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中英对照法律资源--价格违法行为行政处罚规定          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

s. 第八条经营者不执行法定的价格干预措施、紧急措施,有下列行为之一的,责令改正,没收违法所得,可以并处违法所得5倍以下的罚款; <山西县新绛县> Article 8 If the operator fails to implement legally prescribed measures on price-intervening as well as urgent measures, under any of the following circumstances, he/she shall be ordered to make corrections, 没有违法所得的,可以处4万元以上40万元以下的罚款;情节严重的,责令停业整顿: <山西县新绛县> the illegal income shall be confiscated, and a fine of no less than the illegal income may also be imposed; if no illegal income is involved, the operator may be fined no less than RMB40, 000 but not more than RMB400, 000; and if the circumstances are serious, the operator shall be ordered to suspend business for internal rectifications:  (一)不执行提价申报或者调价备案制度的; <山西县新绛县> (1) Failing to implement the system under which the price in rise shall be declared and the change of price shall be put on record;  (二)超过规定的差价率、利润率幅度的; <山西县新绛县> (2) Exceeding the range of price differences rate and profit rate;  (三)不执行规定的限价、最低保护价的; <山西县新绛县> (3) Failing to implement the prescribe fixed price or minimum protective price;  (四)不执行集中定价权限措施的; <山西县新绛县> (4) Failing to implement the joint measures on price-fixing limit of authority;  (五)不执行冻结价格措施的; <山西县新绛县> (5) Failing to implement the measures on freezing prices; or  (六)不执行法定的价格干预措施、紧急措施的其他行为。 <山西县新绛县> (6) Failing to conduct other acts of implementing legally prescribed price-intervening measures or urgent measures. 第九条本规定第四条至第八条规定中经营者为个人的,对其没有违法所得的价格违法行为,可以处5万元以下的罚款。 <山西县新绛县> Article 9 If the operator provided in Articles 4-8 is an individual, and he/she has committed price offenses but has no illegal income, he/she may be fined not more than RMB50, 000. 第十条经营者违反法律、法规的规定牟取暴利的,责令改正,没收违法所得,可以并处违法所得5倍以下的罚款;情节严重的,责令停业整顿,或者由工商行政管理机关吊销营业执照。 <山西县新绛县> Article 10 If the operator has reaped staggering profits in violation of regulations provided by laws and regulations, he/she shall be ordered to make corrections, his/her illegal income shall be confiscated, and a fine of no less than 5 times of the income may be imposed; and if the circumstances are serious, the operator shall be ordered to suspend business for internal rectification, or the administration for industry and commerce shall revoke his/her business license. 第十一条经营者违反明码标价规定,有下列行为之一的,责令改正,没收违法所得,可以并处5000元以下的罚款: <山西县新绛县> Article 11 If the operator has violated the regulations on selling at expressly marked prices under the any of the following circumstances, he/she shall be ordered to make corrections, his/her illegal income shall be confiscated, and a fine of not more than RMB5, 000 may be imposed: (一)不标明价格的; <山西县新绛县> (1) Failing to mark prices; (二)不按照规定的内容和方式明码标价的; <山西县新绛县> (2) Failing to mark prices in accordance with prescribed contents and ways;  (三)在标价之外加价出售商品或者收取未标明的费用的; <山西县新绛县> (3) Selling commodities at a price higher than the marked price or charging fees which have not been marked; or  (四)违反明码标价规定的其他行为。 <山西县新绛县> (4) Conducting other acts in violation of the regulations of marking prices expressly. 第十二条拒绝提供价格监督检查所需资料或者提供虚假资料的,责令改正,给予警告;逾期不改正的,可以处5万元以下的罚款,对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员给予纪律处分。 <山西县新绛县> Article 12 If the operator refuses to produce materials needed for supervision over price control or produces false materials, he/she shall be ordered to make corrections, and shall be given a warning; and if he/she fails to do so beyond the time limit, no less than RMB50, 000 shall be fined. In addition, the administrators and other persons held directly responsible shall be given disciplinary sanctions. 