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中英对照法律资源--国务院关于修改《中华人民共和国对外合作开采陆上石油资源条例》的决定          【字体:


作者:佚名    文章来源:不详    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

第二章 外国合同者的权利和义务
Chapter II Rights and Obligations of Foreign Contractors
第十三条 中方石油公司与外国企业合作开采陆上石油资源必须订立合同,除法律、法规另有规定或者合同另有约定外,应当由签订合同的外国企业(以下简称外国合同者)单独投资进行勘探,负责勘探作业,并承担勘探风险;发现有商业开采价值的油(气)田后,由外国合同者与中方石油公司共同投资合作开发;外国合同者并应承担开发作业和生产作业,直至中方石油公司按照合同约定接替生产作业为止。
Article 13 Contracts shall be concluded between Chinese petroleum companies and foreign enterprises for the cooperative exploitation of continental petroleum resources and, except otherwise provisioned by law, regulation or contract, the foreign enterprises that have signed the contracts (hereinafter mentioned as "foreign contractors") shall, all by themselves, invest for prospecting, take charge of prospecting operations and undertake all prospecting risks. Both the foreign contractor and the Chinese petroleum company shall, after an oil (gas) field of commercial exploitation value is discovered, make investment for cooperative exploitation, and the foreign contractor shall take charge of the exploitation operations and production operations until the production operations are taken over by the Chinese petroleum company in light of the contract.
第十四条 外国合同者可以按照合同约定,从生产的石油中回收其投资和费用,并取得报酬。
Article 14 The foreign contractor may recover its investment and expenses and obtain remunerations out of the petroleum produced in accordance with the stipulations of the contract.
第十五条 外国合同者根据国家有关规定和合同约定,可以将其应得的石油和购买的石油运往国外,也可以依法将其回收的投资、利润和其他合法收益汇往国外。
Article 15 The foreign contractor may export the petroleum due to itself and the purchased petroleum in accordance with the related State provisions and the stipulations of the contract, and may also remit abroad the investment, profits and other legitimate income recovered in accordance with law.
In case the foreign contractor sells the petroleum due to itself within the territory of the People's Republic of China, in general, the petroleum shall be purchased by the Chinese petroleum company, and may also be sold in other way agreed upon in the contract by both parties; however, it shall not go against the State provisions about the sale of petroleum products within the territory of the People's Republic of China.
第十六条 外国合同者开立外汇账户和办理其他外汇事宜,应当遵守《中华人民共和国外汇管理条例》和国家有关外汇管理的其他规定。
Article 16 To open foreign exchange accounts or hold other foreign exchange issues, the foreign contractor shall comply with the Regulation of the People's Republic of China on Foreign Exchange Control and other related State provisions.
The foreign contractors may invest in US dollars or other freely convertible currencies.
第十七条 外国合同者应当依法在中华人民共和国境内设立分公司、子公司或者代表机构。
Article 17 The foreign contractor shall set up branch companies, subsidiary companies or representative offices within the territory of the People's Republic of China in accordance with law.
The foreign contractor and the Chinese petroleum company shall negotiate as for where the agencies mentioned in the preceding paragraph are to be established.
第十八条 外国合同者在执行合同的过程中,应当及时地、准确地向中方石油公司报告石油作业情况,完整地、准确地取得各项石油作业的数据、记录、样品、凭证和其他原始资料,并按规定向中方石油公司提交资料和样品以及技术、经济、财会、行政方面的各种报告。
Article 18 When implementing the contracts, foreign contractors shall report the situation of petroleum operations to Chinese petroleum companies in a timely and accurate manner, and shall obtain complete and accurate data, records, samples, vouchers and other original materials in respect of various kinds of petroleum operations, and report the data and samples as well as various kinds of technological, economic, financial and accounting and administrative to Chinese petroleum companies in accordance with the provisions.
第十九条 外国合同者执行合同,除租用第三方的设备外,按照计划和预算所购置和建造的全部资产,在其投资按照合同约定得到补偿或者该油(气)田生产期期满后,所有权属于中方石油公司。在合同期内,外国合同者可以按照合同约定使用这些资产。
Article 19 All the assets purchased and built by foreign contractors in accordance with the plans and budgets for complementing the contracts, except for those rent from a third party, shall be under the ownership of Chinese petroleum companies after investment by the foreign contractors has been compensated for in accordance with the contract or after the production period of the oil (gas) fields has expired. But foreign contractors may use these assets as stipulated in the contract within the contract period.
第三章 石油作业
Chapter III Petroleum Operations
第二十条 作业者必须根据国家有关开采石油资源的规定,制订油(气)田总体开发方案,并经国务院指定的部门批准后,实施开发作业和生产作业。
Article 20 Operators shall, according to the State provisions on the exploitation of petroleum resources, formulate the entire exploitation programs for oil (gas) fields, and start the exploitation and production until the approval of such programs by the department appointed by the State Council.
第二十一条 石油合同可以约定石油作业所需的人员,作业者可以优先录用中国公民。
Article 21 In the petroleum contract the personnel needed for petroleum operations may be agreed upon, and the operators may give preference to Chinese citizens in respect of employment.
