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英汉对照法律资源--中华人民共和国工会法          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

on may represent workers in signing a collective contract with an enterprise or public institution's administrative authority. The draft of a collective contract shall be submitted to a meeting of employee representatives or the complete body of employees for discussion and adoption.

  第十九条 企业辞退、处分职工,工会认为不适当的,有权提出意见。

Article 19 A trade union which believes that an enterprise's dismissal or penalizing of an employee is inappropriate shall have the right to put forward its views on the matter.


When making a decision to dismiss or remove an employee's name from its books, an enterprise owned by the whole people or a collectively owned enterprise shall first notify the trade union of its reasons for such a decision. If the enterprise's administrative authority is found to have violated the provisions of the law, statutory regulations or the relevant contract, the trade union shall have the right to request that the cases be reinvestigated and dealt with anew.


A party disagreeing with the penalty decision of an enterprise's administrative authority to dismiss or remove the said party's name from its books may request that the case be dealt with in accordance with relevant State provisions on the handling of labour disputes.

  第二十条 工会参加企业的劳动争议调解工作。

Article 20 A trade union shall participate in mediation work conducted in relation to labour disputes within its enterprise.


Equivalent level trade union representatives shall participate in district labour dispute arbitration organizations.

  第二十一条 企业侵犯职工劳动权益的,工会可以提出意见调解处理;职工向人民法院起诉的,工会应当给予支持和帮助。

Article 21 If an enterprise infringes on the work rights or interests of an employee, the trade union may put forward its views on mediation and handling of the matter. If an employee initiates legal proceedings with a people's court, the trade union shall give its support and assistance.

  第二十二条 县级以上各级总工会可以为所属工会和职工提供法律咨询服务。

Article 22 Trade union federations at county level or above may provide legal consultancy services to affiliated trade unions and workers.

  第二十三条 工会依照国家规定对新建、扩建企业和技术改造工程中的劳动条件和安全卫生设施有权提出意见,企业或者主管部门应当认真处理。

Article 23 A trade union shall, pursuant to State regulations, have the right to put forward views on work conditions and safety and hygiene facilities for a newly constructed or expanded enterprise or one undergoing technological transformation, and the said enterprise or its department in charge shall conscientiously endeavour to meet such requirements.

  第二十四条 工会发现企业行政方面违章指挥、强令工人冒险作业,或者生产过程中发现明显重大事故隐患和职业危害,有权提出解决的建议;当发现危及职工生命安全的情况时,有权向企业行政方面建议组织职工撤离危险现场,企业行政方面必须及时作出处理决定。

Article 24 If a trade union discovers that an enterprise's administrative authority is breaking rules and regulations by directing or forcing workers to undertake risks or if distinct and significant hidden dangers or occupational hazards are discovered during the production process, the trade union shall have the right to suggest a resolution. On discovering a situation where the personal safety of workers is jeopardized, a trade union shall have the right to suggest to the enterprise's administrative authority that the workers abandon the dangerous site and the said administrative authority must decide promptly on measures to resolve the matter.


A trade union shall have the right to participate in investigations into an accident resulting in a fatality or injury or other problems seriously endangering the health of workers. It may suggest resolutions to the relevant authorities, as well as have the right to require the pursuit of the liability of the administrative leaders directly responsible and other responsible parties.

  第二十五条 企业发生停工、怠工事件,工会应当会同企业行政方面或者有关方面,协商解决职工提出的可以解决的合理的要求,尽快恢复正常生产秩序。

Article 25 If an enterprise is subject to stop work or slow down measures, the trade union shall, in conjunction with the enterprise's administrative authority or other relevant authorities, negotiate a resolution of demands raised by the workers which are found to be reasonable and able to be resolved so as to enable the normal production process to be resumed as quickly as possible.

  第二十六条 工会协助企业、事业单位、机关行政方面办好职工集体福利事业,做好工资、劳动保护和劳动保险工作。

Article 26 Trade unions shall assist the administrative authorities of enterprises, public institutions and government organs to organize employee collective welfare matters and wage, labour protection and labour insurance work.

  第二十七条 工会会同行政方面组织职工开展业余文化、技术学习和职工培训,提高职工的文化、业务素质;组织职工开展文娱、体育活动。

Article 27 Trade unions shall, in conjunction with administrative authorities, organize employees to undertake after-hours cultural and technical studies and occupational training so as to improve the cultural and occupational quality of the workers, as well as organize them to develop recreational and sports activities.

 第二十八条 县级以上各级人民政府制定国民经济和社会发展计划,省、自治区的人民政府所在地的市和经国务院批准的较大的市以上的人民政府研究起草法律或者法规、规章,对涉及职工利益的重大问题,应当听取同级工会的意见。

Article 28 The views of trade unions shall be listened to when national economic and social development plans formulated by the various levels of people's governments at county level or above and draft laws and statutory rules and regulations researched by municipalities under provincial and autonomous region people's governments and people's governments of relatively large municipalities approved by the State Council involve important issues relating to the rights and interests of workers.


When the various levels of people's governments at county level or above and their relevant authorities formulate important policies or measures on wages, commodity pricing, production safety, labour protection, labour insurance, etc, equivalent level trade unions shall be recruited to participate in the research work and the views of the said trade unions shall b

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