贷业务。 <}0{>and (h) other loan business approved by The China Banking Regulatory Commission.<0}

{0>第十九条 汽车金融公司向自然人发放购车贷款应符合有关监管部门关于个人汽车贷款管理的规定;向法人或其他组织发放汽车贷款应遵守《贷款通则》等有关规定的要求。 <}0{>Article19 An auto financing company, in case of extending loans to a natural person for auto purchase, shall observe relevant rules governing the auto loans to individual buyers promulgated by the relative supervisory authority. In case of extending auto loans to a legal entity or other organizations, an auto financing company shall observe relevant rules set out by General Provisions of Loans and other regulations.<0}

{0>第二十条 未经有关监管部门批准,汽车金融公司不得擅自发行债券、向境外借款。汽车金融公司设立和开展业务中涉及汇兑管理、利润汇出、向非居民发放汽车消费贷款、资本金管理等外汇管理事项的,由有关监管部门会同国家外汇管理部门作出相关规定。 <}0{>Article20 An auto financing company, without the approval of relevant regulatory authorities, shall not issue bonds or borrow funds from overseas. When an auto financing company’s establishment and business operations involve currency exchange, outward repatriation of profits, provision of auto loans for non-residents, capital management or other business transactions relating to foreign exchange administration, the company shall be subject to relevant regulations to be jointly issued by relative regulatory authorities and the State Administration of Foreign Exchange.<0}

{0>第二十一条 汽车金融公司应实行资本总额与风险资产比例控制管理。汽车金融公司资本充足率不得低于10%,中国银行业监督管理委员会视汽车金融公司风险状况和风险管理能力,可提高单个公司资本充足率的最低标准。有关其他各类资产风险控制与管理的具体要求,由中国银行业监督管理委员会另行规定。 <}0{>Article21 An auto financing company shall meet the requirement on the capital to risk assets ratio, and the capital adequacy ratio shall not be less than ten percent. The China Banking Regulatory Commission may increase the minimum requirement of capital adequacy ratio of an individual company in line with the company’s risk profile and risk management capability. Other requirements on risk control and management relating to various kinds of assets shall be issued separately by the China Banking Regulatory Commission.<0}

{0>第二十二条 汽车金融公司应当执行相关的金融企业财务会计制度。 <}0{>Article22 An auto financing company shall adopt relevant accounting rules for financial institutions.<0}

{0>第二十三条 汽车金融公司应按规定编制并向中国银行业监督管理委员会报送资产负债表、损益表、现金流量表及中国银行业监督管理委员会要求的其他报表,并于每年会计年度终了后的3个月内报送上一年度的财务会计报告。 <}0{>Article23 An auto financing company shall compile in required format and submit to the China Banking Regulatory Commission the balance sheet, the profit and loss Statement, the cash flow statement and other statements required by the China Banking Regulatory Commission, and submit the financial statements of the previous year within three months after the end of each accounting year. <0}

{0>汽车金融公司不得提供虚假或隐瞒重要事实的财务会计报告。 <}0{>An auto financing company shall not provide false financial statements, or statements in which important facts are concealed.<0}

{0>第二十四条 汽车金融公司应参照中国人民银行制定的《商业银行内部控制指引》的要求,建立、健全各项业务管理制度与内部控制制度,并在该制度施行前报告中国银行业监督管理委员会。 <}0{>Article24 An auto financing company shall establish and improve various business management systems and internal controls in line with Guidelines on Strengthening Internal Controls of Commercial Banks issued by the People’s Bank of China, and report the systems to the China Banking Regulatory Commission before their implementation.<0}

{0>第二十五条 汽车金融公司应自觉接受中国银行业监督管理委员会对其实施的现场检查及非现场检查。 <}0{>Article25 An auto financing company shall accept the on-site examination and the off-site surveillance by the China Banking Regulatory Commission.<0}

{0>第二十六条 中国银行业监督管理委员会根据日常监管中发现的问题,可以向汽车金融公司的法定代表人和其他高级管理人员提出质询,并责令该公司限期改正。 <}0{>Article26 The China Banking Regulatory Commission may call the legal representatives or other senior managerial personnel of an auto financing company for inquiries into problems discovered during regular examinations, and demand the company to correct within a prescribed time frame.<0}

{0>第二十七条 汽车金融公司应建立定期外部审计制度。应在每个会计年度结束后的6个月内,将经法定代表人签名确认的年度审计报告报送中国银行业监督管理委员会。 <}0{>Article27 An auto financing company shall establish a system of external audit on a regular basis and submit to the China Banking Regulatory Commission annual auditor’s report signed by the company’s legal representative within six months after the end of each accounting year.<0}

{0>第二十八条 汽车金融公司出现支付困难等紧急情况时,应采取紧急自救措施,并立即向中国银行业监督管理委员会报告。 <}0{>Article28 An auto financing company, in case of encountering payment difficulties or other emergencies, shall take remedial actions, and promptly report to the China Banking Regulatory Commission.<0}

{0>第二十九条 汽车金融公司出现下列情况之一的,中国银行业监督管理委员会可视情况责令其进行整顿: <}0{>Article29 The China Banking Regulatory Commission shall demand remedial actions by an auto financing company in case of the following circumstances:<0}

{0>(一) 当年亏损超过注册资本的50%或连续3年累计亏损超过注册资本的30% <}0{> (a) The company suffers from a loss in the current year of above 50 percent of the registered capital or losses in the last three consecutive years of above 10 percent of the registered capital;<0}

{0>(二) 出现支付困难。 <}0{>(b) The company is in payment difficulties;<0}

{0>(三) 有其他重大经营风险,中国银行业监督管理委员会认为应当整顿的情况。 <}0{>and (c) The company faces other major operational risks that the China Banking Regulatory Commission deems necessary to issue an order for corrective actions.<0}

{0>第三十条 中国银行业监督管理委员会责令汽车金融公司整顿后,可对汽车金融公司采取下列措施: <}0{>Article30 The China Banking Regulatory Commission, after issuing an order for corrective actions to an auto financing company, may take the following enforcement actions:<0}

{0>(一) 要求更换或禁止更换汽车金融公司高级管理人员。 <}0{>(a) demanding or prohibiting the change of the company’s senior managerial personnel;<0}

{0>(二) 暂停其部分业务或禁止其开办新业务。 <}0{>(b) suspending part of the company’s business or prohibiting the company’s engagement in new business lines;<0}

{0>(三) 要求在规定期限内增加资本金。 <}0{>(c) demanding an increase of the company’s capital within a prescribed time frame;<0}

{0>(四) 责令汽车金融公司进行改变股权结构等形式的重组。 <}0{>(d) demanding the compa

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