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中英对照法律资源--国务院办公厅转发外国投资管理委员会关于执行《中华人民共和国国务院关于管          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

8日,中华人民共和国工商行政管理总局《关于外国企业常驻代表机构办理登记事项的通知》第四条规定已经省、市、自治区人民政府或所属主管部门批准的外国企业常驻代表机构或常驻代表是指国务院19801030日发布《暂行规定》以前批准的外国企业常驻代表机构; <山西省新绛县> (11) Article 4 of "Circular Concerning Registration of Resident Representative Offices of Foreign Enterprises" promulgated by the General Administration for Industry and Commerce of the People’s Republic of China on December 8, 1980, provides: "the resident representative offices, or the resident representatives, of foreign enterprises approved by the competent departments of the people’s governments of the province, municipality directly under the Central Government, and autonomous region" refer to the resident representative offices of foreign enterprises approved before the promulgation of the "Interim Provisions" by the State Council on October 30, 1980. 《暂行规定》发布以后外国企业申请在华设常驻代表机构,按《暂行规定》办理。 <山西省新绛县>  Applications for the setting up of resident representative offices submitted by foreign enterprises after the promulgation of the "Interim Provisions" shall be handled in accordance with the "Interim Provisions". 十二、外商申请在北京以外的城市设常驻代表机构,除银行业、航空运输业必须直接向《暂行规定》第四条所列有关主管部门提出申请外,其它行业,应根据其业务性质,分别向所在省、市、自治区的外贸局、交通局或国务院其它主管部、委、局对口的厅、局提出申请,然后由这些部门签署意见,转报《暂行规定》第四条所列有关主管部门审批。 <山西省新绛县> (12) In the event that foreign businessmen apply for permission to set up resident representative offices in cities other than Beijing, with the exception of such trades as banking or air transportation - the applications shall be submitted directly to the competent departments listed in Article 4 of the "Interim Provisions", all other trades shall, in light of the nature of their respective businesses, apply accordingly to the local bureau of foreign trade or bureau of communications of the province, municipality directly under the Central Government, or autonomous region, or to the departments or bureaus in the localities, which have a direct business relationship with the ministries, commissions or bureaus under the State Council; and the aforesaid departments shall, in turn, write their comments on the written applications and forward same, for examination and approval, to the competent departments concerned listed in Article 4 of the "Interim Provisions". 十三、除银行业、航空运输业外,外商申请在广东、福建两省设常驻代表机构的,由省人民政府审批; <山西省新绛县> (13) With the exception of such trades as banking and air transportation, in case that foreign businessmen apply for the permission to set up resident representative offices in the two provinces of Guangdong and Fujian, their applications shall be submitted to the provincial governments for examination and approval.  在深圳、珠海、厦门等经济特区设常驻代表机构的,由省经济特区管理委员会审批。 <山西省新绛县> In case that resident representative offices are to be set up in the Shenzhen, Zhuhai and Xiamen Special Economic Zones, the applications shall be submitted for examination and approval to the provincial committee for the administration of special economic zones. 十四、华侨、港澳同胞、台湾同胞在国外开设的企业要求在国内(包括广东、福建两省及经济特区)设立常驻代表机构,参照《暂行规定》及本说明办理。 <山西省新绛县> (14) If enterprises established and run abroad by overseas Chinese, by compatriots from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, wish to set up resident representative offices in China (including Guangdong and Fujian Provinces and the special economic zones), their applications shall be dealt with reference to the "Interim Provisions" and this Clarification. 十五、《暂行规定》及本说明执行中遇到需要加以解释和解决的问题,由国家外国投资管理委员会负责组织协调处理。 <山西省新绛县> (15) Should problems arise in the course of the execution of the "interim Provisions" and of this Clarification, and that explanation and solutions are called for, they shall be handled through coordination and consultation by the State Commission for the Administration of Foreign Investments.
该贴于2005-11-12 12:28:26被老 西编辑过

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