第二十二条 作业者和承包者在实施石油作业中,应当遵守国家有关环境保护和安全作业方面的法律、法规和标准,并按照国际惯例进行作业,保护农田、水产、森林资源和其他自然资源,防止对大气、海洋、河流、湖泊、地下水和陆地其他环境的污染和损害。
Article 22 When carrying out petroleum operations, operators and contractors shall observe the laws, regulations and standards of the State regarding environmental protection and safe operations, and shall respect international practices in the operations, protect the farmland, aquatic products, forests and other natural resources, and shall not pollute and damage the air, sea, rivers, lakes, underground water and other land environment.
第二十三条 在实施石油作业中使用土地的,应当依照《中华人民共和国土地管理法》和国家其他有关规定办理。
Article 23 The use of land in petroleum operations shall be subject to the provisions in the Land Management Law of the People's Republic of China and other related State provisions.
第二十四条 本条例第十八条规定的各项石油作业的数据、记录、样品、凭证和其他原始资料,所有权属于中方石油公司。
Article 24 All the data, records, samples, vouchers and other original materials about various kinds of petroleum operations as specified in Article 18 of the present Regulation shall be under the ownership of Chinese petroleum companies.
The use, transfer, donation, exchange, sale, publication, shipping or delivering out of the territory of the People's Republic of China of the data, records, samples, vouchers and other original materials mentioned in the preceding paragraph shall be carried out subject to the related State provisions.
第四章 争议的解决
Chapter IV Settlement of Disputes
第二十五条 合作开采陆上石油资源合同的当事人因执行合同发生争议时,应当通过协商或者调解解决;不愿协商、调解,或者协商、调解不成的,可以根据合同中的仲裁条款或者事后达成的书面仲裁协议,提交中国仲裁机构或者其他仲裁机构仲裁。
Article 25 Any dispute between the parties to a contract on cooperative exploitation of continental petroleum resources out of the implementation of the contract shall be solved through negotiation or mediation. Where the related parties object to the negotiation or mediation, or the negotiation and mediation fail, the case may be submitted to the Chinese arbitration body or any other arbitration body for arbitration in accordance with the arbitration clause in the contract or the written arbitration agreement reached afterwards.
Where such arbitration clause in the contract or written arbitration agreement made afterwards is absent, the case may be bough before a Chinese people's court by the parties concerned.
第五章 法律责任
Chapter V Legal Liabilities
第二十六条 违反本条例规定,有下列行为之一的,由国务院指定的部门依据职权责令限期改正,给予警告;在限期内不改正的,可以责令其停止实施石油作业;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。
Article 26 In case any of the following acts in violation of the present Regulation happens, the department appointed by the State Council shall order the violator to make corrections within a prescribed period and impose a warning; where the violator fails to make corrections within the prescribed period, it may be ordered to suspend operating petroleum. In case a crime is constituted, criminal liabilities shall be imposed upon the violator:
(一) 违反本条例第九条第一款规定,擅自进入对外合作区块进行石油勘查活动或者与外国企业签订在对外合作区块内进行石油开采合作协议的;
(1) Illegally entering the Chinese-foreign cooperative block to conduct petroleum prospecting or concluding the agreements with foreign enterprises for cooperation of the petroleum exploitation within the cooperative block in violation of the first paragraph of Article 9 of the present Regulation;
(二) 违反本条例第十八条规定,在执行合同的过程中,未向中方石油公司及时、准确地报告石油作业情况的,未按规定向中方石油公司提交资料和样品以及技术、经济、财会、行政方面的各种报告的;
(2) Failing to report petroleum operations to Chinese petroleum companies in a timely and accurate manner during the process of performing the contract or failing to present data, samples, technological, economic, financial and accounting, and administrative reports on petroleum operations to Chinese petroleum companies in accordance with the provisions in violation of Article 18 of the present Regulation;
(三) 违反本条例第二十条规定,油(气)田总体开发方案未经批准,擅自实施开发作业和生产作业的;
(3) Illegally starting petroleum exploitation or production prior to the approval of the overall exploitation program for the oil (gas) field in violation of Article 20 of the present Regulation; Or
(四) 违反本条例第二十四条第二款规定,擅自使用石油作业的数据、记录、样品、凭证和其他原始资料或者将其转让、赠与、交换、出售、发表以及运出、传送到中华人民共和国境外的。
(4) Illegally utilizing the data, records, samples, vouchers and other original materials about petroleum operations, or transferring, donating, exchanging, selling or publishing them, or shipping or delivering them out of the territory of the People's Republic of China in violation of paragraph 2 of Article 24 of the present Regulation.
第二十七条 违反本条例第十一条、第十六条、第二十二条、第二十三条规定的,由国家有关主管部门依照有关法律、法规的规定予以处罚;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。
Article 27 When Article 11, 16, 22 or 23 of the present Regulation are violated, the violator shall be punished by the competent department of the State in accordance with the laws and regulations; and in case a crime is constituted, criminal liabilities shall be imposed upon the violator.

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