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英汉对照法律资源--中华人民共和国公益事业捐赠法(两种英语版本,我认为后者不如前者)          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

e development of public welfare undertakings, and extends support and preferential treatment to social bodies engaged in public welfare and non?profit welfare administration units.

Article 8 The state encourages the development of public welfare undertakings, and grants support and preferential treatment to public welfare social organisations and public welfare non-profit institutional work units.


The state encourages natural persons, legal persons, or other organizations to make donations to public welfare undertakings.

The country encourages individuals, legal representatives, and other organisations to donate to public welfare undertakings.


Those natural persons, legal persons, or other organizations that have made outstanding contributions by making donations to public welfare undertakings will be commended by the people's governments or relevant departments in charge.

The government has granted commendations to individuals, legal representatives, or other organisations that have made notable contributions to public welfare undertakings.


 The consent of the donor should first be sought before any public commendation is extended to the donor.

Before undertaking public commendation of donors, the donor's opinion must first be solicited.


Chapter II: Donation And Receipt Of Donation



Article 9: Natural persons, legal persons, or other organizations can choose to make donations to the social bodies engaged in public welfare and non?profit welfare administration units that fit their donation intentions. The assets they donate should be the legitimate assets to which they have the right of disposal.

Article 9 Individuals, legal representatives, or other organisations may choose to donate to any public welfare social organisation or public welfare non-profit institutional work unit that is conducting activities. Donations should be the lawful property of the donor.


Article 10: Social bodies engaged in public welfare and non?profit welfare administration units are allowed to receive donations in accordance with this Law.

Article 10 Public welfare social organisations and public welfare non-profit institutional work units can receive donations according to these regulations.


The social bodies engaged in public welfare stated in this Law refer to legally established social bodies that aim to develop public welfare undertakings.

Regulations of so-called public welfare social organisations are established with the principle aim of developing charities and other social organisations.


The non-profit welfare administration units stated in this Law refer to legally established educational organs, scientific research organs, medical and public health organs, social and public cultural organs, social and public sports organs, and social welfare organs that are engaged in public welfare undertakings with no profit?making purposes.

Regulations of so-called public welfare non-profit institutional work units apply to organisations engaged in working towards public welfare non-profit purposes including education organisations, scientific research organisations, medical and public health organisations, social welfare organisations and so on.


Article 11: In the case of natural disasters or when the people's governments and their departments at and above the county level are named by the donor outside the country as the recipient, the people's governments and their departments at and above the county level are allowed to receive the donation and to exercise management over the donation in accordance with relevant stipulations of this Law.

Article 11 At the occurrence of a natural disaster or other circumstances is which a donor asks government departments above the county level [xian ji yi shang renmin zhengfu jiqi bumen] to receive donations, the government department above the county level can receive donations, and furthermore according to the related regulations, can undertake the management of donated property.


The people's governments and their departments at and above the county level can either turn over the donated assets they have received to social bodies engaged in public welfare and non-profit welfare administration units, or they can distribute to or run public welfare undertakings according to the will of the donor. However, they are not allowed to list themselves as the beneficiary of the donation.

Government departments above the county level can pass received donations on to public welfare social organisations or public welfare non-profit work units; they can also, in accordance with the donor's wishes, distribute funds to set up public welfare undertakings, but they may not name their own organisation as the beneficiary.


Article 12: The donor can enter into a donation agreement with the recipient concerning the nature, quality, quantity, and uses of the donation. The donor has the right to decide the quantity, the use, and the form of the donation.

Article 12 Donors may specify the quality, amount, and use of a donations by means of contracts with recipients. The donor has the right to decide the type, use, and amount of the donation.


The donor should fulfill the donation agreement according to the law, and turn over the donated assets to the recipient in accordance with the time and the form agreed in the donation agreement.

Donors should fulfil the donation agreement, and according to the period of time and fashion arranged in the contract transfer the donated property to the recipient.


Article 13: If the donor is to donate assets to build a public welfare project, the donor is required to reach a donation agreement with the recipient on the capital, construction, management, and use of the project.

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