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英汉对照法律资源--中华人民共和国工会法          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

e heeded.

  第二十九条 县级以上地方各级人民政府可以采取适当方式,向同级工会通报政府的重要的工作部署和与工会工作有关的行政措施,研究解决工会反映的职工群众的意见和要求。

Article 29 The various levels of people's governments at county level or above may adopt appropriate methods to report the respective government's important work plans and administrative measures relating to trade union work to their equivalent level trade unions and shall study and determine ways of handling the suggestions and requests of the working masses as reflected through the trade unions.

  第四章 基层工会组织


第三十条 全民所有制企业职工代表大会是企业实行民主管理的基本形式,是职工行使民主管理权力的机构,依照《中华人民共和国全民所有制工业企业法》的规定行使职权。

Article 30 The representative assembly of the workers of an enterprise owned by the whole people shall be the primary structure through which the enterprise executes democratic management as it is the body through which the workers may exercise their rights to democratic management in accordance with the provisions of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Industrial Enterprises Owned by the Whole People.


The trade union committee of an enterprise owned by the whole people shall be the working body of the workers representative assembly and shall be responsible for the daily affairs of the representative assembly and for inspecting and supervising the implementation of resolutions of the representative assembly.

  第三十一条 集体所有制企业的工会委员会应当支持和组织职工参加民主管理和民主监督,维护职工选举和罢免管理人员、决定经营管理的重大问题的权力。

Article 31 The trade union committee of a collectively owned enterprise shall support and organize workers' participation in democratic management and democratic supervision and shall safeguard the rights of workers to elect and dismiss administrative personnel and to determine important issues relating to operational management.

  第三十二条 全民所有制企业的管理委员会应当有工会代表参加。

Article 32 Trade union representatives shall participate in the management committee of an enterprise owned by the whole people.


Trade union representatives shall participate in meetings convened by an enterprise owned by the whole people to discuss matters, such as wages, welfare, production safety, labour protection and labour insurance, which involve the personal rights and interests of workers.


The factory head (manager) of an enterprise owned by the whole people shall support the trade union in carrying out its work pursuant to the law and the trade union shall support the factory head (manager) in performing his powers of office pursuant to the law.

  第三十三条 中外合资经营企业、中外合作经营企业研究决定有关工资、福利、安全生产以及劳动保护、劳动保险等涉及职工切身利益的问题,应当听取工会的意见。

Article 33 A Sino-foreign joint equity enterprise or Sino-foreign cooperative enterprise researching and making decisions on matters, such as wages, welfare, production safety, labour protection and labour insurance, which involve the personal rights and interests of workers shall heed the views of its trade union.


The trade union of a sole foreign investment enterprise may put forward suggestions on matters, such as wages, welfare, production safety, labour protection and labour insurance, which involve the personal rights and interests of its workers and shall negotiate and resolve such matters in conjunction with the enterprise's administrative authority.

  第三十四条 基层工会委员会召开会议或者组织职工活动,应当在生产或者工作时间以外进行,需要占用生产或者工作时间的,应当事先征得行政方面的同意。

Article 34 A primary trade union committee convening a meeting or organizing activities for workers shall do so in time outside production or work hours. If it is necessary to occupy production or work hours, prior approval from the administrative authority shall be required.


If a trade union committee member of an enterprise owned by the whole people or a collectively owned enterprise who has not been released from regular work duties uses production or work hours to participate in a union meeting or other activities organized by the trade union, the member's wages shall be issued as usual and other benefits shall not be affected.

  第三十五条 全民所有制和集体所有制企业事业单位以及机关工会委员会的脱产专职工作人员的工资、奖励、补贴,由所在单位行政支付。劳动保险和其他福利待遇等,享受本单位职工同等待遇。

Article 35 Trade union committee members of an enterprise or public institution owned by the whole people, a collectively owned enterprise or public institution or government organ who are released from regular work duties to act as full-time union personnel shall have their wages, awards and bonuses paid by the said unit's administrative authority. With regard to labour insurance and other welfare benefits, the same treatment shall apply as received by the said unit's workers.

  第五章 工会的经费和财产


  第三十六条 工会经费的来源:

Article 36 The sources of trade union funds shall be as follows:


(1) membership dues paid by union members;


(2) monthly allocations of 2% of the total wages of all of its employees paid to a trade union as funds by the enterprise or public institution owned by the whole people, collectively owned enterprise or public institution or government organ which established the said trade union organization;


(3) income handed over by enterprises and public institutions subordinate to the trade union;


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