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中英对照法律资源--国务院关于批准国家高新技术产业开发区和有关政策规定的通知          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

y industries approved by the State Council and the promotion of the development of new and high technology industries in China.<0}

{0>第二条 国家高新技术产业开发区(以下简称开发区)内的高新技术企业,按照本办法认定。<}0{>Article 2 New and high technology enterprises in the national development zones for new and high technology industries (hereinafter referred to as the development zones) shall be acknowledged and determined in accordance with these Measures.<0}

{0>第三条 省、自治区、直辖市、计划单列市科学技术委员会(以下简称省、市科委)是省、自治区、直辖市计划单列市人民政府管理开发区内高新技术企业认定工作的主管机关,负责监督本办法的实施。<}0{>Article 3 The science and technology commissions of provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government and cities separately listed in planning (hereinafter referred to as the provincial or municipal science and technology commissions) shall be the competent organs responsible for acknowledging and determining new and high technology enterprises in the development zones and for supervising the implementation of these Measures under the people’s governments of provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government and cities separately listed in planning. <0}

{0>开发区办公室在人民政府领导和省、市科委指导监督下,具体办理高新技术企业的审批认定事宜。<}0{>The offices of the development zones shall, under the leadership of the relevant people’s governments and under the guidance of the relevant provincial or municipal science and technology commissions, handle the specific matters in examining and approving the acknowledgement and determination of new and high technology enterprises.<0}

{0>第四条 根据世界科学技术发展现状,划定高新技术范围如下:<}0{>Article 4 In line with the current state of scientific and technical development across the world, the scope of new and high technologies is defined as follows: <0}

{0>(一)微电子科学和电子信息技术<}0{>(1) microelectronics and electronic information technology; <0}

{0>(二)空间科学和航空航天技术<}0{>(2) space science and aero/space technology; <0}

{0>(三)光电子科学和光机电一体化技术<}0{>(3) photoelectronics and photo-mechanic-electronic integration technology; <0}

{0>(四)生命科学和生物工程技术<}0{>(4) life science and bioengineering technology; <0}

{0>(五)材料科学和新材料技术<}0{>(5) materials science and new-material technology; <0}

{0>(六)能源科学和新能源、高效节能技术<}0{>(6) energy science and new energy technology and efficient energy-saving technology; <0}

{0>(七)生态科学和环境保护技术<}0{>(7) ecology science and environmental protection technology; <0}

{0>(八)地球科学和海洋工程技术<}0{>(8) earth science and marine engineering technology; <0}

{0>(九)基本物质科学和辐射技术<}0{>(9) science of fundamental matters and radiation technology; <0}

{0>(十)医药科学和生物医学工程<}0{>(10) medicine science and biomedical engineering; <0}

{0>(十一)其它在传统产业基础上应用的新工艺、新技术。<}0{>(11) other new processes and technologies applied on the basis of traditional industries.<0}

{0>本高新技术范围将根据国内外高新技术的不断发展而进行补充和修订,由国家科委发布。<}0{>This scope of new and high technologies will be supplemented and revised in accordance with the continuous development of new and high technologies at home and abroad, and the State Science and Technology Commission shall announce the supplemented and revised scope.<0}

{0>第五条 高新技术企业是知识密集、技术密集的经济实体。<}0{>Article 5 A new and high technology enterprise shall be an intellect-intensive and technology-intensive economic entity. <0}

{0>开发区内的高新技术企业,必须具备下列各项条件:<}0{>The new and high technology enterprise in a development zone shall meet the following requirements: <0}

{0>(一)从事本办法第四条规定范围内一种或多种高新技术及其产品的研究、开发、生产和经营业务。单纯的商业经营除外。<}0{>(1) being engaged in the research, development, production and business operations of one or several high technologies and related products as specified in Article 4 of these Measures, excluding purely commercial business operations; <0}

{0>(二)实行独立核算、自主经营、自负盈亏。<}0{>(2) being independent in accounting and management, and responsible for its own profits and losses; <0}

{0>(三)企业的负责人是熟悉本企业产品研究、开发、生产和经营的科技人员,并且是本企业的专职人员。<}0{>(3) being headed by scientific and technical personnel who are familiar with the research, development, production and business operations of the enterprise’s products, and are full-time employees of the enterprise; <0}

{0>(四)具有大专以上学历的科技人员占企业职工总数的30%以上;从事高新技术产品研究、开发的科技人员应占企业职工总数的10%以上。<}0{>(4) having scientific and technical personnel with the educational qualification at or above the level of higher learning who shall account for at least 30 percent of the enterprise’s total staffs and workers; among them at least 10 percent being engaged in research and development of new and high technology products; <0}

{0>从事高新技术产品生产或服务的劳动密集型高新技术企业,具有大专以上学历的科技人员占企业职工总数的20%以上。<}0{>As for the labour-intensive new and high technology enterprises which are engaged in the production of new and high technology products or service, the scientific and technical personnel with educational qualifications at or above the level of higher learning shall account for at least 20 percent of their total staffs and workers; <0}

{0>(五)有十万元以上资金,并有与其业务规模相适应的经营场所和设施。<}0{>(5) possessing a capital amounting to or exceeding one hundred thousand yuan (RMB), as well as premises and facilities commensurate with the scale of the business operation; <0}

{0>(六)用于高新技术及其产品研究、开发的经费应占本企业每年总收入的3%以上。<}0{>(6) spending at least 3 percent of the enterprise’s annual gross income on the research and development of new and high technology and related products; <0}


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