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中英对照法律资源--外商投资产业指导目录(2004年修订          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

roduction of chloridized titanium white<0}

{0>17.氟氯烃替代物生产<}0{>(17)Production of chlorofluorocarbon substitution<0}

{0>18.大型煤化工产品生产<}0{>(18)Production of mass coal chemical industrial products<0}

{0>19.林业化学产品新技术、新产品开发与生产<}0{>(19)Development and production of new technology and products for the forestry chemicals<0}

{0>20.烧碱用离子膜生产<}0{>(20)Production of ion film for caustic soda<0}

{0>21.生物肥料、高浓度化肥(钾肥、磷肥)、复合肥料生产<}0{>(21)Production of biologic fertilizers, high-density fertilizers (potash fertilizer, phosphate fertilizer) and compound fertilizers<0}

{0>22.高效、低毒和低残留的化学农药原药新品种开发与生产<}0{>(22)Development and production of new varieties of effective, low poison and low residual agriculture chemicals and pesticides<0}

{0>23.生物农药开发与生产<}0{>(23)Development and production of biology agriculture chemicals and pesticides<0}

{0>24.环保用无机、有机和生物膜开发与生产<}0{>(24)Development and production of inorganic, organic and biologic films for environment protection<0}

{0>25.废气、废液、废渣综合利用和处理、处置<}0{>(25)Comprehensive utilization and disposure of exhaust gas, discharge liquid, waste residue<0}

{0>(九)医药制造业<}0{>9.Medicine Industry<0}

{0>1.我国专利或行政保护的原料药及需进口的化学原料药生产<}0{>(1)Production of material medicines under patent and administrative protection in our country or chemical material medicines which we have to import<0}

{0>2.维生素类:烟酸生产<}0{>(2)Vitamins: production of niacin<0}

{0>3.氨基酸类:丝氨酸、色氨酸、组氨酸等生产<}0{>(3)Amino acid: production of serine, tryptophan, histidine, etc.<0}

{0>4.采用新技术设备生产解热镇痛药<}0{>(4)Production of analgesic-antipyretic medicines with new technique and new equipment<0}

{0>5.新型抗癌药物及新型心脑血管药生产<}0{>(5)Production of new variety of anticarcinogen medicines, as well as cardiovascular and cerebrovascular medicines<0}

{0>6.新型、高效、经济的避孕药具生产<}0{>(6)Production of new, effective and economical contraceptive medicines and devices<0}

{0>7.采用生物工程技术生产的新型药物生产<}0{>(7)Production of new variety of medicines which are produced by means of biological engineering technology<0}

{0>8.基因工程疫苗生产(艾滋病疫苗、丙肝疫苗、避孕疫苗等)<}0{>(8)Production of vaccine through genie engineering technology (vaccine against AIDS, vaccine against type-C hepatitis, contraceptive vaccine, etc.)<0}

{0>9.海洋药物开发与生产<}0{>(9)Development and production of medicines made from allopelagics<0}

{0>10.艾滋病及放射免疫类等诊断试剂生产<}0{>(10)Production of diagnostic reagent for AIDS and radioimmunity diseases<0}

{0>11.药品制剂:采用缓释、控释、靶向、透皮吸收等新技术的新剂型、新产品生产<}0{>(11)Medicines and pharmaceutics: production of new products and new dosage forms adopting new techniques such as slow release, control release, target preparation and absorbed through skins<0}

{0>12.新型药用佐剂的开发应用<}0{>(12)Development and applications of new variety of adjuvant medicines<0}

{0>13.中药材、中药提取物、中成药加工及生产(中药饮片传统炮制工艺技术除外)<}0{>(13)Processing and production of traditional Chinese herb medicines, products which distill from traditional Chinese herb medicines and Chinese patent medicines (excluding preparing technique of traditional Chinese medicines in small pieces ready for decoction)<0}

{0>14.生物医学材料及制品生产<}0{>(14)Production of biological medical materials and products<0}

{0>15.兽用抗菌原料药生产(包括抗生素、化学合成类)<}0{>(15)Production of antibiotic material medicines used for animals (including antibiotics and chemical synthesis medicines)<0}

{0>16.兽用抗菌药、驱虫药、杀虫药、抗球虫药新产品及新剂型开发与生产<}0{>(16)Development and production of new products and new dosage forms of antibiotic medical, anthelmintic, insecticide, anti-coccidiosis medicines used for animals<0}

{0>(十)化学纤维制造业<}0{>10.Chemical Fibre Manufacturing Industry<0}

{0>1.差别化化学纤维及芳纶、年产5000吨及以上功能化环保型氨纶、碳纤维、高强高模聚乙烯等高新技术化纤生产<}0{>(1)Production of differential chemical fibre and high, new technological fibre such as aromatic synthetic fibre, functional environment-amicable ammo synthetic fibre with an annual production capacity of over 5000 tons, carbon fibre, high tensible and high modulus polythene<0}

{0>2.粘胶无毒纺等环保型化纤的生产<}0{>(2)Production of chemical fibre of environmental protection variety such as direct viscose and asepsis spinning, etc.<0}

{0>3.日产500吨及以上非纤维用聚酯生产,纤维及非纤维用新型聚酯(聚对苯二甲酸丙二醇酯、聚葵二酸乙二醇酯、聚对苯二甲酸丁二醇酯等)生产<}0{>(3)Production of polyester used for non-fibre with a daily production capacity of over 500 tons, and production of new type polyester used for fibre and non-fibre (poly terephthalic acid propylene glycol ester, poly sebacic acid glycol ester, polybutylene terephthalate(PBT), etc.)<0}

{0>(十一)塑料制品业<}0{>11.Plastic Products Industry<0}

{0>1.聚酰胺保鲜薄膜生产<}0{>(1)Production of polyamide film which can keep fresh<0}

{0>2.农膜新技术及新产品(光解膜、多功能膜及原料等)开发与生产<}0{>(2)Development and production of new products and new technologies for agricultural films (photolysis film, multifunctional film and the raw materials, etc.)<0}

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