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中华人民共和国军品出口管理条例<westbank>Regulations on Export Control of Military Items  of the People's Republic of China22 October 1997 (In effect 1 January 1998) 章总则<westbank>I. General Rules条为了加强对军品出口的统一管理,维护正常的军品出口秩序,制定本条例。<westbank>ARTICLE 1 The Regulations are formulated to strengthen centralized management of military exports and maintain normal military export order. 第二条本条例所称军品出口,是指用于军事目的的装备、专用生产设备及其他物资、技术和有关服务的贸易性出口。<westbank>ARTICLE 2 The military exports referred to in the Regulations are commercial exports of military-purpose equipment, specialized production facilities and other materials, technologies and related services. 第三条中华人民共和国国家军品贸易管理委员会(以下简称国家军品贸易管理委员会)在国务院和中央军事委员会的领导下,主管全国的军品出口工作。<westbank>ARTICLE 3 Under the leadership of the State Council and the Central Military Commission, the State Administrative Committee on Military Products Trade (SACMPT) of the People's Republic of China is responsible for military export activities nationwide. 中华人民共和国国家军品贸易局(以下简称国家军品贸易局)是国家军品贸易管理委员会的执行机构,对全国的军品出口实施监督管理。<westbank>The State Bureau of Military Products Trade of the People's Republic of China, the executive body of the SACMPT, implements the supervision and management of nationwide military exports. 第四条国家实行统一的军品出口管理制度,禁止任何损害国家的利益和安全的军品出口行为,依法保障正常的军品出口秩序。<westbank>ARTICLE 4 The State enforces a centralized military export management mechanism to prohibit any military export activities that damage the national interests and security and to maintain normal military export order in accordance with the law. 第五条 军品出口应当遵循下列原则:<westbank>ARTICLE 5 All military exports should be consistent with the following principles: ()有助于接受国的正当自卫能力;<westbank>(1) They should assist the recipient country to develop its legitimate self-defense capabilities;()不损害有关地区的和世界的和平、安全与稳定;<westbank>(2) They should not jeopardize the peace, security and stability in the relevant regions and around the world;()不干涉接受国的内政。<westbank>(3) They should not interfere in the internal affairs of the recipient country.第六条中华人民共和国缔结或者参加的国际条约同本条例有不同规定的,适用国际条约的规定;但是,中华人民共和国声明保留的条款除外。<westbank>ARTICLE 6 Provisions of international treaties which the People's Republic of China has concluded or joined shall prevail in case they are different from the Regulations. However, clauses about which the People's Republic of China has made statements of reservation are excluded. 第二章军品贸易公司<westbank>II. Military Trading Companies第七条本条例所称军品贸易公司,是指依法取得军品出口经营权,并在核定的经营范围内从事军品出口经营活动的企业法人。<westbank>ARTICLE 7 Military trading companies referred to in the Regulations are corporate legal entities that have legally obtained military export authorization to engage in military export activities within the approved business scope. 第八条军品出口经营权由国家军品贸易管理委员会审查批准。具体办法由国家军品贸易管理委员会规定。<westbank>ARTICLE 8 Military export authorization is reviewed and granted by the SACMPT. Specific application procedures will be stipulated by the SACMPT. 第九条军品贸易公司依法自主经营、自负盈亏。<westbank>ARTICLE 9 Military trading companies will operate independently in accordance with the law and be responsible for their own profits and losses. 第十条军品贸易公司应当信守合同,保证商品质量,完善售后服务。<westbank>ARTICLE 10 Military trading companies shall abide by contracts, guarantee product quality and improve after-sales services. 第十条军品贸易公司应当按照国家军品贸易管理委员会的规定,如实向有关部门提交与其军品出口经营活动有关的文件及资料。有关部门应当为军品贸易公司保守商业秘密,维护军品贸易公司的合法权益。<westbank>ARTICLE 11 Military trading companies, as required by the SACMPT regulations, shall faithfully submit documents and files related to their military export activities to the relevant departments. These departments shall maintain commercial confidentiality and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the military trading companies. 第十二条军品贸易公司可以委托经批准的军品出口运输代理企业,代为办理军品出口运输及相关业务。具体办法由国家军品贸易管理委员会规定。<westbank>ARTICLE 12 Military trading companies can entrust authorized military export transportation agents to handle export transportation and other related businesses. The SACMPT will draw up the specifics in this aspect. 第三章军品出口管理<westbank>III. Military Export Management第十三条国家对军品出口实行许可制度。<westbank>ARTICLE 13 The State manages military exports through a licensing system. 军品出口项目、合同,应当依照本条例的规定申请审查批淮。军品出口,应当凭军品出口许可证。<westbank>Military exports and contracts shall be filed for review and approval in accordance with the Regulations. Military exports must be accompanied by military export licenses. 第十四条军品出口项目,由国家军品贸易局或者由国家军品贸易局会同国务院、中央军事委员会的有关部门审查批准。<westbank>ARTICLE 14 Military exports are reviewed and approved by the State Bureau of Military Products Trade or by the State Bureau of Military Products Trade in joint consultation with the relevant departments in the State Council and the Central Military Commission. 第十五条军品出口项目经批准后,军品贸易公司可以对外签订军品出口合同。<westbank>ARTICLE 15 Once the military export is approved, the military trading company can sign military export contracts with overseas buyers. 军品出口合同签订后,应当向国家军品贸易局申请审查批准;<westbank>The signed military export contract shall be submitted to the State Bureau of Military Products Trade for review and approval. 国家军品贸易局应当自收到申请之日起15日内,作出批准或者不批准的决定。<westbank>The State Bureau of Military Products Trade shall make an approval or decline decision within fifteen days upon receipt of the application. 军品出口合同获得批准,方可成立。<westbank>Military export contracts are valid only upon such approval. 军品贸易公司向国家军品贸易局申请批准军品出口合同时,应当附送接受国的有效证明文件。<westbank>Military trading companies shall append with the military export contract approval application the valid certification documents from recipient countries when filing with the State Bureau of Military Products Trade. 第十六条重大的军品出口项目、合同,应当经国家军品贸易管理委员会审查,报国务院和中央军事委员会批准。<westbank>ARTICLE 16 Major military exports and their related contracts shall be reviewed by the SACMPT and submitted to the State Council and the Central Military Commission for approval. 第十七条军品贸易公司在军品出口前,应当凭军品出口合同批准文件,向国家军品贸易局申请领取军品出口许可证;<westbank

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中英对照法律资源--中华人民共和国军品出口管理条例(英文为东亚防扩散计划翻译的非官方译文)          【字体:


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