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中英对照法律资源--外商投资建筑业企业管理规定          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

proved by the foreign trade and economic cooperation administration department of the State Council and its qualifications shall be examined and approved by the construction administration department of the State Council; <0}

{0>申请设立施工总承包序列和专业承包序列二级及二级以下、劳务分包序列资质的,其设立由省、自治区、直辖市人民政府对外贸易经济行政主管部门审批,其资质由省、自治区、直辖市人民政府建设行政主管部门审批。<}0{>where an applicant is to apply to establish a contractor or a specialised contractor with Grade B or lower qualifications or any of the subcontractor qualifications, the establishment of the foreign–invested construction enterprise shall be examined and approved by the foreign trade and economic cooperation administration department of the people’s government of the province, the autonomous region or the directly administered municipality and its qualifications shall be examined and approved by the construction administration department of the people’s government of the province, the autonomous region or the directly administered municipality. <0}

{0>中外合资经营建筑业企业、中外合作经营建筑业企业的中方投资者为中央管理企业的,其设立由国务院对外贸易经济行政主管部门审批,其资质由国务院建设行政主管部门审批。<}0{>Where the Chinese investor to a proposed Sino-foreign equity construction joint venture or a Sino-foreign cooperative construction enterprise is an enterprise administered by the central government, the establishment of the joint venture shall be examined and approved by the foreign trade and economic cooperation administration department of the State Council and its qualifications shall be examined and approved by the construction administration department of the State Council. <0}

{0>第七条 设立外商投资建筑业企业,申请施工总承包序列特级和一级、专业承包序列一级资质的程序:<}0{>Article 7 The procedures for the establishment of a foreign–invested construction enterprise as a contractor with Super Grade or Grade A qualifications or a specialised contractor with Grade A qualifications are: <0}

{0>(一)申请者向拟设立企业所在地的省、自治区、直辖市人民政府对外贸易经济行政主管部门提出设立申请。<}0{>(1) The applicant shall submit an application to the foreign trade and economic cooperation administration department of the people’s government of the province, the autonomous region or the directly administered municipality where the proposed foreign-invested construction enterprise is to be established. <0}

{0>(二)省、自治区、直辖市人民政府对外贸易经济行政主管部门在受理申请之日起30日内完成初审,初审同意后,报国务院对外贸易经济行政主管部门。<}0{>(2) The foreign trade and economic cooperation administration department of the people’s government of the province, the autonomous region or the directly administered municipality shall complete the preliminary examination within 30 days of receiving the application, and shall, if it grants the preliminary approval, submit the application to the foreign trade and economic cooperation administration department of the State Council for further approval. <0}

{0>(三)国务院对外贸易经济行政主管部门在收到初审材料之日起10日内将申请材料送国务院建设行政主管部门征求意见。<}0{>(3) Within 10 days of receiving the application for further approval, the foreign trade and economic administration department of the State Council shall forward the application to the construction administration department of the State Council for review and comments. <0}

{0>国务院建设行政主管部门在收到征求意见函之日起30日内提出意见。<}0{>The construction administration department of the State Council shall provide its opinion in writing within 30 days of receiving the request. <0}

{0>国务院对外贸易经济行政主管部门在收到国务院建设行政主管部门书面意见之日起30日内作出批准或者不批准的书面决定。<}0{>Within 30 days of receiving the response, the foreign trade and economic cooperation administration department of the State Council shall decide whether or not to approve the application and express such a decision in written form. <0}

{0>予以批准的,发给外商投资企业批准证书;不予批准的,书面说明理由。<}0{>If the application is approved, a foreign-invested enterprise certificate shall be granted; if the application is not approved, reasons for the disapproval shall be given in written form. <0}

{0>(四)取得外商投资企业批准证书的,应当在30日内到登记主管机关办理企业登记注册。<}0{>(4) Within 30 days of receiving the approval certificate, the applicant shall register with the relevant registration department. <0}

{0>(五)取得企业法人营业执照后,申请建筑业企业资质的,按照建筑业企业资质管理规定办理。<}0{>(5) After obtaining the business license for the legal entity, the application by the foreign-invested construction enterprise for qualification approval shall be conducted in accordance with Regulations on Administration of Construction Enterprise Qualifications. <0}

{0>第八条 设立外商投资建筑业企业,申请施工总承包序列和专业承包序列二级及二级以下、劳务分包序列资质的程序,由各省、自治区、直辖市人民政府建设行政主管部门和对外贸易经济行政主管部门,结合本地区实际情况,参照本规定第七条以及建筑业企业资质管理规定执行。<}0{>Article 8 The procedures for the establishment of a foreign-invested construction enterprise as a contractor or a specialised contractor with Grade B or lower qualifications or any of the subcontractor qualifications shall be administered by the construction administration department and the foreign trade and economic cooperation administration department of the people’s government of the province, the autonomous region or the directly administered municipality based on local conditions with reference to Article 7 of these Regulations and Regulations on Administration of Construction Enterprise Qualifications. <0}

{0>省、自治区、直辖市人民政府建设行政主管部门审批的外商投资建筑业企业资质,应当在批准之日起30日内报国务院建设行政主管部门备案。<}0{>Examination and approval of qualifications of the foreign-invested construction enterprise by the construction administration department of the people’s government of the province, the autonomous region or the directly administered municipality shall be filed with the construction administration department of the State Council within 30 days after the approval is given. <0}

{0>第九条 外商投资建筑业企业申请晋升资质等级或者增加主项以外资质的,应当依照有关规定到建设行政主管部门办理相关手续。<}0{>Article 9 The application by a foreign-invested construction enterprise for upgrading its qualifications or adding additional qualifications in addition to major items shall be made to the relevant construction administration department in accordance with relevant regulations. <0}

{0>第十条 申请设立外商投资建筑业企业应当向对外贸易经济行政主管部门提交下列资料:<}0{>Article 10 An applicant which intends to establish a foreign-invested construction enterprise shall submit the following documents to the relevant foreign trade and economic cooperation administration department: <0}

{0>(一)投资方法定代表人签署的外商投资建筑业企业设立申请书;<}0{>(1) Application forms to establish a foreign-invested construction enterprise signed by the investor’s legal representative; <0}

{0>(二)投资方编制或者认可的可行性研究报告;<}0{>(2) The feasibility study report prepared or accepted by the investors; <0}

{0>(三)投资方法定代表人签署的外商投资建筑业企业合同和章程(其中,设立外资建筑业企业的只需提供章程);<}0{>(3) The contract for the establishment of a foreign-invested construction enterprise and the articles of association signed by the investor’s legal representative (only the articles of association is required for the establishment of a wholly foreign-owned construction enterprise); <0}

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