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英汉对照法律资源--中华人民共和国农业技术推广法          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

of agro-technical popularization shall be included into national and local plans involving the development of science and technology, and be carried out with cooperation by administrative departments of agro-technical popularization and of science and technology according to their respective functions and duties.

  第十八条 农业科研单位和有关学校应当把农业生产中需要解决的技术问题列为研究课题,其科研成果可以通过农业技术推广机构推广,也可以由该农业科研单位、该学校直接向农业劳动者和农业生产经营组织推广。

Article 18 Institutions of agricultural scientific research and relevant schools or colleges shall take up technical problems which need to be solved in agricultural production as their research subjects, and the results of their scientific research may be popularized by agro- technical popularization setups or may be popularized directly to agricultural labourers and agricultural production and operation organizations by such institutions of agricultural scientific research and such schools or colleges.

  第十九条 向农业劳动者推广的农业技术,必须在推广地区经过试验证明具有先进性和适用性。

Article 19 The agro-techniques to be popularized to agricultural labourers must have been proved to be advanced and applicable by experiments in the areas for popularization.


Anyone who popularizes to agricultural labourers agro-techniques which have not been proved to be advanced and applicable by experiments in the areas for popularization and thus causes losses to agricultural labourers shall be liable for civil compensation. The competent personnel in charge and other persons held directly responsible may be given administrative sanctions by the units they belong to or organs at higher levels.

  第二十条 农业劳动者根据自愿的原则应用农业技术。

Article 20 Agricultural labourers shall apply agro-techniques on voluntary basis.


No organization or individual shall force agricultural labourers to apply agro-techniques. Anyone who forces agricultural labourers to apply agro-techniques and thus causes losses to agricultural labourers shall be liable for civil compensation. The competent personnel in charge and other persons held directly responsible may be given administrative sanctions by the units they belong to or organs at higher levels.

  第二十一条 县、乡农业技术推广机构应当组织农业劳动者学习农业科学技术知识,提高他们应用农业技术的能力。

Article 21 Agro-technical popularization setups at the county or township level shall organize agricultural labourers to study scientific and technological knowledge of agriculture so as to raise their ability of applying agro-techniques.


When agricultural labourers apply advanced agro-techniques to their production, the departments and units concerned shall give assistance to them in aspects of technical trainings, funds, materials and sales.


The State shall encourage and support agricultural labourers to participate in the activities of agro-technical popularization.

  第二十二条 国家农业技术推广机构向农业劳动者推广农业技术,除本条第二款另有规定外,实行无偿服务。

Article 22 Popularization of agro-techniques to agricultural labourers by national agro-technical popularization setups shall, except as otherwise provided in the second paragraph of this Article, be carried out gratis.


Provision of agro-techniques through technical transfer, technical service and technical contract by agro-technical popularization setups or institutions of agricultural scientific research, relevant schools or colleges or scientific and technological personnel, may be carried out in the form of compensable service, and their lawful earnings shall be protected by law. In conducting agro-technical transfer, technical service and technical contract, parties concerned shall conclude contracts to define their respective rights and duties.


The funds needed to popularize agro-techniques by national agro- technical popularization setups shall be allocated by the financial department of the Government.

第四章 农业技术推广的保障措施


  第二十三条 国家逐步提高对农业技术推广的投入。各级人民政府在财政预算内应当保障和于农业技术推广的资金,并应当使该资金逐年增长。

Article 23 The State shall gradually increase its input to agro- technical popularization. People's governments at various levels shall secure the funds to be used for agro-technical popularization in their financial budgets and shall increase such funds year by year.


People's governments at various levels shall, through channels of financial allocation or drawing a fixed proportion of funds from agricultural development funds, raise special funds for agro-technical popularization to carry out projects of agro-technical popularization.


No state organ or unit shall intercept or misappropriate funds to be used for agro-technical popularization.

  第二十四条 各级人民政府应当采取措施,保障和改善从事农业技术推广工作的专业科技人员的工作的条件和生活条件,改善他们的待遇,依照国家规定给予补贴,保持农业技术推广机构和专业科技人员的稳定。对在乡、村从事农业技术推广工程的专业科技人员的职称评定应当以考核其推广工作的业务技术水平和实绩为主。

Article 24 People's governments at various levels shall take measures to guarantee and improve the working and living conditions of the professional scientific and technical personnel engaged in the work of agro-technical popularization, better their treatments and give subsidies to them according to the provisions of the State so as to maintain the stability of agro-technical popularization setups and professional scientific and technical personnel. In determining and conferring academic and technical titles of professional scientific and technical personnel engaged in the work of agro-technical popularization in townships or villages, their professional technical levels and achievements in the work of popularization shall be considered as major indicators for performance appraisal.

  第二十五条 乡、村集体经济组织从其举办的企业的以工补农、建农的资金中提取一定数额,用于本乡、本科农业技术推广的投入。

Article 25 Economic collectives of townships or villages shall draw a fixed portion from the funds owned by the enterprises established by them for subsidizing

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