第十三条政府价格主管部门进行价格监督检查时,发现经营者的违法行为同时具有下列三种情形的,可以依照价格法第三十四条第(三)项的规定责令其暂停相关营业: <山西县新绛县> Article 13 If the competent governmental agency for price, while conducting supervision and inspection over price, has found the offenses of the operator under all three of the following circumstances, it may order the operator to suspend relevant operations in accordance with the regulations provided in Item (3) of Article 34 of Law of Price:  (一)违法行为情节复杂或者情节严重,经查明后可能给予较重处罚的; <山西县新绛县> (1) Where the circumstances of the offence are complex or serious, and may be given relatively severe penalties after it is ascertained through investigation;  (二)不暂停相关营业,违法行为将继续的; <山西县新绛县> (2) Where relevant operations are not suspended, the offence could continue; or  (三)不暂停相关营业,可能影响违法事实的认定,采取其他措施又不足以保证查明的。 <山西县新绛县> (3) Where relevant operations are not suspended, the verification of the offence might be affected, but other measures are not sufficient to ensure the verification.  政府价格主管部门进行价格监督检查时,执法人员不得少于两人,并应当向经营者或者有关人员出示证件。 <山西县新绛县> If the competent governmental agency is to conduct supervision and inspection over price, at least two law enforcement officers shall be needed and the officers shall produce their certificates to the operator or other personnel concerned. 第十四条经营者因价格违法行为致使消费者或者其他经营者多付价款的,责令限期退还; <山西县新绛县> Article 14 If the operator has caused the consumer or other operators to pay more money as a result of his/her price offence, he/she shall be ordered to return the money within a time limit;  难于查找多付价款的消费者、经营者的,责令公告查找; <山西县新绛县> if it is difficult to find the consumers or operators who have paid more money than necessary, the operator shall be ordered to make announcement for finding them;  公告期限届满仍无法退还的价款,以违法所得论处。 <山西县新绛县> and if the money paid for purchase fails to be returned after the announcement period expires, the money shall be considered illegal gains. 第十五条经营者有行政处罚法第二十七条所列情形的,应当依法从轻或者减轻处罚。 <山西县新绛县> Article 15 If the operator shall be imposed upon with a light punishment or a mitigated punishment according to law under the circumstances provided in Article 27 of Law on Disciplinary Sanctions  经营者有下列情形之一的,应当从重处罚: <山西县新绛县> If the operator is under any of the following circumstances, he/she shall be punished seriously:  (一)价格违法行为严重或者社会影响较大的; <山西县新绛县> (1) The price offence is serious and has great social effects;  (二)屡查屡犯的; <山西县新绛县> (2) Committing offences repeatedly one after another;  (三)伪造、涂改或者转移、销毁证据的; <山西县新绛县> (3) Falsify, alter, transfer, destroy evidences; (四)转移与价格违法行为有关的资金或者商品的; <山西县新绛县> (4) Transfer the capital or commodities in collection with the price offence; or  (五)应予从重处罚的其他价格违法行为。 <山西县新绛县> (5) Other price offences which shall be given a severe punishment. 第十六条经营者对政府价格主管部门作出的处罚决定不服的,应当先依法申请行政复议;对行政复议决定不服的,可以依法向人民法院提起诉讼。 <山西县新绛县> Article 16 If the operator does not accept the decision on penalties made by the governmental authority for price, he/she shall in the first place apply for administrative review; and if the operator still disagree with the decision of the administrative review, he/she may file a lawsuit according to law with a People’s Court. 第十七条逾期不缴纳罚款的,每日按罚款数额的3%加处罚款;逾期不缴纳违法所得的,每日按违法所得数额的2加处罚款。 <山西县新绛县> Article 17 If the fine has not been paid beyond the time limit, 3% of the fine shall be added each day; if illegal gains

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