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中英对照法律资源--广告管理条例          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

上标准化管理部门或 者经计量认证合格的质量检验机构的证明; <}0{>(1) For the commodity advertisements concerning standards of quality, certificates issued by administrative departments in charge of standardization or by quality inspection agencies, authenticated to the qualified by metrological verification, above the provincial municipality level shall be presented;<0}

{0>  ()标明获奖的商品广告,就当提交本届、本年度或者数届、数年度连 续获奖的证书,并在广告中注明获奖级别和颁奖部门; <}0{>(2) For the advertisements which indicate commodities as prize-winners, certificates of award for the current session or year or for successive sessions or years shall be presented and classes of prizes and prize-awarding departments shall also be clearly indicated in the advertisements;<0}

{0>  ()标明优质产品称号的商品广告,应当提交专利证书; <}0{>(3) For the advertisements which indicate titles of high quality commodities, certificates of high-quality products issued-by the relevant departments shall be presented and clear indications shall also be made in the advertisements as to when and by which departments the titles were conferred on;<0}

{0>  ()标明专利权的商品广告,应当提交专利证书; <}0{>(4) For the advertisements which indicate patent rights of commodities, patent licences shall be presented;<0}

{0>  ()标明注册商标的商品广告,应当提交商标注册证; <}0{>(5) For the advertisements which indicate registered trademarks of commodities, certificates of trademark registration shall be presented;<0}

{0>  ()实施生产许可证的产品广告,应当提交生产许可证; <}0{>(6) For the advertisements of the products which require production permits, production permits shall be presented;<0}

{0>  ()文化、教育、卫生广告,应当提交上级行政主管部门的证明; <}0{>(7) For the advertisements concerning culture, education and public health, certificates issued by the higher competent authorities shall be presented;<0}

{0>  ()其他各类广告,需要提交证明的,应当提交政府有关部门或得授权单位的证明。 <}0{>(8) for the other advertisements which require due certification, papers issued by relevant government departments or agencies authorized by them shall be presented.<0}

{0>  第十二条 广告经营者承办或者代理广告业务,应当查验证明,审查广告内容。<}0{>Article 12. Advertising operators shall checked papers or certificates and examine the contents of advertisements while undertaking advertising business or acting as advertising agents. <0}

{0>对违反本条例规定的广告,不得刊播、设置、张贴。 <}0{>They may not publish, broadcast, install or post any advertisements which violate the provisions of these Regulations.<0}

{0>  第十三条 户外广告的设置、张贴,由当地人民政府组织工商行政管理、城建、环保、公安等有关部门制订规划,工商行政管理机关负责监督实施。 <}0{>Article 13. For the installation and posting of outdoor advertisements, local people's governments shall organize the administrative departments respectively in charge of industry and commerce, urban construction, environmental protection and public security in jointly drawing up the plans, which shall be implemented under the supervision of the administrative departments for industry and commerce.<0}

{0>在政府机关和文物保护单位周围的建筑控制地带以及当地人民政府禁止 设置、张贴广告的区域,不得设置、张贴广告。 <}0{>Advertisements may not be installed or posted in controlled areas near government organs or cultural relics under special protection, nor in areas where installation and posting of advertisements are prohibited by local people's governments.<0}

{0>  第十四条 广告收费标准,由广告经营者制订,报当地工商行政管理机关和物价管理机关备案。 <}0{>Article 14. Rates of charges for advertisements shall be fixed by advertising operators and reported to local administrative departments for industry and commerce and to those in charge of price control for the record.<0}

{0>  第十五条 广告业务代理费标准,由国家工商行政管理机关会同国家物价管理机关 制定。  <}0{>Article 15. Rates of fees to be charged for acting as agents in advertising business shall be fixed by state administrative departments for industry and commerce and those in charge of price control.<0}

{0>户外广告场地费、建筑费占用费的收费标准,由当地工商行政管理机关 会同物价、城建部门协商制订,报当地人民政府批准。<}0{>Rates of fees to be charged for the use of places and buildings for outdoor advertisements shall be fixed through consultations by local administrative departments for industry and commerce with those in charge of price control and urban construction and reported to local people's governments for approval.<0}

{0>  第十六条 广告经营者必须按照国家规定设置广告会计帐簿,依法纳税,并接受财政、审计、工商行政管理部门的监督检查。 <}0{>Article 16. Advertising operators must, according to the relevant prescriptions of the State, set up bookkeeping records, pay taxes according to law and subject themselves to the control and inspection by the administrative departments respectively in charge of finance, auditing and industry and commerce.<0}

{0>  第十七条 广告经营者承办或者代理广告业务,应当与客户或者被代理人签订书面 合同,明确各方的责任。 <}0{>Article 17. In undertaking or acting as agents in advertising business, advertising operators shall sign with advertisers or those who have entrusted them with the business written contracts that shall stipulate explicitly each party's responsibilities.<0}

{0>  第十八条 广告客户或者广告经营者违反本条例规定,由工商行政管理机关根据情 节轻重,分别给予下列处罚: <}0{>Article 18. Advertisers or advertising operators who have violated the provisions of these Regulations shall be given the following penalties by administrative departments for industry and commerce according to the seriousness of the cases:<0}

{0>  ()停止发布广告; <}0{>(1) Stopping advertising;<0}

{0>  ()责令公开更正; <}0{>(2) Making public corrections as ordered;<0}

{0>  ()通报批评; <}0{>(3) Circulating a notice of criticism;<0}

{0>  ()没收非未能所得; <}0{>(4) Confiscation of the illegal gains;<0}

{0>  ()罚款; <}0{>(5) Fines;<0}

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