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英汉对照法律资源--中华人民共和国公路管理条例          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

Article 24 Construction of facilities and the planting of crops are banned upon highways and land for exclusive use by highways. Also banned is the use of roadside ditches for irrigation or drainage purposes.


Article 25 Cutting into a mountain, cutting timber and construction on both sides of highways should not endanger the safety of highways and highway facilities.


Article 26 No excavation of sand, dike and dam construction, dumping of rubbish, reduction or expansion of river-beds, or demolition operations may be carried out within 200m either upstream or downstream of large highway bridges and highway ferries.


No unauthorised removal of earth and rocks or cutting of timber is permitted above highway tunnels or within 100m of the entrances and exits of highway tunnels.


Article 27 Vehicles and personnel that use a highway ferry must comply with the ferry's management regulations.


Article 28 Without proper approval by highway departments, caterpillar tread vehicles and vehicles with iron-rimmed wheels are not permitted to travel on paved highways. Vehicles or goods whose weights exceed the weight limit of a highway bridge should not be allowed to cross the bridge.


Under special conditions when they must travel on a highway or cross a highway bridge, effective technical protection measures must be taken.


Article 29 When a highway must be dug or when the land reserved for use by a highway or highway facilities must be dug or used temporarily to facilitate the construction of railways, airfields, power stations, reservoirs or irrigation canals, or the laying of pipelines, the construction unit must obtain the approval of the highway department in advance. If the construction affects the passage of vehicles, approval must also be obtained from the public security and communications departments.


On completion of construction, the construction unit must restore or rebuild the highway to its original status or in accordance with the standard agreed upon between the construction unit and the highway department in advance.


Article 30 When building overhead bridges aqueducts or pipelines across highways, consideration must be given to the highway's long-term development, they must meet the highway's technical standards, and approval must be obtained in advance from the local highway, public security and communications departments.


Article 31 When construction projects of a permanent nature are being erected on either side of a highway, the distance from the edge of the building facing the highway to the outer rim of the roadside ditch of the highway should be no less than 20m for state highways, 15m for provincial highways, 10m for county roads, and 5m for township roads.


Article 32 When crossroads must be built on highways, approval must be obtained from the highway, public security and communications administration departments.


The design and construction of crossroads must comply with state standards.


Article 33 With the approval of the provincial, autonomous regional or municipal people's government, the highway departments may set up toll stations and road tax checked points at highway entrances, bridgeheads and ferry and tunnel entrances.


Article 34 In dealing with units or individuals who contravene the rules contained herein, departments in charge of highways may order the unit or individual to return what he or it has taken, restore the highway to its original condition, compensate for the losses he or it has caused, confiscate his or its illegal income or impose a fine, depending on the circumstances.


Article 35 In dealing with those who fail to pay the state-set maintenance fee or toll charge and those who Violate regulation on usage of maintenance fee contained hereof, the highway departments may order them to pay up in addition to a fine, depending on the circumstances.


Article 36 If the party or parties concerned refuse to accept the penalty imposed by the hi

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