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英汉对照法律资源--中华人民共和国农业技术推广法          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

Article 10 In the process of agro-technical popularization, a popularization system of combining agro-technical popularization setups with institutions of agricultural scientific research, relevant schools or colleges, mass organizations of science and technology, and peasant technical personnel shall be practised.


The State shall encourage and support supply and marketing co- operatives, other enterprises and institutions, social organizations, and scientific and technical personnel in all walks of life to carry out service activities of agro-technical popularization in rural areas.

  第十一条 乡、民族乡、镇以上各级国家农业技术推广机构的职责是:

Article 11 The functions and duties of the agro-technical popularization setups at or above the township, nationality township and town levels shall lie in:

   (一) 参与制订农业技术推广计划并组织实施;

1. participating in the working out of agro-technical popularization plans and organizing the implementation thereof;

   (二) 组织农业技术的专业培训;

2. organizing professional trainings of agro-techniques;

   (三) 提供农业技术、信息服务;

3. providing services of agro-technique and information;

   (四) 对确定推广的农业技术进行试验、示范;

4. carrying out experimentation and demonstration of agro-techniques already decided upon to be popularized; and

   (五) 指导下级农业技术推广机构、群众性科技组织和农民技术人员的农业技术推广活动。

5. instructing agro-technical popularization activities of their subordinate agro-technical popularization setups, mass organizations of science and technology and peasant technical personnel.

  第十二条 农业技术推广机构的专业科技人员,应当具有中等以上有关专业学历,或者经县级以上人民政府有关部门主持的专业考核培训,达到相应的专业技术水平。

Article 12 Professional scientific and technical personnel of agro- technical popularization setups shall possess the relevant professional qualifications at or above the secondary professional schooling, or reach corresponding professional and technical standards through the professional examination and training sponsored by the relevant departments of the people's governments at or above the county level.

  第十三条 村农业技术推广服务组织和农民技术人员,在农业技术推广机构的指导下,农会农业技术知识,落实农业技术推广措施,为农业劳动者提供技术服务。

Article 13 Agro-technical popularization service organizations of villages and peasant technical personnel shall, under the guidance of agro-technical popularization setups, disseminate agro-technical knowledge, carry out measures of agro-technical popularization and provide agricultural labourers with technical service.


In the popularization of agro-techniques, peasant households with proper conditions shall be selected to demonstrate the application.


The State shall take measures to train peasant technical personnel. Peasant technical personnel who meet relevant requirements after examinations may according to relevant regulations be awarded with corresponding technical titles and certificates.


Villagers committees and village economic collectives shall promote and help agro-technical popularization service organizations and peasant technical personnel of the villages to carry out their work.

  第十四条 农场、林场、牧场、渔场除做好本场的农业技术推广工作外,应当向社会开展农业技术推广服务活动。

Article 14 Farms, forest farms, animal farms and fishing grounds shall, besides doing a good job in their own work of agro-technical popularization, unfold service activities of agro-technical popularization to the whole society.

  第十五条 农业科研单位和有关学校应当适应农村经济建设发展的需要,开展农业技术开发和推广工作,加快先进技术在农业生产中的普及应用。

Article 15 Institutions of agricultural scientific research and relevant schools or colleges shall adapt themselves to the needs of the development of rural economic construction, carry out the work of agro- technical development and popularization, and speed up the dissemination and application of advanced technology to agricultural production.


Educational departments shall develop professional technical education and agro-technical trainings relating to agro-technical popularization in the countryside to improve the technical qualification of agro- technical popularization personnel and agricultural labourers. The State shall encourage agricultural economic collectives, enterprises and institutions, and other social forces to develop agro-technical education in the countryside.


As to the scientific and technological personnel of institutions of agricultural scientific research and relevant schools or colleges who are engaged in the work of agro-technical popularization, the practical achievements they have made in the work of agro-technical popularization shall be taken as major indicators for performance appraisal in determining and conferring academic and technical titles.

  第十六条 国家鼓励和支持发展农村中的群众性科技组织,发挥它们在推广农业技术中的作用。

Article 16 The State shall encourage and support the development of mass organizations of science and technology in the countryside, and bring their role in agro-technical popularization into play.

第三章 农业技术的推广与应用


  第十七条 推广农业技术应当制定农业技术推广项目。重点农业技术推广项目应当列入国家和地方有关科技发展的计划,由农业技术推广行政部门和科学技术行政部门按照各自的职责,相互配合,组织实施。

Article 17 Projects of agro-technical popularization shall be drawn up in popularizing agro-techniques. Key projects

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