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中英对照法律资源--厦门经济特区技术引进规定          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

{0>厦门经济特区技术引进规定<}0{>Regulations on the Import of Technology to the Xiamen Special Economic Zone<0}

{0>第一条根据中华人民共和国有关法律、法规、制定本规定。<}0{>Article 1. The present set of regulations is drawn up in accordance with relevant laws and decrees of the People's Republic of China.<0}

{0>第二条厦门经济特区内的企业、事业和其他经济组织(以下简称受方)从外国或港澳台湾的企业、其他经济组织或者个人(以下简称供方)有偿引进技术,适用本规定。<}0{>Article 2. The regulations apply to the SEZ enterprises and institutions and other economic organizations (hereinafter referred to as the licensee) import or transfer of technology with payment from foreign or Hongkong, Macao and Taiwan enterprises, other economic organizations and individuals (hereinafter referred to as the licensor).<0}

{0>第三条引进的技术必须适用而先进,具有明显的经济效益,其范围包括:<}0{>Article 3. The technology thus acquired must be both practical and advanced, and may bring about marked economic benefits. Technology here is meant to include:<0}

{0>(一)持有有效专利权的技术;<}0{>(1) technology with valid patent right;<0}

{0>(二)正在申请专利的技术;<}0{>(2) technology with its patent right being applied for; and<0}

{0>(三)专有技术。<}0{>(3) proprietary technology.<0}

{0>第四条禁止引进具有下列情况的技术<}0{>Article 4. Technology that produces the following effects is forbidden to be imported:<0}

{0>(一)危害社会公共秩序或者违反社会公德的;<}0{>(1) that which harms public order of society or violates social ethics; and<0}

{0>(二)破坏生态平衡或者危害环境的。<}0{>(2) that which undermines ecological balance and harms the environment.<0}

{0>第五条技术引进可以采用下列方式:<}0{>Article 5. Technology transfer or acquisition may take any of the following forms:<0}

{0>(一)许可证贸易;<}0{>(1) licensing;<0}

{0>(二)技术咨询或技术服务;<}0{>(2) technical consultancy or technical service;<0}

{0>(三)以专利技术、专用技术作为投资股本,或者与受方合作经营;<}0{>(3) using patented technology or proprietary know-how as capital contribution in investment, or entering into joint operation with the licensee;<0}

{0>(四)补偿贸易或合作生产;<}0{>(4) compensation trade or co-production; and<0}

{0>(五)工程承包或其他方式。<}0{>(5) projects under contract or other forms.<0}

{0>第六条引进的技术具有下列条件之一的受方可享受厦门市人民政府规定的特别优惠,并可向特区内的国家银行申请低息贷款或者资金援助:<}0{>Article 6. The licensee (recipient) may enjoy special preferential terms set by the Xiamen City People's Government if the imported technology meets one of the following conditions, and may apply to a SEZ-based state bank for low-interest loans or financial assistance:<0}

{0>(一)经国家科研部门鉴定证明具有世界先进水平的;<}0{>(1) technology which is examined and proved by the state scientific and research department as up to the world advanced level;<0}

{0>(二)能明显提高产品在国际市场竞争力的;<}0{>(2) that which can markedly improve the competitiveness of the products on the international market;<0}

{0>(三)改造现有企业,具有显著经济效益的;<}0{>(3) that which may bring about marked economic results when applied to the technical upgrading of enterprises; and<0}

{0>(四)厦门市人民政府认为特别需要的;<}0{>(4) that which is indispensable to the requirements of the Xiamen City People's Government.<0}

{0>第七条引进技术,应由受方向厦门市人民政府授权机关提出书面申请,并附引进技术意向书和可行性研究报告,经审查同意后,与供方签订书面合同,报上述机关审批。审批机关应从接到申请之日起四十日内,批覆申请人。<}0{>Article 7. In technology acquisition, the licensee should apply in writing to an organization authorized by the Xiamen City People's Government and should attach a letter of intent about the technology to be acquired and a report on the feasibility study. When examined and approved, a contract is to be signed between the licensee and licensor (supplier) and submitted to the higher authorities for approval. The approval department should reply within 44 days after receipt of the application.<0}

{0>合同自批准之日起生效,满六个月尚未实施的,原审批机关可以撤销合同,当事人如有正当理由,允许于限期前申请延长。<}0{>The contract comes into force on the date of approval, and it may be cancelled by the approval department if it is not implemented within six months. The parties involved are allowed to apply for an extension before expiry if they have a valid reason(s).<0}

{0>第八条技术引进合同除具备涉外经济合同的一般条款外,还须写明下列内容:<}0{>Article 8. Contracts must also have the following provisions apart from those that are generally included in Sino-foreign economic contracts:<0}

{0>(一)关键词定义;<}0{>(1) definition of key terms;<0}

{0>(二)技术的内容和范围以及技术资料清单和交付日期;<}0{>(2) subject and scope of the technology involved, list of technical information and the date of delivery;<0}

{0>(三)实施的进度,技术服务,技术培训;<}0{>(3) progress of implementation, technical service and technical training;<0}

{0>(四)商标的使用;<}0{>(4) the use of trademark;<0}

{0>(五)技术的保证和验收;<}0{>(5) warranty, checking and acceptance of the technology;<0}

{0>(六)双方使用和改进技术的权利和义务;<}0{>(6) the rights and obligations of both sides to use and improve the technology;<0}

{0>(七)保密;<}0{>(7) secrecy clause;<0}

{0>(八)技术酬金的计算和支付方法<}0{>(8) the way to work out and pay the remuneration for the technology; and<0}

{0>(九)违约责任。<}0{>(9) liquidated liabilities (damages).<0}

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