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中英对照法律资源--国务院批转外国投资管理委员会、邮电部关于禁止各单位以及外商在我境内办理          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

{0>国务院批转外国投资管理委员会、邮电部关于禁止各单位以及外商在我境内办理速递文件业务的请示的通知(一九八一年一月十九日<}0{>Circular of the State Council Concerning the Approval and Transmission of the Request for Instructions of the Administrative Commission for Foreign Investment and the Ministry of Post and Telecommunications on Forbidding Any Units or Foreign Businessmen to Engage in Express Delivery of Documents in Our Country(January 19, 1981)<0}

{0>国务院同意外国投资管理委员会、邮电部《关于禁止各单位以及外商在我境内办理速递文件业务的请示》。<}0{>The State Council has approved the Request for Instructions on Forbidding Any Units or Foreign Businessmen to Engage in Express Delivery of Documents in Our Country sent by the Administrative Commission for Foreign Investment and the Ministry of Post and Telecommunications. <0}

{0>现批转给你们,望按照执行。<}0{>It is hereby transmitted to you for implementation.<0}


{0>国际特快专递业务(有的国家和地区称为速递文件业务),是最近十几年国际间兴起的一种新的邮政业务。<}0{>International express delivery (also called special delivery of documents in some countries and regions) is a new postal service emerged in the world only over 10 years ago. <0}

{0>这项特快专递业务是从寄件人手中收寄特快专递邮件后,按事先预定的航班发运,途中运输紧密衔接,到寄达邮局后由专门人员立即投送收件人。<}0{>By this postal service, express delivery mail from the addresser shall be transported with schedule flights, through closely-link transport means on the way, to the post office at the destination, where it is immediately delivered to the addressee by hand. <0}

{0>这项业务的特点是交寄方便、运输迅速、按时投递、保证安全。<}0{>This service is characterized by convenience, speediness, timeliness and safety. <0}

{0>整个邮递过程比一般航空邮件快得较多,收费比一般航空邮件较高。<}0{>The delivery is much faster than ordinary, air mail, though the charge is also higher. <0}

{0>办好这项业务既能为用户提供良好的服务,又可增加企业收入。<}0{>Providing express delivery not only offers good service to customers, but also increases the revenues. <0}

{0>我国邮政自一九八0年七月十五日后,已同世界上十几个国家开办了特快专递邮件业务。<}0{>Since July 15, 1980, the Ministry of Post and Telecommunications of our country has established express delivery with more than a dozen countries in the world. <0}

{0>随着我国民经济的发展,我国邮政与各国邮政间的特快专递邮件业务也将随之发展起来。<}0{>With the development of our national economy, this service will further develop between China and other countries in the world.<0}

{0>一九八0年四、五月间,香港敦豪公司与广东省广州市邮局商办速递文件业务。<}0{>Sometime in April and May, 1980, DHL-SINOTRANS Ltd. in Hong Kong held discussion with the Guangzhou Municipal Post Office in Guangdong Province about the express delivery service. <0}

{0>同年八、九月间,美国敦豪公司又同我外贸部咨询与技术服务公司商办速递文件业务。<}0{>In August and September the same year, Dunhao Company in the United States also held discussions with the Consultation and Technical Service Company of the Ministry of Foreign Trade for the same purpose. <0}

{0>他们这种要求,实际上就是国外私人企业在我国领土上设立办理国际邮件业务的“邮局”。<}0{>They were, in fact, asking for the establishment of "a post office" by foreign private enterprises in order to handle international mails in the Chinese territory. <0}

{0>他们不仅要求我国用户按照其有关规章办理,而且要由该公司自行制订收费标准,我邮政无权过问。<}0{>According to their plan, the Chinese customers should observe their relevant regulations and, moreover, they would fix their own charge standards, in which our postal service has no right to intervene. <0}

{0>这不仅有损于我国主权、邮政经营管理权和经济利益,也将会造成我国邮政通信管理上的混乱。<}0{>This would not only infringe upon our sovereignty, right of postal management and administration and economic interests, but also cause disorder in the administration of post and communications in our country. <0}

{0>因此,不能允许国外任何私人企业在我国经营邮政通信和速递文件业务。<}0{>Therefore, no foreign private enterprises are allowed to engage in the business of postal communication and express delivery of documents. <0}

{0>对此,邮电部商得外国投资管理委员会的同意,分别于一九八0年七月二十三日、九月十二日告知广东省邮电管理局和外贸部,以邮政通信包括信函、印刷品、文件资料的进出口传递业务应统由邮电部邮政总局管理和办理为由予以制止。<}0{>In this connection, the Ministry of Post and Telecommunications, with the agreement of the Administrative Commission for Foreign Investment, notified the Administration for Postal Affairs of Guangdong Province and the Ministry of Foreign Trade on July 23, 1980 and September 12, 1980 respectively that they must stop their negotiations with the relevant companies on the ground that the delivery of letters, printed matters, documents and materials must all be administered and managed by the General Post Office of the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications.<0}

{0>一九八0年十月下旬,美国艾德曼公司开始在北京国际俱乐部私自办理速递文件业务。<}0{>In late October, 1980, American ALTMAN Co. of the United States started the service of express delivery of documents at the International Club in Beijing without authorization. <0}

{0>艾德曼公司现在国际俱乐部租有办公室,并从北京市友谊商业服务公司雇用工作人员一人,负责办理速递文件业务的具体投递等事宜。<}0{>American ALTMAN Co. has rented an office from the club and hired a staff member from the Friendship Commercial Services Company of Beijing Municipality in charge of the actual business. <0}

{0>到目前为止已由北京民航局收到自巴黎、香港和美国发来的速递文件数件,由该公司雇用的工作人员送投收件人。<}0{>Up to now, several documents have arrived at the Beijing Civil Aviation Administration by special delivery from Paris, Hong Kong and the United States and have been delivered to the addressees by the employee. <0}

{0>外国私人公司来我国争办特快专递邮件业务的目的,是为了夺揽我国和世界各国或地区的来往速递文件业务。<}0{>The purpose of the foreign private enterprises in vying for express delivery service in China is to seize the business of express delivery of documents between China and other countries and regions in the world. <0}

{0>美国敦豪公司的一名顾问曾称,敦豪公司急于来中国开办速递文件业务,主要是想争个最先来中国的资格,打算先赔三至四年钱,但以后会赚大钱。<}0{>A consultant of DHL-SINOTRANS Ltd. in the United States once said that the company was eager to start the business of express delivery in China, mainly because it wanted to be the first of such companies; it was ready to lose money on the venture for first three to four years, but it expected to make big money later. <0}

{0>我们认为,对于美国艾德曼公司在北京私办速递文件业务的行为,应予以制止。<}0{>We hold that American ALTMAN Co.’s unauthorized business

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