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中英对照法律资源--国务院关于工人退休退职的暂行办法          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

d allowance is less than 20 yuan, the actual amount paid shall be 20 yuan.<0}

{0>第六条 退休工人易地安家的,一般由原单位一次发给一百五十元的安家补助费。从大中城市到农村安家的,发给三百元。<}0{>Article 6 Retired workers, who resettle elsewhere, are in general paid a lump sum of 150 yuan by their former units as resettlement subsidy, and those who move from large and medium-sized cities to resettle in the rural areas are paid 300 yuan. <0}

{0>退职工人易地安家的,可以发给相当于本人两个月标准工资的安家补助费。<}0{>Resigned workers who resettle elsewhere may be paid a resettlement subsidy in a lump sum equivalent to two months their standard wage.<0}

{0>第七条 工人退休、退职的时候,本人及其供养的直系亲属前往居住地点途中所需的车船费、旅馆费、行李搬运费和伙食补助费,都按照现行的规定办理。<}0{>Article 7 When workers retire or resign, their travelling expenses, hotel accommodation on the way to their new residence, transportation of their personal effects and food subsidies as well as those of their lineal dependents are paid according to regulations in force.<0}

{0>第八条 退休、退职工人本人,可以继续享受公费医疗待遇。<}0{>Article 8 Workers who retire or resign may themselves continue to enjoy free medical care.<0}

{0>第九条 工人的退休费、退职生活费,企业单位,由企业行政支付;党政机关、群众团体和事业单位,由退休、退职工人居住地方的县级民政部门另列预算支付。<}0{>Article 9 Retirement pension and subsistence allowance for workers are paid by the management of their former enterprises; for Party and government organs, mass organizations and public institutions, the county level civil affairs departments of their abode should be responsible for such payments from separate budgets.<0}

{0>第十条 工人退休、退职后,家庭生活确实困难的,或多子女上山下乡、子女就业少的,原则上可以招收其一名符合招工条件的子女参加工作。<}0{>Article 10 After retirement or resignation, when workers truly have financial difficulties in their livelihood, or many of their children have been sent working in the rural or mountainous areas, or few of their children are employed , in principle one of their children may be employed as worker. <0}

{0>招收的子女,可以是按政策规定留城的知识青年,可以是上山下乡知识青年,也可以是城镇应届中学毕业生。<}0{>The new recruit may be an educated youth permitted to stay in the urban area as defined by relevant policy, or an educated youth working in the rural or mountainous area, or a secondary school graduate.<0}

{0>我国农业生产水平还比较低,粮食还没有过关,对增加城镇和其他吃商品粮的人口,必须严加控制。<}0{>As the level of agricultural production in our country is father low, and as there is not enough foodgrains for the whole population, it is necessary to strictly control increases in the urban population and those who live on grains sold on the market. <0}

{0>因此,家居农村的退休、退职工人,应尽量回到农村安置,本人户口迁回农村的,也可以招收他们在农村的一名符合招工条件的子女参加工作;退休、退职工人回农村后,其口粮由所在生产队供应。<}0{>Therefore, retired or resigned workers who reside in the rural areas should as far as possible resettle in their home-village; for those who change their registration of permanent domicile back to the rural area, one of their eligible rural-based children may be employed as worker; the grain ration for such retirees and resigned workers shall be supplied by the production brigades after their return.<0}

{0>招收退休、退职工人的子女,应当由当地劳动部门统一安排。招收子女的具体办法,由省、市、自治区根据上述原则结合本地区的实际情况自行规定。<}0{>Recruitment of children of retired or resigned workers should be handled by the local labor departments in a unified way. the recruitment procedures should be worked out by the provincial, municipal or autonomous regions themselves in line with the above-mentioned principles and with the actual local situation.<0}

{0>第十一条 工人退休、退职后,不要继续留在全民所有制单位。<}0{>Article 11 Workers, having retired or resigned, should not remain in units of public ownership.<0}

{0>他们到城镇街道、农村社队后,街道组织和社队要加强对他们的管理教育,关心他们的生活,注意发挥他们的积极作用。<}0{> The urban neighbourhood organizations, or rural communes or production brigades to whom they are attached after their return , should strengthen their administration and education, take good care of their livelihood, and encourage them to display their initiative. <0}

{0>街道、社队集体所有制单位如果需要退休、退职工人从事力所能及的工作,可以付给一定的报酬,但连同本人退休费或退职生活费在内,不能超过本人在职时的标准工资。<}0{>In the event of need for retired workers to take up work within their capabilities, a certain amount of remuneration is payable. However , together with their pension or allowance, their total income should not exceed their standard wage at their former workpost.<0}

{0>对于单身在外地工作的工人,退休、退职后要求迁到家属所在地居住的,迁入地区应当准予落户。<}0{>Those, who live alone away from their hometown and who, after retirement of resignation, apply for returning to the place of abode of their family, should be approved to move back and become registered residents.<0}

{0>第十二条 各地区、各部门、各单位要切实加强对工人退休、退职工作的领导。对应该退休、退职的工人,要做好深入细致的思想政治工作,动员他们退休、退职。退休、退职工作要分期分批进行。<}0{>Article 12 All districts, departments and units should earnestly provide more effective guidance to the work of resettling the retired and resigned workers. Penetrating and painstaking ideological work should be taken up among those who ought to retire or resign by persuading them to do so. Such work should be carried out in stages and in groups. <0}

{0>要严格掌握退休、退职条件和招工条件,防止因招收退休、退职工人子女而任意扩大退休、退职范围和降低招工质量。<}0{>Strict control should be imposed on the conditions for retirement, resignation or recruitment , guarding against any indiscriminate extension of retirement coverage or lowering of recruitment requirements.<0}

{0>第十三条 集体所有制企业、事业单位工人的退休、退职,由省、市、自治区革命委员会参照本办法,结合本地区集体所有制单位的实际情况,自行制定具体办法,其各项待遇,不得高于本办法所定的标准。<}0{>Article 13 Retirement or resignation of workers in collectively-owned enterprises or undertakings is taken care of by provincial, municipal or autonomous regional revolutionary committees, which in accordance with the actual conditions of collective units in the area should themselves work out the procedures. However, the benefits should not exceed those specified in the present regulations.<0}

{0>第十四条 过去有关工人退休、退职的规定与本办法不一致的,按本办法执行。<}0{>Article 14 In the event of discrepancies between the past and the present stipulations, the present regulations should prevail.  <0}

{0>已按有关规定办理了退休的工人,其退休费标准低于本办法所定标准的,自本办法下达之月起,改按本办法规定的标准发给,但解放战争时期参加革命工作,连续工龄不满二十年的,只按本人标准工资的百分之七十五发给。<}0{>Workers who have already retired according to previous regulations and whose pension is below the norms set in the present regulations, should be changed accordingly from the month when the present regulations come into force. But for those, who joined revolutionary activities in the period of the Liberation War. and whose seniority of continuous service is less than 20 years, a cash pension equivalent to only 75 per cent of their standard wage shall be paid.<0}

{0>改变退休费标准后的差额部分一律不予补发。已按有关规定办理了退职的工人,其待遇一律不再变动。<}0{>Workers shall not be eligible for repayment of any discrepancies due to the change of rates. Workers who have already resigned

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