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中英对照法律资源--外商投资产业指导目录(2004年修订          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

{0>外商投资产业指导目录(2004年修订)<}0{>Catalogue for the Guidance of Foreign Investment Industries (Amended in 2004)<0}

{0>鼓励外商投资产业目录<}0{>Catalogue of Encouraged Foreign Investment Industries <0}

{0>一、农、林、牧、渔业<}0{>. Farming, Forestry, Animal Husbandry and Fishery Industries<0}

{0>1.中低产农田改造<}0{>1.Improvement of low and medium yielding field<0}

{0>2.蔬菜(含食用菌、西甜瓜)、水果、茶叶无公害栽培技术及产品系列化开发、生产<}0{>2.Planting technology, without social effects of pollution, of vegetables (including edible fungus and melon-watermelon), fruits, teas and serial development and production of these products<0}

{0>3.糖料、果树、花卉、牧草等农作物优质高产新技术、新品种(转基因品种除外)开发、生产<}0{>3.Development and production of new breed varieties (excluding those gene-modified varieties) of fine quality, high-yielding crops such as sugar-yielding crops, fruit trees, flowers and plants, forage grass and related new techniques<0}

{0>4.花卉生产与苗圃基地的建设、经营<}0{>4.Production of flowers and plants, and construction and operation of nursery base<0}

{0>5.农作物秸秆还田及综合利用、有机肥料资源的开发生产<}0{>5.Reusing in fields and comprehensive utilization of straws and stalks of crop, development and production of resources of organic fertilizers<0}

{0>6.中药材种植、养殖(限于合资、合作)<}0{>6.Cultivation of traditional Chinese medicines (equity joint ventures or contractual joint ventures only)<0}

{0>7.林木(竹)营造及良种培育<}0{>7.Planting of forest trees (including bamboo) and cultivation of fine strains of forest trees<0}

{0>8.天然橡胶、剑麻、咖啡种植<}0{>8.Planting of caoutchoucs, sisals and coffees<0}

{0>9.优良种畜种禽、水产苗种繁育(不含我国特有的珍贵优良品种)<}0{>9.Breeding of quality varieties of breeder animals, breeder birds and aquatic offspring (excluding precious quality varieties peculiar to China)<0}

{0>10.名特优水产品养殖、深水网箱养殖<}0{>10.Breeding of famous, special and fine aquatic products, as well as cage culture in deep water<0}

{0>11.防治荒漠化及水土流失的植树种草等生态环境保护工程建设、经营<}0{>11.Construction and operation of ecological environment protection projects preventing and treating desertification and soil erosion such as planting trees and grasses, etc.<0}

{0>二、采掘业<}0{>. Mining and Quarrying Industries <0}

{0>*1.石油、天然气的风险勘探、开发<}0{> *1.Venture prospecting and exploitation of petroleum, natural gas<0}

{0>*2.低渗透油气藏(田)的开发<}0{> *2.Exploitation of oil and gas deposits (fields) with low osmosis<0}

{0>*3.提高原油采收率的新技术开发与应用<}0{> *3.Development and application of new technologies that can increase the recovery factor of crude oil<0}

{0>*4.物探、钻井、测井、井下作业等石油勘探开发新技术的开发与应用<}0{> *4.Development and application of new technologies for prospecting and exploitation of petroleum, such as geophysical prospecting, well drilling, well-logging and downhole operation, etc.<0}

{0>5.煤炭及伴生资源勘探、开发<}0{> 5.Prospecting and exploitation of coal and associated resources<0}

{0>6.煤层气勘探、开发<}0{> 6.Prospecting and exploitation of coal-bed gas<0}

{0>7.低品位、难选冶金矿开采、选矿(限于合资、合作)<}0{> 7.Exploration and beneficiation of gold mines with low quality or difficult to beneficiate (equity joint ventures or contractual joint ventures only)<0}

{0>8.铁矿、锰矿勘探、开采及选矿<}0{> 8.Prospecting, exploitation, and beneficiation of iron ores and manganese ores<0}

{0>9.铜、铅、锌矿勘探、开采(限于合资、合作,在西部地区外商可独资)<}0{> 9.Prospecting and exploitation of copper ores, plumbum ores and zinc ores (equity joint ventures or contractual joint ventures only, wholly foreign-owned enterprises are permitted in west regions)<0}

{0>10.铝矿勘探、开采(限于合资、合作,在西部地区外商可独资)<}0{>10.Prospecting and mining of aluminum ores (equity joint ventures or contractual joint ventures only, wholly foreign-owned enterprises are permitted in west regions)<0}

{0>11.硫、磷、钾等化学矿开采、选矿<}0{>11.Mining and beneficiation of chemical mines including sulfur ores, phosphate ores, kalium ores, etc.<0}

{0>三、制造业<}0{>. Manufacturing Industries<0}

{0>(一)食品加工业<}0{>1.Food Processing Industry<0}

{0>1.粮食、蔬菜、水果、禽畜产品的储藏及加工<}0{>(1)Storage and processing of food, vegetables, fruits, fowl and livestock products<0}

{0>2.水产品加工、贝类净化及加工、海藻功能食品开发<}0{>(2)Aquatic products processing, seashell products cleansing and processing, and development of function food made from seaweed<0}

{0>3.果蔬饮料、蛋白饮料、茶饮料、咖啡饮料的开发、生产<}0{>(3)Development and production of drinks of fruits, vegetables, albumen, teas and coffees<0}

{0>4.婴儿、老年食品及功能食品的开发、生产<}0{>(4)Development and production of fond for babies and agedness, as well as function food<0}

{0>5.乳制品生产<}0{>(5)Production of dairy products<0}

{0>6.生物饲料、蛋白饲料的开发、生产<}0{>(6)Development and production of biology feeds and albumen feeds<0}

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