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英汉对照法律资源--中华人民共和国海关法          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

of smuggling shall include a fine and confiscation of the smuggled goods and articles, the means of transport carrying them and illegal incomes obtained therefrom.


Where an enterprise, an undertaking, a government department or a social organization commits a crime of smuggling, criminal sanctions shall be imposed on the person in charge and the person directly responsible for the offence by the judicial organ, a fine and confiscation of the smuggled goods and articles, the means of transport carrying them and the illegal incomes obtained therefrom may also be imposed on such unit.

    第四十八条  有本法第四十七条第(二)、(三)项所列行为之一,走私货物、物品数额不大的,或者携带、邮寄淫秽物品进出境不构成走私罪的,由海关没收货物、物品、违法所得,可以并处罚款。

[Article 48] If the smuggled goods and articles involved in one of the acts listed under 2 and 3 of Article 47 of this Law are not large in quantity, nor high in value or where the carrying or sending by post of obscene objects into or out of the territory does not yet constitute a crime of smuggling, the Customs, while confiscating the goods, articles or illegal incomes obtained therefrom, may at the same time impose a fine on the person concerned.

    第四十九条  有下列行为之一的,按走私罪论处,依照本法第四十七条的规定处罚:

[Article 49] Any of the following acts shall be dealt with as a crime of smuggling and punishable in accordance with the provisions of Article 47 of this Law:


(1) To purchase directly and illegally from the smuggler articles which are prohibited by the State from importation, or to purchase directly and illegally from the smuggler other smuggled goods and articles in relatively large quantities or of relative high value.


(2) To transport, purchase or sell on coastal or territorial waters articles which are prohibited by the State from importation and exportation, or transport, purchase or sell without legal certification goods and articles which are restricted by the State from importation or exportation in relatively large quantities or of relatively high value.


Where an act listed above does not yet constitute a crime of smuggling, the provisions concerning punishments under Article 48 shall be applied.

    第五十条  个人携带、邮寄超过合理数量的自用物品进出境,未向海关申报的,责令补缴关税,可以处以罚款。

[Article 50] Any individual who carries or sends by post articles for personal use into or out of the territory in a quantity exceeding the reasonable limit and fails to declare them to the Customs shall be made to pay the duties and a fine.

    第五十一条  有下列违反本法关于海关监管规定的行为之一的,可以处以罚款:

[Article 51] A penalty may be imposed for any of the following acts which violate the regulations on Customs control:


(1) For a means of transport, to enter or leave the territory at a place without Customs office;


(2) Failure to inform the Customs of the arrival and the departure time of the means of transport and the place of its intended stay or any change of the place during its stay;


(3) Failure to declare to the Customs accurately the import and export goods and the transit, transshipment and through goods;


(4) Failure to submit to the checking and examination by the Customs of the means of transport, goods and articles in accordance with relevant regulations;


(5) For an inbound or outbound means of transport, to load or unload inbound or outbound goods and articles, or to embark and disembark passengers without Customs approval;


(6) For an inbound or outbound means of transport staying at a place where a Customs office is located, to leave without Customs approval;


(7) For inbound or outbound means of transport intended from one place having a Customs office to another place having a Customs office, to move out of the territory or to a point in the territory where there is no Customs office before completing the clearance formalities and obtaining the Customs approval.


(8) For an inbound and outbound means of transport, to engage concurrently in, or change to, water transport within the territory without Customs approval;


(9) For an inbound or outbound vessel or aircraft which by force majeure stops or lands at a place without a Customs office, or jettisons or discharges the cargo in the territory, to fail to report to the Customs nearby without a valid reason;


(10) To open, pick up, deliver, forward, replace, repack, mortgage or transfer goods that are under Customs control without Customs approval;


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