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英汉对照法律资源--中华人民共和国海关法          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

eds of such sale, after deducting the expense for transport, discharge, and storage, shall be turned over to the State Treasury.

    第二十二条  经海关批准暂时进口或者暂时出口的货物,应当在六个月内复运出境或者复运进境;在特殊情况下,经海关同意,可以延期。

[Article 22] Goods that are imported or exported on a temporary basis and approved by the Customs shall be taken out of or into the territory within 6 months. In special cases, this time limit may be extended upon Customs approval.

    第二十三条  经营保税货物的储存、加工、装配、寄售业务,需经海关批准,并办理注册手续。

[Article 23] The operation of the storage, processing, assembling and consignment sales of the bonded goods shall be approved by the registered with the Customs.

    第二十四条  进口货物应当由收货人在货物的进境地海关办理海关手续,出口货物应当由发货人在货物的出境地海关办理海关手续。

[Article 24] Customs formalities for import goods shall be completed by the consignee at the place where the goods entering the territory and for export goods, by the consignor, at the place where the goods leave the territory.


Upon the application of consignee or consignor, and being approved by the Customs, formalities for import goods may be completed at the place of destination, and for export goods, at the place of departure, provided that these places have a Customs office. The transport of such goods from one Customs to another shall comply with the Customs control requirements. When deemed necessary, such conveyance shall be done under the escort of a Customs officer.


Where goods entering or leaving the territory by electric cable, pipeline or other specific modes of transport, the business units concerned shall make the declaration with the designated Customs and complete the Customs formalities at regular intervals.

    第二十五条  过境、转运和通运货物,运输工具负责人应当向进境地海关如实申报,并应当在规定期限内运输出境。

[Article 25] All transit, transshipment and through-shipment goods shall be declared with the Customs at the place where they enter the territory or are shipped out of the territory within the specified time limit.


Where deemed necessary, the Customs may examine such goods.

    第二十六条  海关监管货物,未经海关许可,任何单位和个人不得开拆、提取、交付、发运、调换、改装、抵押、转让或者更换标记。

[Article 26] Without Customs approval, goods under Customs control shall not be opened, picked up, delivered, conveyed, replaced, repacked, mortgaged or transferred, and their identifications or marks shall not be changed by any unit or person.


Seals affixed by the Customs shall not be opened or broken by any person without Customs authorization.


The manager of warehouses and places which store the goods under Customs control shall fulfill the formalities of keeping an account for the receipt and delivery in accordance with the Customs provisions.


The storage of goods under Customs control at a place outside the Customs surveillance zone shall be approved by the Customs and subject to Customs control.

    第二十七条  进出境集装箱的监管办法、打捞进出境货物和沉船的监管办法、边境小额贸易进出口货物的监管办法,以及本法具体列明的其他进出境货物的监管办法,由海关总署或者由海关总署会同国务院有关部门另行制定。

[Article 27] Rules governing the inbound and outbound containers, rules governing the salvage of inbound and outbound goods and sunken ships, rules governing import and export goods under small-scale border trade and rules governing other inbound and outbound goods not specified in this Law shall be drawn up by the customs General Administration independently or in conjunction with the relevant department under the State Council.

                    第四章  进出境物品   


第二十八条  个人携带进出境的行李物品、邮寄进出境的物品,应当以自用、合理数量为限,并接受海关监管。

[Article 28] Inbound and outbound luggage carried by individuals and inbound and outbound articles sent by post shall be for personal use, in reasonable quantities and subject to Customs control.

    第二十九条  进出境物品的所有人应当向海关如实申报,并接受海关查验。

[Article 29] All inbound and outbound articles shall be accurately declared with the Customs by the owner, and be subject to Customs examination.


Seals affixed by the Customs shall not be opened or broken by any person without authorization.

    第三十条  进出境邮袋的装卸、转运和过境,应当接受海关监管。邮政企业应当向海关递交邮件路单。

[Article 30] The loading, unloading, conveyance and transit of inbound and outbound mail bags shall be subject to Customs control, and a covering way bill shall be lodged with the Customs by the units engaged in postal service.


The units engaged in postal service shall inform the Customs in advance of the time for the opening and sealing of international mail bags; the Customs shall dispatch officers to the spot to exercise control over the bags in time.

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